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  "Things You Can do When You’re Dead!: True Accounts of After Death Communication
Tricia J. Robertson

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Things You Can do When You’re Dead! by Tricia Robertson is the long awaited book from one of Scotland’s foremost psychical researchers. In this book the author shares some of her thirty-year research into mediumship, reincarnation, psychic healing, apparitions, poltergeists, and after death communications. Tricia’s refreshing no-nonsense approach to the subject makes for compelling reading and should interest skeptics, believers, and anyone who wants to know what you can do when you’re dead!

Praise for Things You Can do When You’re Dead!

Tricia Robertson is one of those rare field researchers who have a way of discovering new cases, investigating them thoroughly, and writing them up in a highly readable way. There is some remarkable material here, and it makes for absorbing reading.

Guy Lyon Playfair, author of This House is Haunted and Twin Telepathy

Tricia J Robertson draws on many of her own experiences as a psychical researcher in this excellent, easily read, book which is ideal for anyone who is seeking genuine examples of after death communication and almost reads like a thriller, in the sense of ‘What is going to happen next?’

Dr David Hamilton, Author of It’s the Thought that Counts and Is Your Life Mapped Out?

An engaging and informative introduction to the topic of post mortem survival.

Professor Stephen Braude, Author of Immortal Remains and First Person Plural

In this book, one of Scotland’s most experienced psychic investigators draws upon her extensive knowledge of cases involving apparitions, poltergeists, mediumship, reincarnation and paranormal healing to present the evidence for survival. What makes this a particularly valuable work is the large number of cases presented, many of which have been investigated by the author personally and never been published before. The informal, chatty style makes the accounts both gripping and easy to read.

Professor Bernard Carr, Past President of the Society for Psychical Research and Chair of the Scientific and Medical Network

About the author

A former teacher of mathematics and physics Tricia is a long term council member, past Vice President and Immediate Past President of the Scottish Society for Psychical Research.

She is a tutor for the Department of Adult and Continuing Education (DACE) at the University of Glasgow. In conjunction with Professor Archie Roy she provided a session programme of 20, 2 hour, lectures per session for DACE in a series entitled “An In Depth Study of Psychical Research.” This course has now been running for six years.  The paranormal- what is the evidence?’

In addition to 29 years of experience in investigating spontaneous cases Tricia has appeared on various radio and TV programmes and has been invited over many years to speak to varied organisations throughout the U K.

She has written the forward to Dr Mark Ireland’s highly successful book Soul Shift, an endorsement in Bill Kasperi’s book, The Galilean Pendulum and some of her comments are on the back cover of Trevor Hamilton’s book Tell my Mother I am not Dead.

She has a wealth of experience in investigating spontaneous cases and has done so for around 30 years. Tricia is known as an interesting speaker on many topics concerning psychical research, which is reflected by the invitations that she receives from varied avenues.

Lectures in recent years include:

Various plus The ‘Gwen Tate’ Lecture for the SPR in London in October 2005
The Glastonbury Symposium 2006
SPR Study Day presentation   2006
The Ghost Club, London, 2006
The Theosophical Society of Edinburgh, 2005
The Churches Fellowship for Psychic and Spiritual Studies- on various occasions
The Edinburgh College of Parapsychology- various occasions
The Ayrshire Association for Spiritual Knowledge-yearly since 1989- June 2008
Muncaster Castle Conference 2004
The Lynwood Fellowship-various occasions
Stirling association of spiritual knowledge-various occasions last one Sept 2008
The West of Scotland Dowsers- various occasions
Presidential Address for the SSPR 2005
Unitarian Church , Glasgow 2005, 2006,2007,2008
A lecture to Mensa at Malvern 2006
Lecture to A.S.K , Dreghorn, June 2009
A Gwen Tate Lecture for the SPR London October 2009
Norwegian Parapsychological Soc 2010
Lecture to Quakers in Oxford Oct 2010
Invited speaker to the International conference of the London based SPR 2011
Invited speaker at SPR Study Day 2012
Speaker for West of Scotland Dowsers 2013
Speaker for Arthur Conan Doyle Centre 2013
Invited speaker for SPR Study Day 2013

Presentation of many papers to the SPR International Conference, last one - September 2009


Along with many television appearances, normally in documentaries, since 1990 she has also prepared and presented many papers to the SPR International Conferences, over the past 20 years.

She is the co-author, with Professor Archie Roy, of three published papers on the study of information provided by mediums. These papers follow a five-year study of controlled experiments in conditions up to triple blind. The results of these studies are published in the JSPR April 2001, January 2004 and July 2004.

Tricia was a founding member, and Hon Sec of PRISM, Psychical Research Involving Selected Mediums, 1994- 2008. 

She has completed a four/five year, in depth, study of exceptional paranormal healing started 2006 and producing some spectacular results. Some of these results would indicate a form of psychic surgery.

She has completed a report on a 6 year old boy in Scotland, who remembers a previous life.

Apart from three published peer reviewed papers in the JSPR, she has articles published in the journals of the Swedish and Norwegian Societies for Psychical Research.
Tricia is passionate about the evidence gathered in various aspects of Psychical Research, and does not suffer fools gladly who will not address specific evidence in any particular avenue.
While accepting that some people may be deluded in some aspects of experience, it is certain that there are genuine cases in nearly every aspect of paranormal claims.

Tricia can be found at

Publisher: White Crow Books
Published July 2013
164 pages
Size: 229 x 152 mm
ISBN 978-1-908733-61-0
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