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New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Is There Life After Death?   New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Is There Life After Death?
Jeffrey Mishlove

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During the past five decades, psychologist and parapsychologist Jeffrey Mishlove has been dialoguing with scientists, academics, experiencers, historians and mystics on the subject of life’s biggest questions, the mind beyond the brain and the nature of reality.

In 2022, Jeff was the winner of the “Bigelow Institute of Consciousness” prize for an essay demonstrating the best evidence for survival of bodily death. He was no doubt aided by more than a thousand discussions he has hosted and hosts on his YouTube channel “New Thinking Allowed“ which continues to expand in subscribers and relevance year on year.

This anthology titled “Is There Life After Death?” includes luminaries in the genre such as Eben Alexander, Miranda Alcott, Stafford Betty, Michael Cremo, Alan Hugenot, Leslie Kean, Betty Kovács, Alexander Moreira-Almeida, Vernon Neppe, and a foreword by James Tunney.

About the author

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, The PK Man, and the New Thinking Allowed Dialogues series: Is There Life After Death? UFOs and UAP: Are we Really Alone? and Russell Targ: Ninety Years of Remote Viewing, ESP, and Timeless Awareness.
He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in the world from an accredited university that says, “Parapsychology.” It was awarded from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1980. He is also the Grand Prize winner of the Bigelow Institute essay competition regarding postmortem survival of human consciousness.

Publisher: New Thinking Allowed
Published June 1, 2023
174 pages
Size: 5.5 x 8.25 inches
ISBN 978-1-78677-229-9
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