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  Glimpses of Another World, Impressions and Reflections of an EVP Operator.
Anabela Cardoso

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Glimpses of Another World, Impressions and Reflections of an EVP Operator is Anabela Cardoso’s third work.

Following on from Electronic Voices: Contact with Another Dimension? and Electronic Contact with the Dead: What do the Voices Tell Us? in this book the author shares her thoughts and ruminations on Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC), the phenomena whereby allegedly deceased communicators relay messages and images to the living via radio equipment, televisions, computers, phones and other electronic devices. It’s a subject Anabela has devoted her life to in recent decades.

The communication is both fascinating and mysterious and the wisdom meted out by higher dimension human and nonhuman intelligences is profound. Glimpses of Another World is a memoir and a how-to-do ITC manual rolled into one and essential reading for those pondering the possibility of an afterlife.

About the author

A former member of the SPR, Dr. Cardoso’s long-standing interest in questions related to life and death led her to start experimenting with ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) in 1998. The quantity and quality of her results, obtained under controlled conditions both through the EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) and the DRV (Direct Radio Voices) methods, have convinced her, in spite of the sensitivity of her professional position, to place them in the public domain.

In 2000 Dr. Cardoso founded the ITC Journal, of which she remains Editor-in-Chief. The ITC Journal is published in English, and has an Editorial Board of internationally recognised scientists and researchers of the paranormal. Dr. Cardoso is a regular contributor to the Journal and to other international psychical research publications and has given invited presentations on ITC and her work in the USA, Brazil and many European countries.

Samples of Dr. Cardoso’s ITC results can be found at

You can find videos of Anabela on Youtube.

Publisher: White Crow Books
Published May 25, 2021
234 pages
Size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
ISBN 978-1-78677-133-9
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