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Ghostology: The Art of the Ghost Hunter   Ghostology: The Art of the Ghost Hunter
Steven T. Parsons

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Ghostology is simply the study of Ghosts. It is not just about ghost hunting, neither is it is about parapsychology.

The study of ghosts - Ghostology, is not trying to capture apparitions on camera, although that is sometimes a part of it. It is not trying to record the sounds and the voices of the deceased or of spirits, although that too is a part of it. Ghostology is the holistic study of a fascinating aspect of our humanity, a shared human experience that dates back to the earliest civilisations and is common to all of them.

Ghostology is not a “How to guide” for those seeking to investigate ghosts but it provides an up to date consideration and a discussion of the many methods and techniques that will prove helpful to anyone interested in the subject, for those who actively seek ghosts or who are merely interested in discovering more about this fascinating subject.

About the author

Steve Parsons is an Investigator & Researcher of Ghosts, Hauntings and related human experiences.

Author of numerous published articles and works on Ghosts, Ghost Hunting & related subjects, cited and referenced in many more!

In front of camera Presenter & behind the camera Advisor on numerous paranormal documentary shows for UK & overseas broadcast networks including; The Discovery Network, National Geographic, The BBC, ITV etc. Also Canadian, Japanese and US TV networks. Appeared & advised on popular paranormal ‘edutainment’ shows for UK & overseas TV including Most Haunted, I’m Famous & Frightened & Paranormal Investigation Live. Hosted & co-hosted radio shows for broadcasters including the BBC.

Co-Host of popular international weekly radio show Ghost Chronicles International.

“Over the years I have undertaken many projects and investigations, in fact too many to fully list. I have been fortunate to work with and alongside many investigators and parapsychologists and spend time in some of the very best haunted locations chasing their ghosts.

Steve can be found here.

Publisher: White Crow Books
Published June 15, 2021
318 pages
Size: 229 X 152 MM
ISBN 978-1-910121-73-3
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