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The Conversations with... series approaches figures from the past in a new way: by inviting us to listen to them. The interview format is used, as each participant explains themselves, and we sit gripped, because although the questions are imagined, their words are not. These are their own words, thoughts and feelings taken from their writings, and it’s such authenticity of voice that makes this a unique experience.

We’re familiar with biographies which tell us about someone, but here we meet the people for ourselves, reflect on their words and draw our own conclusions. The project might be subtitled, ‘In the psychiatrist’s chair’, as each reveals, knowingly or unknowingly, what it’s like to live inside their skin, with their faultlines quite as apparent as their genius.

On completing the interviews, Simon Parke’s comment was this: ‘I feel I know them better than I know myself.’

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A PROPHETIC MESSAGE by Edith K. Harper – In this article Mr. Stead referred to the second example of a warning prophecy mentioned above. It was a species of psychic communication to which he attached special importance, for it absolutely excludes telepathy as an explanatory theory, i.e. the class of messages relating to events unknown to any living person, events still in the future when the messages are received. Read here
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