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The Barbanell Report: A Journey into the Afterlife   The Barbanell Report: A Journey into the Afterlife
Edited by Paul Beard

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In 1982, a medium at the College for Psychic Studies in London, named Marie Cherrie, received a message during a sitting with Paul Beard, the college president. The message came from Maurice Barbanell, the medium known for channeling the spirit entity Silver Birch. Barbanell had died the previous year.

During the 1970s, Beard and Barbanell agreed that whoever died first would try to report back to the other. The Barbanell Report, the result of this pact, is based on some thirty sessions, held over four years.

It was thought that because of his work and understanding of life after death Barbanell would be prepared for what came next. But when he arrived, he discovered it wasn’t that simple. His relationship with Silver Birch, who is referred to as the Old Man or the Old Fellow, had changed. His guide had stepped back and he was left largely to his own devices.

He explained to Beard: “It’s much more exciting than I expected. The possibilities are endless and quite daunting. Still some confusion with realities. So much depends on what you want to see. …
“One of my first recollections when I passed over was to rid myself of a dream-like feeling. I can see now why it would be so easy for people to exist in this state and find it difficult to come out of it.”

The report is an intriguing read for enquiring minds, curious about what lies ahead.

About the author

Paul Beard (14 October 1904 – 9 June 2002) was an English author and was the president of the College of Psychic Studies. Beard was based in London, England, for sixteen years.

The organization was devoted to finding in spiritualism evidence of life after death. During his tenure as a member and president Beard wrote an article that was published in Spiritual Frontiers in 1970 on “How to Guard Against Possession.” During this research he experimented extensively with using an ouija board.

Beard has written a trilogy of books analyzing the evidence for and against the survival of the human soul after death. He made a lifetime study of psychical research.  He was also a member of the Society for Psychical Research.


Publisher: White Crow Books
Published April 16, 2024
212 pages
Size: 5.25 x 8 inches / 203 x 133 mm
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