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Author submission guidelines

I’ve written or I’m writing a book and I’m looking for a publisher.

We are looking for well-written works of non-fiction on metaphysics, spirituality, the nature of consciousness, life after death, alternative healing and science that is not necessarily in the mainstream.

We are more interested in the subject than a book’s commercial viability, so it doesn’t have to be a blockbuster – but we don’t mind if you think you have one.

Sometimes we reissue books that are out-of-print if we like them.

We try to avoid fiction but sometimes, after a bit of arm-twisting, we have been known to publish the occasional novel.

We are not a vanity publisher and we don’t charge our authors, but neither do we have deep pockets, so advances are not usually paid. But we do pay our authors royalties of up to 30% of net income and we account quarterly.

We do help with PR, but these days the more active and internet friendly an author is, the better. We don’t insist our authors have thousands of Facebook friends and Twitter on the hour, but in an era where potential readers are bombarded with information, the closer we are to your potential readers, the more likely we are to sell your book. We can arrange author interviews and reviews, but if you need a large advertising budget, this is probably not the place for you.

If you think we might be interested in your book and you are interested in working with us, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) and send a couple of paragraphs about you and your book. We don’t have time to respond to submissions unless we are interested, but if we are, we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Thank you.

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The Only Planet of Choice: Visitations – Many people use the word ‘Alien’ to describe a visitor from outer space. Extra terrestrial is another word, which is rather more user friendly. For the sake of the question and answer format, the word used by the questioner has been left, though even Tom questions our use of‘Alien’. Should we wish to foster openess between all beings of the Universe perhaps we should also look at our vocabulary? In a discussion between Andrew and Tom many years earlier, Andrew had asked Tom about UFOs and whether they were created manifestations. Tom had replied: “Many of the flying things that you call UFOs come from our place, but they come from other places also, and they do come in physical form. But many of them are not physical. They are like your movie screen”. Read here
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