Our 10 most recent titles are listed below, with the newest at the top of the page.
Consciousness Beyond Death: New and Old Light on Near-Death Experiences
Michael Tymn
Although the near-death experience has been the subject of considerable research since Dr. Raymond Moody coined the term in his 1975 classic, "Life After… more
Stead: The Man: Personal Reminiscences
Edith K. Harper
In "Stead: The Man," Edith K. Harper documents the psychic world of W.T. Stead—newspaper editor, author, pacifist, social reformer, and pioneer of investigative… more
Marcus and Miriam: A story of Jesus
Rebecca Ruter Springer
Marcus and Miriam: A Story of Jesus" is a historical fiction novel by Rebecca Ruter Springer, first published in 1908. The story follows the lives of two… more
Phone Calls From the Dead
D. Scott Rogo and Raymond Bayless
Back in print! In October 1968, Mrs. Don Owens of Ohio received an urgent call for help from a friend. The time of the call was 10:30 P.M.—the exact time… more
Angels and Aliens: UFOs and the Mythic Imagination
Keith Thompson
In a brilliant stroke, Keith Thompson takes a subject usually confined to checkout-counter-tabloids and reveals its surprising literary richness, intellectual… more
UFOs and UAP: Are we Really Alone?
Jeffrey Mishlove
In this anthology titled "UFOs and UAP: Are we Really Alone?" Jeff explores the increasingly compelling subject of Unidentified Flying Objects, or as it’s… more
The Spiritualist Prime Minister: Volume 2: Mackenzie King and his Mediums
Anton Wagner, PhD
Volume 2 of "The Spiritualist Prime Minister: Mackenzie King and His Mediums" examines how prominent mediums in Canada, New York, and London such as Etta… more
A Doorway to the Light: After Death Experiences
Carmen de Sayve and Jocelyn Arellano
In "A Doorway to the Light," psychic medium Carmen de Sayve and speaker and channeler Jocelyn Arellano offer a glimpse into the afterlife. The authors… more
Etta Wriedt: One of the Greatest American Direct Voice Mediums of the 20th Century
N. Riley Heagerty
In his tenth work, researcher N. Riley Heagerty delves into the life of Etta Wriedt, one of the great American Direct Voice mediums of the “Heyday of Spiritualism”… more
The Barbanell Report: A Journey into the Afterlife
Edited by Paul Beard
BACK IN PRINT! In 1982, a medium at the College for Psychic Studies in London named Marie Cherrie received a message during a sitting with Paul… more