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Books: Christianity
Marcus and Miriam: A story of Jesus   Marcus and Miriam: A story of Jesus
Rebecca Ruter Springer

Marcus and Miriam: A Story of Jesus" is a historical fiction novel by Rebecca Ruter Springer, first published in 1908. The story follows the lives of two… more
The Philosophical Possibilities Beyond Death: Exploring the Evidence from Psychical Research   The Philosophical Possibilities Beyond Death: Exploring the Evidence from Psychical Research
Brooke Noel Moore PhD

In this engaging and comprehensive book, the philosopher Brooke Noel Moore provides a unique synthesis of the philosophical and parapsychological aspects… more
Death and Immortality in the Religions of the World   Death and Immortality in the Religions of the World
Paul and Linda Badham

Most of the world’s religions hold a belief in some form of life after death. The editors of this major anthology seek a global perspective on the importance… more
New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Is There Life After Death?   New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Is There Life After Death?
Jeffrey Mishlove

During the past five decades, psychologist and parapsychologist Jeffrey Mishlove has been dialoguing with scientists, academics, experiencers, historians… more
An Inconvenient Convent: An Abbot Peter Mystery   An Inconvenient Convent: An Abbot Peter Mystery
Simon Parke

It is another case for D.I. Shah and Abbot Peter, as they attempt to find the murderer among the saints by the sea. Who could hate her so much – and why? more
To Die is Gain: Near-Death Experience and the Art of Dying Before We Die   To Die is Gain: Near-Death Experience and the Art of Dying Before We Die
Johann Christoph Hampe

Simultaneous with Raymond Moody’s landmark book "Life After Life," Johann Christoph Hampe independently “discovered” near-death experiences in the 1970s.… more
A Hearse at Midnight: An Abbot Peter Mystery   A Hearse at Midnight: An Abbot Peter Mystery
Simon Parke

‘Daffodils freeze and shrubs cry in Stormhaven. They call it ‘The Beast from the East’ and the temperature’s unholy; it crucifies all with cruel nails… more
Gospel: Rumours of Love   Gospel: Rumours of Love
Simon Parke

First century Palestine is a region glued together by hate. The Roman invaders rule, the Jewish authorities collude while the enraged and desperate plot… more
God is With Us: What Near-Death and Other Spiritually Transformative Experiences Teach Us About God and Afterlife   God is With Us: What Near-Death and Other Spiritually Transformative Experiences Teach Us About God and Afterlife
Ken R. Vincent

Over a century ago, William James in "Varieties of Religious Experience" made the case that, “The founders of every church owed their power originally… more
More Spirit Teachings: Further Examples of Remarkable Communication from Beyond   More Spirit Teachings: Further Examples of Remarkable Communication from Beyond
William Stainton Moses aka M. A. Oxon

"More Spirit Teachings", first published in 1892, follows on from Spirit Teachings expounding wisdom and truths from Imperator and his group of discarnate… more
Spirit Teachings: Through the Mediumship of William Stainton Moses   Spirit Teachings: Through the Mediumship of William Stainton Moses
William Stainton Moses aka M. A. Oxon

William Stainton Moses, an Anglican priest, authored "Spirit Teachings" in 1883, nine years before his passing. It is now considered a classic in the Spiritualist… more
The Secret Testament of Julian   The Secret Testament of Julian
Simon Parke

Julian of Norwich was the first woman in the world to write a book in English, and yet had largely disappeared from view until her rediscovery during the… more
Jesus and the Near-Death Experience: Testimonies of the ascended Christ   Jesus and the Near-Death Experience: Testimonies of the ascended Christ
Roy L. Hill

The ministry of Jesus has been celebrated by billions of people over the last two millennia. Perhaps no single person has transformed the world more. Many… more
The Esoteric Teachings of the Gnostics   The Esoteric Teachings of the Gnostics
Frances Swiney

Though Gnosticism long preceded Christianity, the Gnostics were the first Christians; they accepted Christ in the full realization of the word; his life,… more
When did you ever become less by dying? AFTERLIFE: The Evidence   When did you ever become less by dying? AFTERLIFE: The Evidence
Stafford Betty

In this book Professor Stafford Betty pulls together the best evidences for survival of death. The very best, he maintains, come from psychical research.… more
How To Understand Your Bible: A Philosopher's Interpretation of Obscure and Puzzling Passages   How To Understand Your Bible: A Philosopher's Interpretation of Obscure and Puzzling Passages
Manly P. Hall

In spite of human prejudice to the contrary, there is but one religion and one truth, and all the great faiths of the world are parts or fragments of the… more
Writing on the Ground   Writing on the Ground
Wellesley Tudor Pole

In "Writing on the Ground", Wellesley Tudor Pole continues where he left off in "A Man Seen Afar". more
The Shining Brother   The Shining Brother
Laurence Temple

"The Shining Brother," first published more than 50 years ago, remains as fresh as ever thanks to it's dynamic but gentle message. It includes many scripts… more
The Severed Breast   The Severed Breast
Stafford Betty

The queen of the great Chola Empire has taken the tall, light-skinned saint from the mysterious West for her guru and, as if predestined by some primordial… more
The Life Beyond the Veil: The Highlands of Heaven: Volume 2   The Life Beyond the Veil: The Highlands of Heaven: Volume 2
Rev. George Vale Owen

The now famous Vale Owen messages began after the mother of the Vicar of Orford, the Rev. George Vale Owen, passed away in 1909. Shortly afterwards, Vale… more
Psychology and the Near-Death Experience: Searching for God   Psychology and the Near-Death Experience: Searching for God
Roy L. Hill

Near-death experiences tantalize the public’s interest in what lies beyond the final human breath. Answers have been streaming by the thousands during… more
Christ in You   Christ in You

Christ in You is a rare treasure sent to us from a higher plane of consciousness. We are told at the beginning of the book that this physical dimension… more
The Certainty of Eternity: The Story of Australia's Greatest Medium   The Certainty of Eternity: The Story of Australia's Greatest Medium
L. C. Danby

Many people who are interested in physical mediumship have heard of mediums such as D. D. Home, Franek Kluski, Leslie flint, and more latterly, David Thompson.… more
Heaven and Hell Unveiled: Updates from the World of Spirit.   Heaven and Hell Unveiled: Updates from the World of Spirit.
Stafford Betty

Heaven and hell—are they real places, or are they fantasies invented to inspire good behavior and overcome our fear of dying? In this book Stafford Betty,… more
Harmony of the Universe: The Science Behind Healing, Prayer and Spiritual Development   Harmony of the Universe: The Science Behind Healing, Prayer and Spiritual Development
Andrew Glazewski with Paul Kieniewicz

Harmony of the Universe takes us on a journey to the heart of nature where we find music, mathematical proportions, and the fields that organize… more
God’s Fingerprints: Impressions of Near Death Experiences   God’s Fingerprints: Impressions of Near Death Experiences
Jody Long

The Near Death Experience or N.D.E. is becoming the most talked about phenomenon of the 21st century. All over the world people experience life threatening… more
One Minute Meditation   One Minute Meditation
Simon Parke

A book of short meditations for use wherever you find yourself - on the bus, at the doctors, in your bedroom or by the pool. The third in Simon’s One-Minute… more
Light Changes: Experiences in the Presence of Transforming Light   Light Changes: Experiences in the Presence of Transforming Light
Annekatrin Puhle Ph.D.

Ever since the dawn of recorded history, humans have reported encounters with an exceptional light which appeared to them to be different, more intense,… more
The Physical Phenomena of Mysticism   The Physical Phenomena of Mysticism
Herbert Thurston

The Physical Phenomena of Mysticism by Herbert Thurston is the result of the author’s tireless study of a wide range of psychic phenomena, including,… more
The Enneagram   The Enneagram
Simon Parke

The Enneagram is a time-honoured way of understanding personality types and human behavior. It is both ancient and modern. Developed over 1500 years… more
Is There Life After Death?   Is There Life After Death?
Sjoerd L Bonting

Is there life after death? This question is raised by many people, both believers and non-believers alike. Surveys in the Netherlands have shown that 57%… more
Christianity as Mystical Fact   Christianity as Mystical Fact
Rudolf Steiner

Christianity As Mystical Fact was compiled from a series of lectures Rudolf Steiner gave in 1902. It was an attempt to explain the mystical qualities… more
Forsaking the Family   Forsaking the Family
Simon Parke

Forsaking the family, full of story and illustration, starts by considering the surprising approach of Jesus to his own family – in turns, rude,… more
The Ministry of Healing   The Ministry of Healing
Ellen G. White

The Ministry of Healing emphasizes the link between diet and spiritual growth. It's a diet book, a self-help book, and a Christian spiritual guide… more
Solitude   Solitude
Simon Parke

What does solitude mean to you? Albert Einstein once said: ‘I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.’… more
Afterlife Teaching From Stephen the Martyr   Afterlife Teaching From Stephen the Martyr
Michael Cocks

This book records seven years of conversations with the spirit of St. Stephen the Martyr, between 1974-80, Thomas Ashman, being the channel. The experience… more
Thirty Years Among the Dead   Thirty Years Among the Dead
Carl Wickland

Wickland treated many patients suffering from mental illness of all kinds, and after many years experience came to the conclusion that a number of patients… more
Revelations of Divine Love: A 2011 Edition   Revelations of Divine Love: A 2011 Edition
Julian of Norwich with Simon Parke

Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich is the first book written in English by a woman. But the work is read now not for historical interest… more
The Death of Ivan Ilyich   The Death of Ivan Ilyich
Leo Tolstoy

The Death of Ivan Ilyich is Tolstoy's attack on the smug satisfaction of a middle and upper-class population, who in his mind live artificial meaningless… more
Heaven and Hell: A 2011 Abridged Edition   Heaven and Hell: A 2011 Abridged Edition
Emanuel Swedenborg with Simon Parke

This is an abridged version of Swedenborg’s original, which is about twice the length. When deciding what to omit, avoidance of repetition was usually… more
The Imitation of Christ   The Imitation of Christ
Thomas à Kempis with Simon Parke

The Imitation of Christ has won for itself a variety of celebrity admirers. John Wesley and John Newton were men of the Evangelical wing of the… more
Resurrection   Resurrection
Leo Tolstoy

Published in 1900, Resurrection is Tolstoy’s final large-scale novel. It’s a morally-driven tale of personal redemption, featuring fewer characters… more
Conversations with Jesus of Nazareth   Conversations with Jesus of Nazareth
Jesus of Nazareth with Simon Parke

In ‘Conversations with Jesus of Nazareth’, the questions are imagined, but the words of Jesus are not; they are authentically his, taken from the various… more
Work While Ye Have the Light   Work While Ye Have the Light
Leo Tolstoy

‘Work while ye have the light,’ is Tolstoys fictional Christian tale, set in the 1st century AD. more
What is Religion? And Other Writings   What is Religion? And Other Writings
Leo Tolstoy

In ‘What is religion?’ Tolstoy explores the idea of religion and provides the following definition: ‘True religion is the establishment by man of a relation… more
Conversations with Vincent Van Gogh   Conversations with Vincent Van Gogh
Vincent Van Gogh with Simon Parke

It is possible Van Gogh sold a painting whilst alive. There is rumour of the dealer Pere Tanguy selling one for a few francs in Paris. But whether he did… more
Conversations with Leo Tolstoy   Conversations with Leo Tolstoy
Leo Tolstoy with Simon Parke

This is Tolstoy is his own words, drawn from his extensive books, essays and letters. Vegetarianism, marriage, non-violence, the military, death, God and… more
Conversations with Meister Eckhart   Conversations with Meister Eckhart
Meister Eckhart with Simon Parke

An imagined conversation with the famous 13th century mystic, on detachment, spirituality, God, the soul and suffering. While the conversation is imagined,… more
Forbidden Words   Forbidden Words
Leo Tolstoy, edited by Simon Parke

Seven short works Tolstoy which he was never allowed to publish in his native Russia. Published in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Tolstoy’s death. more
On Life   On Life
Leo Tolstoy

Tolstoy wrote this book as a philosophical and religious search for an understanding of life beyond scientific formulae, and as part of his search for… more
23 Tales   23 Tales
Leo Tolstoy

In this book, we see Tolstoy’s love of the short story, whether for children or adults; and witness the secret of simplicity and transparency of style,… more
The Kingdom of God is Within You   The Kingdom of God is Within You
Leo Tolstoy

Tolstoy’s most significant work of non-fiction is a passionate defence of his position on non-violence. The book had a powerful infuence on Gandhi and… more
My Religion   My Religion
Leo Tolstoy

Tolstoy develops his attack on the church he has left in this book. He accuses them of hiding the true meaning of Jesus, which is to be found in the Sermon… more
The Gospel in Brief   The Gospel in Brief
Leo Tolstoy

Tolstoy's harmonization of the four Gospels is, as Tolstoy said, ‘an examination of Christian teaching not according to the church’s interpretations, but… more
Heretics   Heretics
GK Chesterton

In this protest against a purely rationalist view of the universe, Chesterton rails against ‘the great mental destruction’, in which everything is denied,… more
Orthodoxy   Orthodoxy
GK Chesterton

Chesterton charts his journey to faith, and his reasons for it, inviting the reader into 'the thrilling romance of Orthodoxy... there was never anything… more
A Confession   A Confession
Leo Tolstoy

Tolstoy wrote this book to explain an existential crisis he passed through soon after the publication of his greatest novels, in which he searched for… more
My Dream of Heaven   My Dream of Heaven
Rebecca Ruter Springer

Springer's classic book, written during a severe illness, is a series of basic truths about heaven, written in a simple and readable style, as if being… more
Jesus the Son of Man   Jesus the Son of Man
Kahlil Gibran

For Kahlil Gibran, re-telling the story of Jesus had been the ambition of a lifetime. He wanted tell the story as no one had told it before. With Jesus… more
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A PROPHETIC MESSAGE by Edith K. Harper – In this article Mr. Stead referred to the second example of a warning prophecy mentioned above. It was a species of psychic communication to which he attached special importance, for it absolutely excludes telepathy as an explanatory theory, i.e. the class of messages relating to events unknown to any living person, events still in the future when the messages are received. Read here
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