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The Beautiful Life   The Beautiful Life
Simon Parke

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Above: See Simon talk about each of the 10 skilfull attitudes in The Beautiful Life in these 10 one-minute clips. The first clip is shown above, but click here to see all 10 skilfull attitudes.

The Beautiful Life gives ten new commandments for coping with the stresses, strains and pressures of modern-day living. Looking always with the inner eye, it is a book in search of psychological truth – the truth from which people are made and live. It describes the energies and textures of our life – emotional, mental, visceral, spiritual – and discerns the ‘sorryness and grandeur’ in all. The ten new commandments offered are ten skilful attitudes in pursuit of the beautiful life. Our past has made us, but does not define us, and we each have a genius for the future through simple attention to familiar things. The book draws on a wide tradition of human experience, and using story, illustration and comment, invites us to be alchemists for our own transformation. It is a handbook for those who know that something is always over – and that something has always begun. It suggests the work of life – the work beneath all other work.

About the author

Simon Parke was a priest in the Church of England for 20 years, and is now a writer. His most recent books are One-Minute Mystic, Shelf Life and The Enneagram. He runs, leads retreats, meets with people looking for a new way in their life, and follows the beautiful game.

Publisher: White Crow Books
Published January 2010
Duration: 3h 55m
ISBN 978-1-907355-44-8
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The Only Planet of Choice: Visitations – Many people use the word ‘Alien’ to describe a visitor from outer space. Extra terrestrial is another word, which is rather more user friendly. For the sake of the question and answer format, the word used by the questioner has been left, though even Tom questions our use of‘Alien’. Should we wish to foster openess between all beings of the Universe perhaps we should also look at our vocabulary? In a discussion between Andrew and Tom many years earlier, Andrew had asked Tom about UFOs and whether they were created manifestations. Tom had replied: “Many of the flying things that you call UFOs come from our place, but they come from other places also, and they do come in physical form. But many of them are not physical. They are like your movie screen”. Read here
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