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  The Far Horizon: Perspectives on life Beyond Death
Michael Prescott

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Over the past century and a half, a wealth of evidence has emerged that is consistent, at least, with the hypothesis of life after death.

• Near-death experiences
• Deathbed visions
• Mediumship
• Apparitions
• Past-life memories, and memories of a between-lives state

Yet even those who are inclined to take this evidence seriously may struggle to make sense of it. How can the idea of an afterlife be integrated into our everyday experience? How can we connect the seemingly nebulous notion of postmortem survival with the hard, tangible reality of life on earth?

Through metaphors, images, and analogies—illustrated with dozens of documented cases drawn from the literature of parapsychology—this book suggests ways of looking at life beyond death, not as a baffling anomaly, but as a logical extension of our experience of reality here and now.

The hope is that we can learn to see reports of an afterlife as something more than mere ghost stories … and to sharpen the focus of our gaze on “The Far Horizon.”

Praise for The Far Horizon

“As Michael Prescott points out, there is a wealth of evidence suggesting that consciousness survives death. However, the evidence is not easily understood without much dissection and discernment. Simply put, the subject is unworldly and mind-boggling. Prescott has been studying the subject for years and has gone well beyond the usual boggle threshold. He explains the evidence in more worldly terms while offering a very edifying perspective, one that can help a person move from doubt or blind faith to conviction. ” 

~ Michael Tymn, author of The Afterlife Revealed & No One Really Dies: 25 Reasons to Believe in an Afterlife.

“Michael Prescott’s The Far Horizon is a brilliant meditation on human nature and destiny. His thesis is that we are all spiritual beings of pure awareness weighed down by human flesh, with death our deliverance and the Mind of God the ultimate prize. Reincarnation cases, deathbed visions, NDEs, apparitions, earthbound spirits, and mediumistic communications form the foundation of his thesis. In an arresting analogy, one of many, he compares each of us to a diamond, with our personality a flawed facet struggling through a succession of lives. The core of the diamond, or “oversoul,” is beautiful and precious, and at death we are reunited with it. Reading Prescott was both exciting and humbling: Here was a colleague with perspectives, as far apart as quantum theory and cosmic consciousness, that I had largely ignored in my research on the afterlife, and I found myself taking notes! Moreover, he writes with a flourish unusual for a scholar.  From beginning to end, an engrossing read.”

— Stafford Betty, author of The Afterlife Therapist and Heaven and Hell Unveiled

About the author

Michael Prescott is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than twenty novels of suspense. In his spare time he maintains a blog dealing largely with the paranormal and the afterlife.

His blog can be found at

Publisher: White Crow Books
Published January 19, 2021
204 pages
Size: 5.25 x 8 inches
ISBN 978-1-78677-145-2
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