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Light Changes: Experiences in the Presence of Transforming Light   Light Changes: Experiences in the Presence of Transforming Light
Annekatrin Puhle Ph.D.

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Ever since the dawn of recorded history, humans have reported encounters with an exceptional light which appeared to them to be different, more intense, and brighter than sunlight. Often, these experiences had a strong and lasting effect on those concerned, changing their lives completely. But what exactly did they experience? In which shape did the light appear? Did it come along with a message, and what could it possibly communicate to them? And why did it change in their lives? All these and many more questions require answers. This book faces those questions and offers the thoughts and feelings of more than 800 individuals reporting these experiences over a time span of 130 years.

Light Changes explores ‘Seeing and Inner Sight’, myths, folklore, religion, philosophy, science, and in particular, psychical research, and offers clues into understanding how these important and meaningful encounters with light may affect us all.

Praise for Light Changes

Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 548-549,2014 0892-3310/14

Light Changes: Experiences in the Presence of Transforming Light by Annekatrin Puhle. Guildford, United Kingdom: White Crow Press, 2013. 276 pp. $17.99. ISBN 978-1908733184.

Author Annekatrin Puhle is a philosopher, health consultant, and psychical researcher in the area of exceptional human experiences. This book is an extensive review of light experiences that have been reported throughout history. In particular, the book focuses on light experiences in which the light described appeared to have a healing potential and a transcendent capacity.

The author has undertaken extensive research into amassing and analyzing a multitude of experiences from many different sources. There is an extensive collection of more than 800 examples gleaned from the literature as well as 51 self-selected, word-of-mouth reports collected by the author. All previously reported cases are taken from what the author considers to be classic and potentially classic texts in the field of psychical research and related fields, as well as from three major journals: the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, PSI Researcher, and Paranormal Review.

The book begins with an historical consideration of light experiences throughout the ages in scriptures and ancient texts and in folklore, myths, and cultural beliefs. Light experiences have been described in a variety of contexts such as life-threatening events, crisis, depression, as well as featuring prominently in ancient texts. Such experiences have long-lasting, profound, and life-transforming effects on those who report them.

The main body of examples has been categorized according to various factors such as the type of form the light took, the types of situations and contexts in which the light was experienced, the state of mind of the experiencer, as well as the content and interpretation of the experience. Examples cited are from varying scenarios including light experienced during a near-death event, a deathbed vision, at funerals, during an emotional crisis, meditation, lucid dreaming, hypnagogic/hypnopompic states, and even while wide awake.

There is an interesting analysis that considers the frequency of the various aspects reported and the context and state of mind of the experiencers at the time. The analysis is careful and thorough and rather than focusing on what causes these experiences, the focus is refreshingly on the fact that these experiences do occur, so what is the meaning of them? How can we make sense of these experiences?

The author raises some important points. These light experiences are highly significant and meaningful to those who report them and they raise more questions than they answer. During these experiences, people have attained wise and guiding insights that have a lasting influence in their lives. Furthermore, if the general public remains uneducated about the depths of these experiences, then many people will fail to report them, leading to less material for further research.

These are life-enriching experiences that should not be perceived as embarrassing, but rather should be embraced and encouragement given to the experiencers to share them.

This interesting book contains many fascinating examples of light experiences by different people and under different circumstances. It is a wonderful resource for general readers as well as for students of psychical research and religious and spiritual experience. Much hard work has gone into preparing the descriptions, history, and extensive analysis. It is a valuable asset to anyone who is about to embark on their own research in this area and is a valuable addition to the literature.


About the author

Annekatrin Puhle Ph D is a philosopher, health consultant, and psychical researcher in the area of exceptional human experiences. After receiving her doctorat from the Free University, Berlin, she worked at The Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health in Freiburg, Germany. Currently she is a guest lecturer at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, guest researcher at King’s College, London, and the authores of several books and papers on apparitional experiences and healing.

Publisher: White Crow Books
Published February 2014
276 pages
Size: 229 x152 mm
ISBN 978-1-908733-19-1
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