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Despite our new technologies, there’s just something about a book, with its striking cover and pages you can turn forward. And pages you can turn back, of course, if you wish to look at something again. Or pages you can pause at and ponder; perhaps a line takes your breath away, or a simple phrase. That’s the thing about a book: you decide the pace. You can hold it, bath with it and lovingly write your name in it – in fact, it’s a bit like a marriage. If you like truth you can touch, this is the place.
Letters From a Living Dead Man: The Anthology   Letters From a Living Dead Man: The Anthology
Elsa Barker

Critics sometimes complain that we get nothing meaningful from spirit communication. They say that it is just bits of obscure information and trivia that… more
And Another Thing: Memories of Family Life with a Psychiatrist   And Another Thing: Memories of Family Life with a Psychiatrist
Elizabeth Fenwick

In "And Another Thing: Memories of Family Life with a Psychiatrist", Elizabeth Fenwick, wife and co-author of neuropsychologist Peter Fenwick, presents… more
The Cosmic View: The Teachings of a Catholic Mystic   The Cosmic View: The Teachings of a Catholic Mystic
Andrew Glazewski with Paul Kieniewicz

In "The Cosmic View," Andrew Glazewski – much loved priest and mystic, introduces us to a vision of who we essentially are – cosmic beings, beyond space… more
The Esoteric Teachings of the Gnostics   The Esoteric Teachings of the Gnostics
Frances Swiney

Though Gnosticism long preceded Christianity, the Gnostics were the first Christians; they accepted Christ in the full realization of the word; his life,… more
What You Will: An Inner Journey with Shakespeare   What You Will: An Inner Journey with Shakespeare
Braham Murray

“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players …” more
A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife   A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife
Victor Zammit and Wendy Zammit

There could be many reasons why you are interested this book. Perhaps you are just curious about the afterlife. Or perhaps you have experienced the death… more
The Imprisoned Splendor   The Imprisoned Splendor
Stafford Betty

A nationally celebrated but self-absorbed philosophy professor finds himself very much alive following a fatal plane crash in an afterlife world he was… more
The Road I Know   The Road I Know
Stewart Edward White

Following an experience with a Ouija board at a party during March 1918, Betty White, wife of the famous America novelist, Stewart Edward White, discovered… more
Conversations with Vincent Van Gogh   Conversations with Vincent Van Gogh
Vincent Van Gogh with Simon Parke

It is possible Van Gogh sold a painting whilst alive. There is rumour of the dealer Pere Tanguy selling one for a few francs in Paris. But whether he did… more
The Multidimensional Human: Practices for Psychic Development and Astral Projection   The Multidimensional Human: Practices for Psychic Development and Astral Projection
Kurt Leland

BACK IN PRINT! SECOND EDITION. DO YOU KNOW WHICH BODY YOU'RE IN? Many spiritual traditions, from yoga and Buddhism to contemporary theosophy, teach… more
Survival of Death   Survival of Death
Paul Beard

As a long-standing member of the Society for Psychical Research and President of the College for Psychic Studies, Paul Beard was an authority on psychical… more
On Benefits   On Benefits
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Seneca wrote extensively during the last three years of his life and On Benefits was completed in this period. The work is divided into seven books, and… more
On Life   On Life
Leo Tolstoy

Tolstoy wrote this book as a philosophical and religious search for an understanding of life beyond scientific formulae, and as part of his search for… more
The Wisdom of the Gods: Voices of the Dead: Fantasy, Fraud or Fact?   The Wisdom of the Gods: Voices of the Dead: Fantasy, Fraud or Fact?
H. Dennis Bradley with Michael Tymn

Between the world wars, in what is commonly thought to be the heyday of psychical research, H. Dennis Bradley’s séances and experiments with direct voice… more
Light Changes: Experiences in the Presence of Transforming Light   Light Changes: Experiences in the Presence of Transforming Light
Annekatrin Puhle Ph.D.

Ever since the dawn of recorded history, humans have reported encounters with an exceptional light which appeared to them to be different, more intense,… more
Surgeon From Another World   Surgeon From Another World
George Chapman with Roy Stemman

George Chapman was a remarkable man. He was an internationally known healer and gifted trance medium. In his entranced state he surrendered his identity… more
Solitude   Solitude
Simon Parke

What does solitude mean to you? Albert Einstein once said: ‘I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.’… more
The Heart of the Mind   The Heart of the Mind
Jane Katra and Russell Targ

In this wide-ranging survey of spiritual insight, healer Jane Katra and physicist Russell Targ demystify consciousness transformation by showing how centuries… more
Living On: How Consciousness Continues and Evolves After Death   Living On: How Consciousness Continues and Evolves After Death
Paul Beard

As a long-standing member of the Society for Psychical Research and President of the College for Psychic Studies, Paul Beard was an authority on psychical… more
The Enneagram   The Enneagram
Simon Parke

The Enneagram is a time-honoured way of understanding personality types and human behavior. It is both ancient and modern. Developed over 1500 years… more
Another Bloody Retreat: Abbot Peter's desert years   Another Bloody Retreat: Abbot Peter's desert years
Simon parke

‘What was it like in the desert, abbot?’ asks Rosemary. And, in a way, this book is his answer. more
Extraordinary Contact: Life Beyond Intruders   Extraordinary Contact: Life Beyond Intruders
Debra Jordan-Kauble

Debra Jordan-Kauble is an “ordinary” woman with a habit of attracting the extraordinary. After reporting a terrifying anomalous experience to Budd Hopkins—pioneering… more
The Afterlife Therapist   The Afterlife Therapist
Stafford Betty

Following his death Aiden Lovejoy finds himself in a strange but wonderful world—a vital, busy, challenging environment with great joy beckoning. There… more
God’s Fingerprints: Impressions of Near Death Experiences   God’s Fingerprints: Impressions of Near Death Experiences
Jody Long

The Near Death Experience or N.D.E. is becoming the most talked about phenomenon of the 21st century. All over the world people experience life threatening… more
Incidents in My Life   Incidents in My Life
DD Home

This autobiography of DD Home, the famous Scottish spiritualist of the 19th century, documents the amazing psychic events throughout his life and the people… more
Jesus the Son of Man   Jesus the Son of Man
Kahlil Gibran

For Kahlil Gibran, re-telling the story of Jesus had been the ambition of a lifetime. He wanted tell the story as no one had told it before. With Jesus… more
Ghostology: The Art of the Ghost Hunter (Revised Edition)   Ghostology: The Art of the Ghost Hunter (Revised Edition)
Steven T. Parsons

REVISED EDITION "Ghostology" is simply the study of Ghosts. It is not just about ghost hunting, neither is it is about parapsychology. more
Conversations on Awakening: Part One   Conversations on Awakening: Part One
Iain McNay and Renate McNay

"Conversations on Awakening" contains 12 unique accounts of Awakening. They are all taken from transcripts of interviews that were made for more
More Things you Can do When You’re Dead: What Can You Truly Believe?   More Things you Can do When You’re Dead: What Can You Truly Believe?
Tricia. J. Robertson

In this eagerly awaited sequel to her successful "Things You Can Do When You’re Dead", foremost psychical investigator Tricia Robertson digs deeper into… more
The Highest State of Consciousness   The Highest State of Consciousness
John W. White

In this anthology John White brings together a diverse collection of writings by contemporary thinkers such as Aldous Huxley, P.D. Ouspensky, Alan Watts,… more
Conversations with Mozart   Conversations with Mozart
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart with Simon Parke

‘Conversations with Mozart’ is an imagined conversation with the man behind the music who died largely unnoticed at the age of 35. But while the questions… more
Thirty Years Among the Dead   Thirty Years Among the Dead
Carl Wickland

Wickland treated many patients suffering from mental illness of all kinds, and after many years experience came to the conclusion that a number of patients… more
Death and Immortality in the Religions of the World   Death and Immortality in the Religions of the World
Paul and Linda Badham

Most of the world’s religions hold a belief in some form of life after death. The editors of this major anthology seek a global perspective on the importance… more
Paracoustics: Sound & the Paranormal   Paracoustics: Sound & the Paranormal
Edited by Steven T. Parsons and Callum E. Cooper

From the chain-rattling ghost of Pliny’s first century Athens and things that go bump in the night, to 21st century electronic voice phenomena, sound has… more
To Die is Gain: Near-Death Experience and the Art of Dying Before We Die   To Die is Gain: Near-Death Experience and the Art of Dying Before We Die
Johann Christoph Hampe

Simultaneous with Raymond Moody’s landmark book "Life After Life," Johann Christoph Hampe independently “discovered” near-death experiences in the 1970s.… more
The Forerunner   The Forerunner
Kahlil Gibran

The Forerunner is a collection of parables and aphorisms, which in true Eastern style draws on a world of kings, hermits, saints, slaves, deserts, animals… more
Frontiers of the Afterlife   Frontiers of the Afterlife
Edward C Randall

Edward C.Randall documents information received from 'Spirit' during over 700 sittings with the 'Direct Voice Medium' Emily French. more
The Blue Island: Experiences of a New Arrival Beyond the Veil   The Blue Island: Experiences of a New Arrival Beyond the Veil
William Thomas Stead with Estelle Stead and Pardoe Woodman

BACK IN PRINT! VINTAGE EDITION. When on April 12, 1912, the British passenger ship, RMS Titanic, famously sank 400 miles off the coast of Canada,… more
Revelations of Divine Love: A 2011 Edition   Revelations of Divine Love: A 2011 Edition
Julian of Norwich with Simon Parke

Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich is the first book written in English by a woman. But the work is read now not for historical interest… more
The Mystery of Joan of Arc   The Mystery of Joan of Arc
Leon Denis

BACK IN PRINT: VINTAGE EDITION In 1911 Leo Denis's book "La Verite sur Jeanne d’Arc" (The Truth about Joan of Arc) was published in France. The… more
The Death View Revolution: A Guide to Transpersonal Experiences Surrounding Death   The Death View Revolution: A Guide to Transpersonal Experiences Surrounding Death
Madelaine Lawrence, Ph.D.

Reports and studies of near-death experiences, death-bed communications, after-death communications and a host of other transpersonal experiences occurring… more
Glimpses of Another World, Impressions and Reflections of an EVP Operator.   Glimpses of Another World, Impressions and Reflections of an EVP Operator.
Anabela Cardoso

“Glimpses of Another World, Impressions and Reflections of an EVP Operator” is Anabela Cardoso’s third work. more
Deathbed Visions   Deathbed Visions
Sir William Barrett

During his 50 years of psychical research, Sir William Fletcher Barrett (February 10, 1884 – May 26, 1925) observed many types of phenomena. In his reminiscences,… more
Otherwhere: A Field Guide for Astral Travelers   Otherwhere: A Field Guide for Astral Travelers
Kurt Leland

EXPANDED AND REVISED EDITION I wrote "Otherwhere: A Field Guide to Nonphysical Reality for the Out-of-Body Traveler" in the early 1990s to sum up nearly… more
Conversations with Ghosts   Conversations with Ghosts
Alex Tanous with Callum E. Cooper

Conversations with Ghosts was an idea for a fourth book for Dr Tanous, and it was intended to be written by Dr Karlis Osis and himself, outlining… more
What is Religion? And Other Writings   What is Religion? And Other Writings
Leo Tolstoy

In ‘What is religion?’ Tolstoy explores the idea of religion and provides the following definition: ‘True religion is the establishment by man of a relation… more
Till Death Don't Us Part: A True Story of Awakening to Love After Life   Till Death Don't Us Part: A True Story of Awakening to Love After Life
Karen Frances McCarthy

Former political and war correspondent, Karen Frances McCarthy, was on assignment when she received the news that her partner had suddenly died in New… more
Orthodoxy   Orthodoxy
GK Chesterton

Chesterton charts his journey to faith, and his reasons for it, inviting the reader into 'the thrilling romance of Orthodoxy... there was never anything… more
Afterlife Teaching From Stephen the Martyr   Afterlife Teaching From Stephen the Martyr
Michael Cocks

This book records seven years of conversations with the spirit of St. Stephen the Martyr, between 1974-80, Thomas Ashman, being the channel. The experience… more
UFOs: Reframing the Debate	  UFOs: Reframing the Debate
Robbie Graham

An Inconvenient Convent: An Abbot Peter Mystery   An Inconvenient Convent: An Abbot Peter Mystery
Simon Parke

It is another case for D.I. Shah and Abbot Peter, as they attempt to find the murderer among the saints by the sea. Who could hate her so much – and why? more
Jesus and the Near-Death Experience: Testimonies of the ascended Christ   Jesus and the Near-Death Experience: Testimonies of the ascended Christ
Roy L. Hill

The ministry of Jesus has been celebrated by billions of people over the last two millennia. Perhaps no single person has transformed the world more. Many… more
An Extraordinary Journey: The Memoirs of a Physical Medium   An Extraordinary Journey: The Memoirs of a Physical Medium
Stewart Alexander

REVISED AND UPDATED EDITION In the little known and controversial world of physical mediumship, Stewart Alexander, Britain’s most accomplished living… more
Psychic Adventures in New York   Psychic Adventures in New York
Neville Whymant

When he and his wife were invited to the New York City Park Avenue home of Judge and Mrs William Cannon for a dinner party during October 1926, Dr Neville… more
Gone West: Three Narratives of After-Death Experiences   Gone West: Three Narratives of After-Death Experiences
J. S. M. Ward

John Sebastian Marlow Ward, also known as J. S. M., had a vision early in December 1913 in which he learned of the death of his father-in-law, H. J. L.… more
The Power of Dreams   The Power of Dreams
Brian Inglis

Why do we dream? How have dreams helped inspire creative artists? How useful are they in daily problem solving? What evidence is there for second sight… more
Living Fully, Dying Consciously: The Path to Spiritual Wellbeing   Living Fully, Dying Consciously: The Path to Spiritual Wellbeing
Sue Brayne

"Living Fully, Dying Consciously" steps into the heart of the human condition to explore why our entire life is a psychological and spiritual preparation… more
After Death: Letters From Julia   After Death: Letters From Julia
W. T. Stead

In 1892, William Stead discovered he had the gift of automatic writing and it was then that a discarnate entity claiming to be Julia Ames began to write… more
Harmony of the Universe: The Science Behind Healing, Prayer and Spiritual Development   Harmony of the Universe: The Science Behind Healing, Prayer and Spiritual Development
Andrew Glazewski with Paul Kieniewicz

Harmony of the Universe takes us on a journey to the heart of nature where we find music, mathematical proportions, and the fields that organize… more
A Buddhist Bible   A Buddhist Bible
Dwight Goddard

Dwight Goddard’s collection of translations of a cross-section of Buddhist traditions was a fundamental part of the importation of Buddhism into the USA… more
The Life Beyond the Veil: The Lowlands of Heaven: Volume 1   The Life Beyond the Veil: The Lowlands of Heaven: Volume 1
Rev. George Vale Owen

The now famous Vale-Owen messages began after the mother of the Vicar of Orford, the Rev. George Vale Owen, passed away in 1909. Shortly afterwards, Vale… more
Dead Men Talking: Afterlife Communication from World War I   Dead Men Talking: Afterlife Communication from World War I
Michael Tymn

As science flourished in the years leading up to World War I, religion floundered. Thus, the warring countries were little prepared to deal with the grief… more
Gospel: Rumours of Love   Gospel: Rumours of Love
Simon Parke

First century Palestine is a region glued together by hate. The Roman invaders rule, the Jewish authorities collude while the enraged and desperate plot… more
Forbidden Words   Forbidden Words
Leo Tolstoy, edited by Simon Parke

Seven short works Tolstoy which he was never allowed to publish in his native Russia. Published in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Tolstoy’s death. more
Christ in You   Christ in You

Christ in You is a rare treasure sent to us from a higher plane of consciousness. We are told at the beginning of the book that this physical dimension… more
Marcus and Miriam: A story of Jesus   Marcus and Miriam: A story of Jesus
Rebecca Ruter Springer

Marcus and Miriam: A Story of Jesus" is a historical fiction novel by Rebecca Ruter Springer, first published in 1908. The story follows the lives of two… more
Poltergeist Parallels and Contagion   Poltergeist Parallels and Contagion
Darren W. Ritson

More fifteen years after the famous South Shields Poltergeist case of 2006, and its well-received book, "The South Shields Poltergeist: One Families Fight… more
Claims of Reincarnation: An Empirical Study of Cases in India   Claims of Reincarnation: An Empirical Study of Cases in India
Satwant K. Pasricha, PhD

"Claims of Reincarnation" is one of the foremost works to have been published in India during the latter part of the twentieth century. Dr. Satwant Pasricha… more
Heretics   Heretics
GK Chesterton

In this protest against a purely rationalist view of the universe, Chesterton rails against ‘the great mental destruction’, in which everything is denied,… more
The UFO People: A Curious Culture   The UFO People: A Curious Culture
MJ Banias

We are haunted by UFOs. They drift in and out of our culture in movies and on television, on billboards and in books. They are everywhere. However, for… more
When They Appeared: Falcon Lake 1967: The inside story of a close encounter   When They Appeared: Falcon Lake 1967: The inside story of a close encounter
Stan Michalak and Chris Rutkowski

What happened in the Whiteshell Forest near Falcon Lake on May 20, 1967? For the first time in 50 years, the many facets of this astonishing tale finally… more
Forsaking the Family   Forsaking the Family
Simon Parke

Forsaking the family, full of story and illustration, starts by considering the surprising approach of Jesus to his own family – in turns, rude,… more
Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods   Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods
Budd Hopkins

BACK IN PRINT! First published in 1987, when it spent four weeks on the "New York Times" Best Seller list, "Intruders" remains one of the most powerful… more
Other Worlds, Other Universes: Playing the Reality Game   Other Worlds, Other Universes: Playing the Reality Game
Edited by Brad Steiger and John White

BACK IN PRINT! SECOND EDITION. "Other Worlds, Other Universes: Playing The Reality Game" is a stimulating selection of consciousness-expanding… more
The Voices   The Voices
William Usborne Moore

Over the years, I have read at least 500 books dealing with various aspects of life after death – books on mediumship, near-death experiences, reincarnation,… more
Life Before Life: Is There Life Before Birth? 750 Cases of Hypnosis   Life Before Life: Is There Life Before Birth? 750 Cases of Hypnosis
Helen Wambach, PhD

BACK IN PRINT! In "Life After life," psychologist Helen Wambach, PhD, documents cases from 750 past-life group hypnotherapy sessions. more
Passport to the Cosmos   Passport to the Cosmos
John E Mack

This book brings us to the edge of material reality and beyond, shattering the boundary that has separated matter and spirit and scientific or spiritual… more
The Enigma of Rosalie: Harry Price’s Paranormal Mystery Revisited   The Enigma of Rosalie: Harry Price’s Paranormal Mystery Revisited
Paul Adams

Harry Price is one of the most well known figures in 20th century psychical research; a maverick investigator who created controversy, both within the… more
The Shining Brother   The Shining Brother
Laurence Temple

"The Shining Brother," first published more than 50 years ago, remains as fresh as ever thanks to it's dynamic but gentle message. It includes many scripts… more
The Next World: Extraordinary Experiences of the Afterlife   The Next World: Extraordinary Experiences of the Afterlife
Gregory Shushan

In “The Next World,” historian of religions Gregory Shushan explores the relationships between extraordinary experiences and beliefs in life after death.… more
My Dream of Heaven   My Dream of Heaven
Rebecca Ruter Springer

Springer's classic book, written during a severe illness, is a series of basic truths about heaven, written in a simple and readable style, as if being… more
The Dark Star   The Dark Star
Lord Dowding

By 1940 World War II was raging, and one of the most prominent men in the UK was Air Chief Marshal Hugh Caswall Tremenheere Dowding - more widely known… more
The Afterlife Explorers: Volume 1: The Pioneers of Psychical Research   The Afterlife Explorers: Volume 1: The Pioneers of Psychical Research
Michael Tymn

I have been asked more than a few times why so much of what I write about life after death, psychical research, and related paranorml subjects has to do… more
The Enfield Poltergeist Tapes: One of the most disturbing cases in history. What really happened?   The Enfield Poltergeist Tapes: One of the most disturbing cases in history. What really happened?
Dr Melvyn J. Willin

Do not buy this book if you want to read a biased account of the famous Enfield Poltergeist case from 1977 through to 1978. more
In Times of War: Messages of Wisdom from Soldiers in the Afterlife   In Times of War: Messages of Wisdom from Soldiers in the Afterlife
Jonathan Beecher

In the first of a series of “White Crow Anthologies,” "In Times of War: Messages of Wisdom from Soldiers in the Afterlife" documents conversations with… more
UFOs and UAP: Are we Really Alone?   UFOs and UAP: Are we Really Alone?
Jeffrey Mishlove

In this anthology titled "UFOs and UAP: Are we Really Alone?" Jeff explores the increasingly compelling subject of Unidentified Flying Objects, or as it’s… more
Into the Wider Dream: Synchronicity in the Witness Box   Into the Wider Dream: Synchronicity in the Witness Box
Michael Cocks

"It is probably true to say that all world religions believe that life-changing meaningful coincidences, or synchronicities, are signs that our lives are… more
Personality Survives Death: After-Death Communication from Sir William Barrett   Personality Survives Death: After-Death Communication from Sir William Barrett
Florence Barrett and William Barrett

BACK IN PRINT! VINTAGE EDITION. During the 11 years that followed Sir William’s death, Florence, initially very skeptical, sat with renowned trance… more
Coincidence: a Matter of Chance - or Synchronicity?   Coincidence: a Matter of Chance - or Synchronicity?
Brian Inglis

Life is full of coincidences, some are minor, but often, like the one above, they are extraordinary. Whether they are random events or meaningful cosmic… more
Missing Time: A Documented Study of UFO Abductions   Missing Time: A Documented Study of UFO Abductions
Budd Hopkins

BACK IN PRINT! Originally published in 1981, this pioneering work by Budd Hopkins was the first focused study of an enigma that would come to captivate… more
23 Tales   23 Tales
Leo Tolstoy

In this book, we see Tolstoy’s love of the short story, whether for children or adults; and witness the secret of simplicity and transparency of style,… more
The Departed Among the Living: An Investigative Study of Afterlife Encounters   The Departed Among the Living: An Investigative Study of Afterlife Encounters
Erlendur Haraldsson, Ph. D.

From earliest times, people have speculated about what happens when they and their loved ones die. Their views vary from certainty about life after death… more
Tertium Organum   Tertium Organum
P. D. Ouspensky

When Tertium Organum burst onto the New York literary scene its author, P. D. Ouspensky, was unaware of it. Piotr Demianovich Ouspensky, the most… more
A Vision of the Aquarian Age   A Vision of the Aquarian Age
George Trevelyan

We are happy to reissue Sir George Trevelyan’s trilogy, A Vision of the Aquarian Age, Operation Redemption, and Exploration into God.… more
Katsugoro and Other Reincarnation Cases in Japan   Katsugoro and Other Reincarnation Cases in Japan
Ohkado Masayuki

“Where did you come from before you were born to our house?” eight-year-old Katsugoro asked his brother and sister. To his surprise, neither of them remembered… more
The Only Planet of Choice: Essential Briefings From Deep Space   The Only Planet of Choice: Essential Briefings From Deep Space
Phyllis V. Schlemmer

Since its spectacular launch in 1993, "The Only Planet of Choice" has been widely acknowledged as one of the most significant books in the genre for our… more
The Spiritualist Prime Minister: Volume 1: Mackenzie King and the New Revelation   The Spiritualist Prime Minister: Volume 1: Mackenzie King and the New Revelation
Anton Wagner, PhD

"The Spiritualist Prime Minister" by historian Dr. Anton Wagner presents former Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King’s quest for spirit… more
Guardians of the Afterworld   Guardians of the Afterworld
Stafford Betty

"Guardians of the Afterworld" is the third of Professor Betty’s afterlife novels. The first tells the story of non-believer who dies in a plane crash,… more
Psi in Psychotherapy: Conventional and Nonconventional Healing of Mental Illness   Psi in Psychotherapy: Conventional and Nonconventional Healing of Mental Illness
Alex Tanous, Elaine Schwinge and Andrew F. Bambrick

Dr Alex Tanous (1926-1990) was a renewed international lecturer on the topics of well-being, creativity and parapsychology. A self-professed psychic, he… more
The Flying Cow:  Exploring the Psychic World of Brazil   The Flying Cow: Exploring the Psychic World of Brazil
Guy Lyon Playfair

When The Flying Cow was first published in 1975, it revealed a world of psychic wonders in Brazil hitherto barely explored by outsiders. Author… more
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Mackenzie King, London Mediums, Richard Wagner, and Adolf Hitler by Anton Wagner, PhD. – Besides Etta Wriedt in Detroit and Helen Lambert, Eileen Garrett and the Carringtons in New York, London was the major nucleus for King’s “psychic friends.” In his letter to Lambert describing his 1936 European tour, he informed her that “When in London, I met many friends of yours: Miss Lind af Hageby, [the author and psychic researcher] Stanley De Brath, and many others. Read here
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