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Beyond Human Personality   Beyond Human Personality
Geraldine Cummins

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In this sequel to The Road to Immortality, Geraldine Cummins continues to relay messages from a deceased entity purporting to be the eminent psychologist and psychical researcher, F. W. H. Myers.  In her previous book Myers spoke about the states of being we find ourselves after physical death, and now he expands on these themes explaining how these states are an accumulation of our thoughts, memories, and actions - a made up world if you like, made by us - a Plane of Illusion. Here, we create our own Hell, our own Purgatory, and our own Paradise, not some judgmental God in a white robe. As Myers points out:

“Out of the memories of earth the soul creates his environment, builds, through his imagination, the special dream, the primal object of his appetites or desires during this state of Illusion.”

Like a parent guiding a child, Myers doesn’t judge, but he urges us to consider a life apart from gold - a life without materialism. He talks extensively about reincarnation, judgment, the family group, and in particular, the seven planes of existence; seven speeds of vibration, the seven so-called-realities that most of us will experience before we pass into timelessness, Eternity, Heaven, Nirvana - call it what you will.

On Jesus, he has this to say:

“Jesus of Nazareth was Son of God because He descended to earth, and, rising again, passed through all the seven levels of consciousness, attaining without let or hindrance, to union with the Creator. It was not necessary for Him to exist on these various planes within the various worlds created by the journeying souls. For already He was very God, already He had that spiritual power which enabled Him to hold all the universes within the grasp of His consciousness, within an all-embracing love.”

About the author

Geraldine Cummins (January 24, 1890 - August 24, 1969) was an Irish automatic writing medium and author.

Cummins automatic writing was mainly of a spiritual nature and was witnessed by several theologians and scholars who later endorsed and edited her writings. Her first book, The Spirits of Cleophas (1928), claimed to supplement the biblical books of the Acts of the Apostles and the epistles of St. Paul. It was a historic narrative of the early church and the work of the apostles from immediately after the death of Jesus to St. Paul’s departure from Berea for Athens.

Her second book, Paul in Athens (1930) is a continuation of ‘Cleophas ‘The third, The Great Days of Ephesus (1933), followed the same line of thought.

Cummins’s fourth book, The Road to Immortality (1932), a series of communications allegedly from F. W. H. Myers, gives a glorious vision of the progression of the human spirit through eternity. In the Introduction Beatrice Gibbes described the method of communication employed by Cummins.

She would sit at a table, cover her eyes with her left and hand on concentrate on “stillness.”  She would then fall into a light trance or dream state.  Her hand would then begin to write.  Usually, her “control” would make some introductory remarks and announce that another entity was waiting to speak.  Because of her semi-trance condition and also because of the speed at which the writing would come, Gibbes would sit beside her and remove each sheet of paper as it was filled. Cummins’ hand was quickly lifted by Gibbes to the top of the new page, and the writing would continue without a break.  In one sitting, Gibbes stated, Cummins wrote 2,000 words in 75 minutes, whereas her normal compositions were much slower—perhaps 800 words in seven or eight hours.

Gibbes added that she witnessed the writing of about 50 different personalities, all claiming to be ‘dead,’ and all differing in character and style, coming through Cummins’ hand.

Cummins went on to author The Swan on a Black Sea a Study in Automatic Writing: the Cummins-Willett Scripts. The book is a detailed study of her automatic scripts received from the deceased “Mrs. Willett” a pseudonym of Winifred Coombe-Tennant, the British suffragette, politician, and philanthropist.

Publisher: White Crow Books
Published December 2012
176 pages
Size: 229 x 152 mm
ISBN 978-1-908733-81-8
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