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  The Road I Know
Stewart Edward White

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Following an experience with a Ouija board at a party during March 1918, Betty White, wife of the famous America novelist, Stewart Edward White, discovered she had mediumistic gifts and subsequently began receiving messages from a group of discarnate beings who called themselves the Invisibles. Initially the messages came via automatic writing and later while Betty was in an entranced state.

The messages amounted to hundreds of thousands of words which dealt with life’s big questions such as our purpose here, the nature of life after physical death, and a philosophy of life as seen from the perspective of the invisibles who claimed to be a little further along the cosmic highway than we are. Communication continued after Betty passed away in 1939 via another medium and continued with Betty’s help until Stewart passed away in 1946.

Stewart penned a number of books compiled from the messages including, The Betty Book (1937), Across the Unknown (1939), The Unobstructed Universe (1940), The Road I Know (1942), The Stars Are Still There (1946), and With Folded Wings, which was delivered to the publisher shortly before White’s death and published in 1947.

These so-called Betty Books have become classics in 20th century Metaphysical literature.

“Walk through your days as a creature with folded wings, conscious of the possession of another element and your ability to enter it.”


About the author

A popular author of adventure and travel books, Stewart Edward White (March 12, 1873 to September 18, 1946) became interested in mediumship in 1919 after his wife, Elizabeth “Betty” White, discovered her ability to receive messages from purported spirits by means of automatic writing and the trance voice. “I had paid such matters very little attention; and had formed no considered opinions on them one way or another,” White wrote of his attitude before 1919. “By way of unconsidered opinion I suppose I would, if called upon to express myself, have taken my stand on the side of skepticism. This was because, like the average man, I referred all ‘occult’ or ‘psychic’ matters to spiritualism; which is also the savage’s method. And spiritualism meant to me either hysteria or clever conjuring or a blend of both. I knew that it had been ‘exposed’.”

White’s first book on philosophical matters was Credo, published in 1925, in which he explored question of Survival based on the messages received psychically through Betty from what White called the “Invisibles.” However, no mention was made of his sources or of Betty’s mediumship. A second philosophical book, Why Be a Mud Turtle? was published in 1928, again without explaining the source or mentioning Betty. White did not publicly come “out of the closet” until 1937, when The Betty Book was published. It was subtitled: Excursions into the World of Other-Consciousness Made by Betty between 1919 and 1936. But Betty was not identified.

After Betty’s death on April 5, 1939, White began receiving messages from her through the mediumship of a woman named “Joan,” who preferred to remain anonymous. Betty’s teachings were then put together by White in The Unobstructed Universe, published in 1940.

Born in Grand Rapids, MI, White graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Michigan in 1895 and in 1903 received his M.A. degree from Columbia University. His first book, The Westerner. was published in 1901, followed closely by The Claim Jumper and The Blazed Trail, the latter a best-seller and considered the best of his non-metaphysical books.
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Publisher: White Crow Books
Published February 2016
164 pages
Size: 229 x 152 mm
ISBN 978-1-910121-86-3
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