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Poltergeists   Poltergeists
Alan Gauld and A. D. Cornell

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Poltergeists was first published in 1979 and rapidly established itself as a leading work on the topic. It has been frequently referred to as groundbreaking and a classic of the genre.

Illustrative cases from all over the world are presented, dating from the sixteenth century to the late twentieth. Included are destructive cases, fantastical cases, poltergeist assaults, phenomena that are allegedly brought about by a witch or a demon, and others which appear to be the handiwork of a deceased human being.

Most cases are sourced from contemporary notes or diaries, often little known or unknown but nevertheless fascinating, with many translated from non-English language sources.

The book includes a computer analysis of the leading characteristics of hundreds of cases of poltergeists and hauntings, and offers tentative conclusions as to the natural ‘clusters’ into which the cases fall.

Poltergeists is essential reading for anyone who is interested in parapsychology and the paranormal.

About the author

Alan Gauld spent several years as a Research Fellow at Emmanuel College, Cambridge before moving to the Department of Psychology at the University of Nottingham, where he became Reader in Psychology. He was a member of the Society for Psychical Research Council for more than 50 years, and is a past president and a present vice-president of that Society.

Tony Cornell was a member of the Society for Psychical Research Council. He authored various articles on psychical research matters, and was a frequent contributor to television and radio programmes dealing with the paranormal. 

Publisher: White Crow Books
Published March 2018
428 pages
Size: 210 X 140
ISBN 978-1-78677-040-0
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