eBooks: Christianity
The Secret Testament of Julian
Simon Parke
Julian of Norwich was the first woman in the world to write a book in English, and yet had largely disappeared from view until her rediscovery during the… more
Writing on the Ground
Wellesley Tudor Pole
In "Writing on the Ground", Wellesley Tudor Pole continues where he left off in "A Man Seen Afar". more
A Course in Miracles: The Original Edition
Helen Schucman
A Course in Miracles is a spiritual guide for life. The book begins: "This is a course in Miracles, it is a required course. Only the time you take… more
Is There Life After Death?
Sjoerd L Bonting
Is there life after death? This question is raised by many people, both believers and non-believers alike. Surveys in the Netherlands have shown that 57%… more
The Ministry of Healing
Ellen G. White
The Ministry of Healing emphasizes the link between diet and spiritual growth. It's a diet book, a self-help book, and a Christian spiritual guide… more
Afterlife Teaching From Stephen the Martyr
Michael Cocks
There is much verifiable evidence in this book that we are actually hearing from the spirit of Stephen the first Christian Martyr through a trance medium,… more
Simon Parke
What does solitude mean to you? Albert Einstein once said: ‘I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.’… more
Thirty Years Among the Dead
Carl Wickland
Spirit obsession is a fact – a perversion of a natural law – and is amply demonstrable. This has been proven hundreds of times by causing the supposed… more
The Death of Ivan Ilyich
Leo Tolstoy
"The Death of Ivan Ilyich" is Tolstoy's attack on the smug satisfaction of a middle and upper-class population, who in his mind live artificial meaningless… more
Heaven and Hell: A 2011 Abridged Edition
Emanuel Swedenborg with Simon Parke
Heaven and Hell, which was first published in 1758. It was the result of a series of ‘out-of-body’ experiences given to Swedenborg in which… more
Cosmic Consciousness
Richard Maurice Bucke
Cosmic Consciousness: A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind is Richard Bucke's theory that our mental states are evolving and that to date… more
Conversations with Van Gogh
Vincent Van Gogh with Simon Parke
It is possible Van Gogh sold a painting whilst alive. There is rumour of the dealer Pere Tanguy selling one for a few francs in Paris. But whether he did… more
Conversations with Leo Tolstoy
Leo Tolstoy with Simon Parke
This is Tolstoy is his own words, drawn from his extensive books, essays and letters. Vegetarianism, marriage, non-violence, the military, death, God and… more
Conversations with Meister Eckhart
Meister Eckhart with Simon Parke
An imagined conversation with the famous 13th century mystic, on detachment, spirituality, God, the soul and suffering. While the conversation is imagined,… more
Forbidden Words
Leo Tolstoy, edited by Simon Parke
Seven short works Tolstoy which he was never allowed to publish in his native Russia. Published in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Tolstoy’s death. more
On Life
Leo Tolstoy
Tolstoy wrote this book as a philosophical and religious search for an understanding of life beyond scientific formulae, and as part of his search for… more
Twenty Three Tales
Leo Tolstoy
In this book, we see Tolstoy’s love of the short story, whether for children or adults; and witness the secret of simplicity and transparency of style,… more
The Kingdom of God is Within You
Leo Tolstoy
Tolstoy’s most significant work of non-fiction is a passionate defence of his position on non-violence. The book had a powerful infuence on Gandhi and… more
My Religion
Leo Tolstoy
Tolstoy develops his attack on the church he has left in this book. He accuses them of hiding the true meaning of Jesus, which is to be found in the Sermon… more
The Gospel in Brief
Leo Tolstoy
Tolstoy's harmonization of the four Gospels is, as Tolstoy said, ‘an examination of Christian teaching not according to the church’s interpretations, but… more
GK Chesterton
In this protest against a purely rationalist view of the universe, Chesterton rails against ‘the great mental destruction’, in which everything is denied,… more
GK Chesterton
Chesterton charts his journey to faith, and his reasons for it, inviting the reader into 'the thrilling romance of Orthodoxy... there was never anything… more
A Confession
Leo Tolstoy
Tolstoy wrote this book to explain an existential crisis he passed through soon after the publication of his greatest novels, in which he searched for… more
My Dream of Heaven
Rebecca Ruter Springer
Springer's classic book, written during a severe illness, is a series of basic truths about heaven, written in a simple and readable style, as if being… more
Jesus the Son of Man
Kahlil Gibran
For Kahlil Gibran, re-telling the story of Jesus had been the ambition of a lifetime. He wanted tell the story as no one had told it before. With Jesus… more