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  Into the Wider Dream: Synchronicity in the Witness Box
Michael Cocks

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The author, Michael Cocks, is an Anglican clergyman from New Zealand. He is editor of an e-journal, The Ground of Faith and the book, Afterlife Teachings from Stephen the Martyr.

It is probably true to say that all world religions believe that life-changing meaningful coincidences, or synchronicities, are signs that “the Will of God” is being worked out in our lives. There is deep meaning here, and the long synchronistic episodes described in this book help us explore some of it.

The author’s conversations with the spirit of the Martyr Stephen were surrounded with multiple synchronicities with several themes from the Book of Revelation, “dead and not-dead”, “philosopher’s stone”, “the five wounds of Jesus” and many more. The stream of synchronicities continued for many years giving him and others personal experience of the truth of what Stephen was teaching at the time.

To try and make sense of these experiences, this book explores the thinking of a number of leading physicists, psychologists, and those writing directly on synchronicity.

It compels us to ask, “Are we and these events being dreamed up by a Mind that encloses all of us? Does this Mind dream ourselves up, as well as these strange coincidences?”  “That theory makes some sort of sense, and that is why I named this book, Into the Wider Dream” Michael tells us. Some people might argue that it can also help to enrich our understanding of what it means to be “In Christ.”

About the author

The author, Michael Cocks, is an Anglican clergyman from New Zealand. He is editor of an e-journal, The Ground of Faith and Afterlife Teachings from Stephen the Martyr. To try and make sense of all these experiences, he refers to the thinking of a number of leading physicists, psychologists, and those writing directly on synchronicity.

Publisher: White Crow Books
Published March 2015
236 pages
Size: 229 x 152 mm
ISBN 978-1-910121-36-8
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