Books: Philosophy
Guardians of the Afterworld
Stafford Betty
"Guardians of the Afterworld" is the third of Professor Betty’s afterlife novels. The first tells the story of non-believer who dies in a plane crash,… more
The Philosophical Possibilities Beyond Death: Exploring the Evidence from Psychical Research
Brooke Noel Moore PhD
In this engaging and comprehensive book, the philosopher Brooke Noel Moore provides a unique synthesis of the philosophical and parapsychological aspects… more
Thinking Beyond the Brain: A Wider Science of Consciousness
Edited by David Lorimer
BACK IN PRINT! The science of consciousness continues to be a hot topic in academic circles – its precise nature holding huge implications for the future… more
A New Renaissance: Transforming Science, Spirit and Society
Edited by David Lorimer and Oliver Robinson
"A New Renaissance" diagnoses the urgent need for cultural change and renewal in today’s period of crisis in philosophy, science, and society – now even… more
Death and Immortality in the Religions of the World
Paul and Linda Badham
Most of the world’s religions hold a belief in some form of life after death. The editors of this major anthology seek a global perspective on the importance… more
That Myriad Minded Man: A Biography of G. W. Russell: 'A.E'
Henry Summerfield
This is the first full length, annotated and referenced biography of George William Russell, better known by his pen-name – A E. 'That myriad minded man'… more
Mind-Dust and White Crows: The Psychical Research of William James
William James with Gregory Shushan
"Mind Dust and White Crows" bridges the illusory divide, placing James’s widely accepted works on mystical experience, theories of the soul, immortality,… more
New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Is There Life After Death?
Jeffrey Mishlove
During the past five decades, psychologist and parapsychologist Jeffrey Mishlove has been dialoguing with scientists, academics, experiencers, historians… more
The Descent of the Gods: The Mystical Writings of G.W. Russell: A.E.
George William Russell and edited by Raghavan and Nandini Iyer
BACK IN PRINT! Although A.E., was a poet, painter newspaper editor and political writer, working for three decades in the Irish cooperative movement, he… more
Deep Weird: The Varieties of High Strangeness Experience
Jack Hunter, PhD
This book is about the stranger reaches of extraordinary experience research. In these pages an intrepid cast of writers, investigators and academics explore… more
The Cosmic View: The Teachings of a Catholic Mystic
Andrew Glazewski with Paul Kieniewicz
In "The Cosmic View," Andrew Glazewski – much loved priest and mystic, introduces us to a vision of who we essentially are – cosmic beings, beyond space… more
Call me Lucifer: Dialogues with a Noble Stranger
Eileen J. Garrett
"Call me Lucifer: Dialogues with a Noble Stranger," features Garrett’s writings about her encounters with this Noble Stranger, and reflections on her intellectual… more
The North American Indian Orpheus Tradition: Native Afterlife Myths and Their Origins
Ake Hultkrantz
“Visionaries who have made their way to the realm of the dead and then returned have told of its secrets.” In this scholarly but highly readable book,… more
Life Eternal
W. T. Stead
BACK IN PRINT: VINTAGE EDITION Continuing on from his books, "After Death: Letter from Julia" and "The Blue Island," pioneering journalist, William… more
Conversations on Awakening: Part Two
Iain McNay and Renate McNay
This book contains 12 unique accounts of Awakening. They are all taken from transcripts of interviews that were made for conscious.tv. more
Greening the Paranormal: Exploring the Ecology of Extraordinary Experience
Jack Hunter
We are at critical moment in the history of humankind's relationship with the Earth, and all the species that co-inhabit with us. This is a time of climate… more
God is With Us: What Near-Death and Other Spiritually Transformative Experiences Teach Us About God and Afterlife
Ken R. Vincent
Over a century ago, William James in "Varieties of Religious Experience" made the case that, “The founders of every church owed their power originally… more
Psi in Psychotherapy: Conventional and Nonconventional Healing of Mental Illness
Alex Tanous, Elaine Schwinge and Andrew F. Bambrick
Dr Alex Tanous (1926-1990) was a renewed international lecturer on the topics of well-being, creativity and parapsychology. A self-professed psychic, he… more
What You Will: An Inner Journey with Shakespeare
Braham Murray
“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players …” more
In the Light of the Self: Adi Shankara and the Yoga of Non-dualism
Alistair Shearer
Adi Shankara was a South Indian sage and the foremost teacher of Advaita Vedanta, the perennial philosophy that lies at the heart of all religions. Such… more
Survival? Death as a Transition
David Lorimer
In this searching study David Lorimer examines the development of speculations on the nature of life and death from indigenous tribes to modern neuroscientists… more
Resonant Mind: Life Review in the Near-Death Experience
David Lorimer
This book was first published in 1990 under the title "Whole in One - the near death experience and the ethic of interconnectedness". The new title, Resonant… more
The Final Choice: Death or Transcendence?
Michael Grosso
These are dangerous times and history seems to be accelerating—toward what? It’s starting to look like a big crash. No, not a clash of civilizations but… more
The Esoteric Teachings of the Gnostics
Frances Swiney
Though Gnosticism long preceded Christianity, the Gnostics were the first Christians; they accepted Christ in the full realization of the word; his life,… more
The Enigma of Rosalie: Harry Price’s Paranormal Mystery Revisited
Paul Adams
Harry Price is one of the most well known figures in 20th century psychical research; a maverick investigator who created controversy, both within the… more
A Dog's View of Love, Life, and Death
J. R. Archer
In "A Dog's View of Love, Life, and Death," Human beings, thinking they know the answers to many of life’s big questions, continue to make the same mistakes… more
When did you ever become less by dying? AFTERLIFE: The Evidence
Stafford Betty
In this book Professor Stafford Betty pulls together the best evidences for survival of death. The very best, he maintains, come from psychical research.… more
How To Understand Your Bible: A Philosopher's Interpretation of Obscure and Puzzling Passages
Manly P. Hall
In spite of human prejudice to the contrary, there is but one religion and one truth, and all the great faiths of the world are parts or fragments of the… more
Writing on the Ground
Wellesley Tudor Pole
In "Writing on the Ground", Wellesley Tudor Pole continues where he left off in "A Man Seen Afar". more
The Sacred Quest: By Experiment and Experience - The Next Step
D. M. A. Leggett
Using the logic of a mathematician Leggett developed a spiritual framework - a personal philosophy, which he outlined in his two books, The Sacred Quest:… more
A Forgotten Truth: A Spiritual Vision for Modern Man
D. M. A. Leggett and M. G. Payne
Using the logic of a mathematician Leggett developed a spiritual framework - a personal philosophy, which he outlined in his two books on the subject,… more
With Folded Wings
Stewart Edward White
Following an experience with a Ouija board at a party during March 1918, Betty White, wife of the famous America novelist, Stewart Edward White, discovered… more
The Road I Know
Stewart Edward White
Following an experience with a Ouija board at a party during March 1918, Betty White, wife of the famous America novelist, Stewart Edward White, discovered… more
You are History: The Soul, The Higher Self, and our Share of Divinity
Gordon Phinn
The third in the "Eternal Life" trilogy, "You are History: The Soul, The Higher Self, and our Share of Divinity" continues Gordon’s musings from the physical… more
Harmony of the Universe: The Science Behind Healing, Prayer and Spiritual Development
Andrew Glazewski with Paul Kieniewicz
Harmony of the Universe takes us on a journey to the heart of nature where we find music, mathematical proportions, and the fields that organize… more
The Imprisoned Splendour
Raynor C. Johnson
The title The Imprisoned Splendour derives from the author’s conviction that there is a world of unfolding "spiritual" potentiality interpenetrating… more
Light of All Life
Raynor C. Johnson
Light of all Life: Thoughts towards a philosophy of life is the last book written by Raynor C. Johnson. Originally published in 1984, just three… more
The Highest State of Consciousness
John W. White
In this anthology John White brings together a diverse collection of writings by contemporary thinkers such as Aldous Huxley, P.D. Ouspensky, Alan Watts,… more
Super Joy
Paul Pearsall, Ph.D.
Super Joy goes far beyond happiness or contentment. It is the regular and enduring celebration of the delight of daily living, the savoring of the… more
Exploration into God
George Trevelyan
“AN ELDER statesman of the New Age movement, Sir George Trevelyan saw the mission of his later years as an 'exploration into God'. From the moment when… more
A Vision of the Aquarian Age
George Trevelyan
We are happy to reissue Sir George Trevelyan’s trilogy, A Vision of the Aquarian Age, Operation Redemption, and Exploration into God.… more
The Science of Mind
Ernest Holmes
“The Science of Mind is based entirely upon the supposition that we are surrounded by a Universal Mind into which we think; this Mind, in Its original… more
Patience Worth: A Psychic Mystery
Casper S. Yost
ON a July evening in 1913 two women of St. Louis sat with a Ouija board upon their knees. The result of what was to come has remained one of the biggest… more
Christianity as Mystical Fact
Rudolf Steiner
Christianity As Mystical Fact was compiled from a series of lectures Rudolf Steiner gave in 1902. It was an attempt to explain the mystical qualities… more
Forsaking the Family
Simon Parke
Forsaking the family, full of story and illustration, starts by considering the surprising approach of Jesus to his own family – in turns, rude,… more
Simon Parke
What does solitude mean to you? Albert Einstein once said: ‘I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.’… more
The Heart of the Mind
Jane Katra and Russell Targ
In this wide-ranging survey of spiritual insight, healer Jane Katra and physicist Russell Targ demystify consciousness transformation by showing how centuries… more
Autobiography of a Yogi
Paramahansa Yogananda
Autobiography of a Yogi is one of the best-loved spiritual classics. It details the life of Paramahansa Yogananda — one of India's Spiritual guru's, who… more
The Afterlife Revealed: What Happens After We Die
Michael Tymn
n The Afterlife Revealed, Michael Tymn sets forth some of the most credible messages from the spirits relative to the nature of their world. Instead… more
Revelations of Divine Love: A 2011 Edition
Julian of Norwich with Simon Parke
Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich is the first book written in English by a woman. But the work is read now not for historical interest… more
The Death of Ivan Ilyich
Leo Tolstoy
The Death of Ivan Ilyich is Tolstoy's attack on the smug satisfaction of a middle and upper-class population, who in his mind live artificial meaningless… more
Tertium Organum
P. D. Ouspensky
When Tertium Organum burst onto the New York literary scene its author, P. D. Ouspensky, was unaware of it. Piotr Demianovich Ouspensky, the most… more
A Buddhist Bible
Dwight Goddard
Dwight Goddard’s collection of translations of a cross-section of Buddhist traditions was a fundamental part of the importation of Buddhism into the USA… more
On Benefits
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Seneca wrote extensively during the last three years of his life and On Benefits was completed in this period. The work is divided into seven books, and… more
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius wrote his "Meditations" around AD 170 to 180, while on a campaign in central Europe, most probably in what is now Serbia, Hungary and Austria.… more
What is Religion? And Other Writings
Leo Tolstoy
In ‘What is religion?’ Tolstoy explores the idea of religion and provides the following definition: ‘True religion is the establishment by man of a relation… more
Forbidden Words
Leo Tolstoy, edited by Simon Parke
Seven short works Tolstoy which he was never allowed to publish in his native Russia. Published in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Tolstoy’s death. more
On Life
Leo Tolstoy
Tolstoy wrote this book as a philosophical and religious search for an understanding of life beyond scientific formulae, and as part of his search for… more
My Religion
Leo Tolstoy
Tolstoy develops his attack on the church he has left in this book. He accuses them of hiding the true meaning of Jesus, which is to be found in the Sermon… more
The Ethics of Diet
Howard Williams
This history of vegetarianism, as told through the writings of some of history's great thinkers and writers, includes authors from antiquity, such as Plutarch,… more
Sand and Foam
Kahlil Gibran
Sand and Foam is a collection of parables and aphorisms, which in true Eastern style draws on a world of kings, hermits, saints, slaves, deserts, animals… more
The Prophet
Kahlil Gibran
The Prophet, which was to become enduringly popular, is a prose piece which is partly auto-biographical. Gibran said that ‘the whole prophet is saying… more