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Evidence of an Afterlife? Recalling the Awesome Scole Experiments

Posted on 29 July 2024, 7:22

As I read the book, The Scole Experiment, subtitled “Scientific Evidence for Life After Death,” by Grant and Jane Solomon, soon after its release in 1999, I was continually fascinated with the phenomena reported by the investigators over their five-year study, beginning in 1993, in the small England town of Scole.  I was unaware of any mediumistic phenomena so evidential, so dynamic, and so convincing since the early 1930s and the research conducted then by Dr. T. Glen Hamilton in Canada. Since Hamilton’s research was little embraced, I figured the spirit world had thrown up its hands in despair and given up in its efforts to convince the world that life continues after death in another dimension. In reading about the Scole experiments, I wondered if the spirit world was attempting a comeback after some 60 years.


As the Solomons point out, the Scole experiments involved a wide range of phenomena, including visual, oral, acoustic, and photographic evidence. “People who attended the sessions at Scole came away convinced that discarnate intelligences were making direct contact with those present,” they wrote. They further explained that communication was not only with “discarnate intelligences” but with inter-dimensional beings. One of the pictures of such a being that came through their experiments appears very much like the stereotypical UFO aliens of Roswell vintage. It was mentioned that their dimensions are far beyond our afterlife dimensions, although time and space take on different meanings with at least some of them. .

As amazing as it was, I could see that some of the phenomena were so weird and so bizarre as to invite the usual sneers and scoffs from mainstream science and the general public. It was that way with Hamilton’s research and the research conducted by other esteemed scholars and scientists going back to the middle of the nineteenth century. I suspected that the Scole studies, even though conducted by several reputable scientists representing the Society for Psychical Research (SPR), would meet the same fate as the earlier research, that it would create some interest among open-minded people but would gradually be forgotten and filed away in dust-covered cabinets.

Now, more than a quarter century after the last experiment, my suspicions seem to have been correct. If the research converted many skeptics or has had any long-lasting effects, I am unaware of any of them. I know there is a video now available on Amazon Prime-Time, but the Scole phenomena does not seem to have accomplished any more than earlier phenomena and research which should have converted many to a conviction that the phenomena were real and strongly suggestive of consciousness surviving death.

The usual mediums were Alan Bennett, a carpenter, and his wife, Diana Bennett, who ran a healing practice. Both were trance mediums. A typical session involved Manu, the gatekeeper, coming through first “and then going behind the scenes to blend the energies so the work could begin.” Patrick McKenna, who had been a priest in the physical world, would offer some banter and then some marching music for an entrance by Raji, who would then exchange pleasantries with those in attendance before discussing with them the experiments to be carried out that night or in the future. At some point, Edward Matthews, said to be a scientist in a previous existence, would address the group, giving instructions. John Paxton, said to be a very evolved spirit, would often come through with specialized teachings and instructions from the more evolved souls in the spirit world. Emily Bradshaw was another frequent visitor, providing personal messages from friends and loved ones in the spirit world. She and Patrick would usually close the session. Manu explained that they were experimenting on their side and needed a great deal of practice.

Trial and Error

The spirits explained that they were using the medium’s own vocal cords but they had stretched them to a point well outside his (Alan’s) body, making it sound like they were emanating from elsewhere in the room.  They referred to it as “extended voice” phenomenon. The spirit personalities were not all-knowing and did not get everything right the first try.  It was often trial and error. They said that the vocabulary was not available to explain much of what they were doing or what they would like to have communicated. 

The early phenomena consisted of many apports, photographs, lights and levitations. When a metal cone floated up to the ceiling and then navigated the room in a smooth orbit, Patrick explained that two young personalities in the spirit world were manipulating it from the center of the room. Most of the photos were imprints of various scenes and objects on fresh film strictly controlled before and during the session. . 

On February 14, 1994, small lights flew around the room, brighter than in prior sessions.  Bright pillars of light formed around the area occupied by Alan Bennett, the medium. Patrick then told the group to look toward the curtains. “All eyes focused on the draped material, where one of the beams of light was illuminating the materialized figure of Patrick himself,” the Solomons reported. “The group members report that they were able to see his head and shoulders.  One of them even saw him clearly right down to the waist. Patrick was able to repeat this materialization five times before it faded, so that all had a good opportunity to observe him in the specially projected spirit light. “

Patrick explained: “The complicated mechanics of these new type of energy-based phenomena involves the use of quantum physics, with the manipulation of atoms and molecules being important…These are early beginnings but we expect to be able to repeat these phenomena all around the world in other groups.”

Many prominent scientists attended sessions.  Among them were Professors Archie Roy, Bernard Carr, David Fontana, and Arthur Ellison, Drs. Alan Gauld, John Beloff, Russel Targ, and Rupert Sheldrake.  The three regular researchers representing the SPR were Fontana, Ellison, and Montague Keen.

During August of 1998, Manu communicated that the spirit team was continuing to bring pictures of their world by using “thought focus.” He further explained that when those of us in the physical enter their state, it is without physical body and senses. “But what you do have,  in continuation, is mind.  Mind and soul, blended as one….” He likened it to a dream state to some degree, but stressed that it is the “true state” and real home of the consciousness.  “When you are in a physical state, part of your mind retains the ability to link with home. It is this part of you with which we can link when you are in a sleep state.” He went on to say that their world is more vibrant and real than the physical world, that it is outside of time, that there are many planes or levels of existence, and that it is “certainly a state of being.” He again pointed out that it was difficult to explain but it would become clearer as they moved forward.


However, there was little forward movement from that point, due to interference.  The Scole experimental group reported: “We are now fully informed regarding the adverse situation that has arisen as a result of this interference, and since the outcome will affect many of you who have been involved in our work over a long period of time, we must now sadly pass this information on….We have discovered that the result of our four energies coming together, added to nature of the pioneering work we were doing in spiritual science, has caused space-time problems relating to an interdimensional doorway that was created for our experiments.”  They were told that “since the interference was contrary to the strict laws of time and space, it must not be allowed to continue.” 

My guess is that the interference came from advanced beings who recognized that ‘absolute certainty’ relative to a spirit world and survival is not in our best interest as it would stifle our free-will decisions.  That is, if we knew for certain that there would be long-term effects from our actions, we would not be tested in the way that is intended in the “Divine Plan.”  Acting out of fear of punishment in an afterlife limits the tests of free-will that we are here to experience. The small gap between true faith, or conviction, and absolute certainty is vital to the education of the soul in the earthly experience.

To again quote physicist Sir William Barrett, one of the pioneers of psychical research: “It is probable we shall never be able to see behind the veil with the clearness and assurance that Swedenborg claimed to possess, although he warned others off the ground he trod. There may be, and are, I believe, good reasons for obscure vision. If everyone were as certain as they are of day following night, that after the momentary darkness of death they would pass into an endless life of brightness and freedom, such as many spiritualists depict, it is possible few would wish to remain on earth. May be multitudes of earth-worn and weary souls would resort to some painless and lethal drug that would enable them to enter a realm where they hoped their troubles would be forever ended. A vain and foolish hope, for the discipline of life is necessary for us all, and none can hope to attain a higher life without the educative experience of trial and conflict.”

Michael Tymn is the author of The Afterlife Revealed: What Happens After We Die, Resurrecting Leonora Piper: How Science Discovered the Afterlife, and Dead Men Talking: Afterlife Communication from World War I.
His latest book, No One Really Dies: 25 Reasons to Believe in an Afterlife is published by White Crow books.

Next blog post: August 12





When the team combines their energy they start to lift and begin to fly. Effective teams are sensitive to losing performance by various roadblocks (such as attitudes) and this was also seen in The Scole Report where different people’s attitudes blocked communication. I note that the team members are still around and active

I am more concerned with how these spirit teams operate. What works and what doesn’t.

I used to teach team effectiveness for many years. In the UK they use the term Apollo team to indicate the A team which would outperform the others. The composition of these teams was the key. The theories look at what they call your team personality (it is different to your own personality) and these are different. The effective Apollo team has combinations of certain of these different team personalities. Different cultures have different team effectiveness theories. The US has a stronger leadership model for guiding the team. Team theories also differ around the world. The spirit team had a great combination of individuals which to me indicates a structured rather than a haphazard approach. In other words, they knew what they were doing.

I wondered about the thinking behind The Scole Report by their spirit team Why not give full directions (the “magic factors”) to allow other teams to replicate their successes? They did provide a handbook for other teams. A Basic Guide to the Development and Practice of the New Physical Psychic Phenomena Using Energy; The New Spiritual Science Foundation. Educational Booklet no. 1

There were members of the Council for Communion who assisted this spirit team. Is it essential for a successful team to have a heavyweight from the Council of Communion? How do you get these heavyweight members for spin-off teams that are following the handbook? Why don’t we get clearer step by step instructions from our better informed spirit friends?

A spirit friend helped me to understand.
“The concepts are easy to absorb if they are prepped in your mind. Concepts developed by writers in their books are like building blocks which allow the creation of thoughts. The recent mention of the Council for Communion is a very important concept. It is the means of regulation of various giving to groups. These may be very sensible and well meaning groups but many want to take away the element of free will. They want to instruct – you will understand that learning material is presented to the student. The student then takes these thoughts. If you taught them to follow a step by step, when you are not giving them the steps they would fall over.”

Bruce Williams, Tue 6 Aug, 00:17

A copy of what comes next has just dropped through my letter box and it looks like a good read.
Thanks for highlighting it Michael.
Best wishes

Pete Marley, Sun 4 Aug, 15:25

As I quoted Patrick above, the phenomena observed by the Scole group involved the use of quantum physics.  Michael Schmicker, who has frequently commented here, has authored a book, just recently released, about quantum physics, “What Comes Next?” I know of no book that explains quantum physics in layman’s terms better than this one. Although not published by White Crow Books, I assume that Jon does not mind my mentioning Mike’s book here.

Michael Tymn, Fri 2 Aug, 08:19

Don and Michael,

There are various sections of the book which attract our different interests. For me, the Scole book is the story of a spirit team working with a physical team. A handbook of how the bits of the puzzle which fit together to form an effective team. I taught team effectiveness and this team is a UK approach.

We are given the spirit team composition and there are interesting explanations of each of their roles. The team has “thousands of minds working in unison (p4) but a few front runners (four main spirits – the list is in Appendix One) How they operated was introduced How the Spirit Team worked on p18.(This matches my experience of a front end delivery team of four back by hundreds in the group).

Physical teams used trance mediums with Manu (Inca) acting as gatekeeper. Another similarity.
The reason was to try a new energy method that did not drain the trance mediums but refreshed them. My understanding is that innovation is either the new or substantially improved product or process. Spirit teams are always trying new or substantially improved communication methods.

Michael laments that this teamwork did not seem to settle the discussions on life after death.  Different spirit teams are trying at the moment but have the same resistance. If this to stop the number of lost souls choosing to transition early, this is above my pay grade. As to the group to group communications I have been told that these occur but I am in the dark if they are on a formal arrangement. Paxton (one of the spirit team) says on p38 “However, there has been an important decision by the Council of Communion, of which I am a member… to communicate directly as the work is considered very important”.

This would indicate a formal structure.
The Scole book is a team of individuals coming together (on both sides of the veil) to deliver proof.


Bruce Williams, Fri 2 Aug, 03:36

Aside from the reason for the closing of the Scole experiments, I agree with Michael’s speculation on the wisdom of withholding clarity on what happens to us after death. I have wondered if I myself might have gone too far in providing confidence to the reader or viewer that we survive. This is true especially in my recent TikTok videos. I’ve noticed that the video mostly concerned with the beauty and pleasantness of the afterworld has many more viewers than those other videos that emphasize accountability for our actions.

In any case, it’s crucial that, in providing powerful evidence for survival, we make it clear that the world we enter at death is no lotus-eating paradise for souls tempted to dodge further suffering in the physical world or for lazy or corrupt souls living under the the illusion that their deeds won’t follow them.

Stafford Betty, Wed 31 Jul, 08:37


I can only offer suggestions with the drooping pectorals.  Bench presses are the best, but if you don’t have weights and a bench, I’d suggest deep push ups between chairs.  Work up to 100 every three or four days in sets of 20-25 with a few minutes rest between sets. If that is too easy, add to the number in each set and/or take less rest between sets.  smile

Michael Tymn, Wed 31 Jul, 07:08

Excellent overview of a fascinating experiment of survival and possibly interdimensional communication. Those involved were scrupulously ethical and the PRS investigators were given complete freedom of information regarding the individuals, history and intention of the participants. One of the most original survival investigations since the Cross Correspondence case.
Yet for all the accolades for those involved, it remains a wisp of what has been witnessed through physical phenomena in the 19th & early 20th century. Full spirit manifestation is the metaphysical empirical test required for proof of survival. Of course many will claim true spirit evidence should not be unduly concerned with materialist ‘signs and wonders’.
The Cross Correspondence as to evidence is overwhelming but in light of current psi culture appears quaint and overly fastidious to many. The Scole experiment continues that tradition of spiritualist phenomena. I still await the return to a time when spirits and the living interact as equals.

Mark Newbold, Wed 31 Jul, 01:17


Yes, it is very confusing.  One wonders if the various “soul groups” on the Other Side communicate with each other or otherwise know what is going on in the rest of that particular dimension.  The quote I offered suggests that at some point they became “fully informed,” which implies that early on they were speculating on the cause of the interference.  It is definitely subject to different interpretations.

Michael Tymn, Tue 30 Jul, 23:41

I’ve read this book as well as another excellent one written by Montague Keen, Arthur Ellison and David Fontana entitled “The Scole Report, 1999 and 2011. I am fully convinced of the events described in these books.

I should have plenty of information in my head to give me a lifetime of awe and wonderment, but for some reason I am fixated on receding gums, drooping pectoralis muscles, and smoke in the air from a nearby fire. I truly do not understand why such trivialities can steal what should be awe and bliss and reverence.

I suppose a similar experience is lying under a star-filled night in the mountains when the galaxy is shimmering in all her glory and a God-damned mosquito keeps buzzing in my ear and landing on my forehead.

Brian Anthony Kraemer, Tue 30 Jul, 19:56


Another good blog. I followed the Scole experiments for sometime and I do think they are pretty impressive


Michael Schmicker, Mon 29 Jul, 20:25

That was an excellent summary, Michael. Thanks. Like you, it is a very long time since I read that book for the first time. In 2009, with permission from Robin Foy one of the 4 mediums runnning the Scole group, I used numerous of their photographs in my first-ever Youtube documentary, ‘This Life, Next Life’, which has now had over 808,000 views. If your readers don’t have the book itself they can see the Alien photo and many other pictures in my video.

Keith P in England.

Keith Parsons, Mon 29 Jul, 20:23

Good Morning Michael…

That’s an interesting spin (your more philosophically-based take) on the ending of the Scole phenomena in late 1998. As the Solomons report it, however, it doesn’t seem quite so benign. I quote (from the 1999 hardcover edition, page 193)...

“I have some troubling news. The team has told us we have to shut down operations with immediate effect. A personality from the future is interfering with the interdimensional doorway every time we open it. He is experimenting with a crystalline time-probe and his motives are not entirely benevolent…”.

Joy to the world…


Don Porteous, Mon 29 Jul, 16:38

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