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  God’s Fingerprints: Impressions of Near Death Experiences
Jody Long

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The Near Death Experience or N.D.E. is becoming the most talked about phenomenon of the 21st century.  All over the world people experience life threatening events on a daily basis, and having been resuscitated, they often experience tunnels, light at the end of the tunnel, beautiful surroundings or scenery, spiritual guides, deceased loved ones, other beings, a life review, increased universal knowledge, oneness, unconditional love, the decision to return to the body, and consciousness in the body again.

The Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) has been reporting on these experiences for 15 years, and it provides a forum the people that have them. God’s Fingerprints: Impressions of Near Death Experiences is an anthology of NDE’s that will leave the reader, enlightened, uplifted, challenged, and importantly it may provide us information on what happens when we die, and how if affects us while we live.

About the author

Jody Long is an attorney and has worked in the areas of family, health care, criminal prosecution, business, and intellectual property law. Jody has several decades of experience researching paranormal and related phenomena. She is the webmaster for the Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) and provides support and a forum for NDErs and those who want to know about the afterlife.

Publisher: White Crow Books
Published April 2014
210 pages
Size: 229 x 152 mm
ISBN 978-1-910121-05-4
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