eBooks: Paranormal
Reincarnation as a Scientific Concept: Scholarly Evidence for Past Lives
Dr. K.S. Rawat and Titus Rivas, M.A., M.Sc.
"Reincarnation as a Scientific Concept" focuses on the question of whether reincarnation should be recognized as a serious subject by the contemporary… more
Shining Light on Transcendence: The unconventional journey of a Neuroscientist
Peter Fenwick
What is consciousness? How does it relate to the brain, to the mind? Does it even extend beyond them? And if so, might those experiences — telepathy, extrasensory… more
Survival of Death
Paul Beard
As a long-standing member of the Society for Psychical Research and President of the College for Psychic Studies, Paul Beard was an authority on psychical… more
Inner Eye, Listening Ear: An Exploration into Mediumship
Paul Beard
As a long-standing member of the Society for Psychical Research and President of the College for Psychic Studies, Paul Beard was an authority on psychical… more
Hidden Man
Paul Beard
As a long-standing member of the Society for Psychical Research and President of the College for Psychic Studies, Paul Beard was an authority on psychical… more
Indridi Indridason: The Icelandic Physical Medium
Erlendur Haraldsson and Loftur Gissurarson
The authors´ preoccupation with Indridi Indridason spans several decades. Erlendur Haraldsson first read about him in the 1960s, perhaps earlier. He joined… more
The Mystery of the Buried Crosses
Hamlin Garland
One of the most intriguing stories of mediumship on record was told by Hamlin Garland, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, in the last of his 52 books, The… more
Resurrecting Leonora Piper: How Science Discovered the Afterlife
Michael Tymn
Some three years after the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) was founded in London in 1882, Leonora Piper, a young Boston, Massachusetts housewife,… more
At the Hour of Death
Karlis Osis, Ph.D and Erlendur Haraldsson, Ph.D.
We can be certain that the body does not survive death. Once the heart stops circulating blood, the brain is no longer nourished and begins to decay. On… more
On the Threshold of the Unseen
Sir William Barrett
First published in 1917, On the Threshold of the Unseen is Sir William Barrett’s examination of spiritualism, psychic phenomena, and life after… more
Coincidence: a Matter of Chance - or Synchronicity?
Brian Inglis
Life is full of coincidences, some are minor, but often, like the one above, they are extraordinary. Whether they are random events or meaningful cosmic… more
The Other World by Albert Pauchard
Albert Pauchard
The Other World is a vision of the afterlife transmitted from Albert Pauchard, shortly after he passed away in 1934. Pauchard was the president… more
The Road to Immortality
Geraldine Cummins
The Road to Immortality provides the reader with a sublime vision of the afterlife, allegedly communicated from ‘other side’ by the eminent psychologist… more
Private Dowding: The personal story of a soldier killed in battle
Wellesley Tudor Pole
Private Thomas Dowding, a 37-year-old British soldier, was killed on the battlefield in WWI. On March 12, 1917, he began communicating through the mediumship… more
Psychic Adventures in New York
Neville Whymant
When he and his wife were invited to the New York City Park Avenue home of Judge and Mrs William Cannon for a dinner party during October 1926, Dr Neville… more
Natural and Supernatural: A History of the Paranormal from the Earliest Times to 1914
Brian Inglis
Did Moses turn rods into serpents? Does Uri Geller bend spoons? Did Socrates and Joan of Arc have spirit guides? Did Daniel Home levitate? The 1970’s provided… more
Heaven Revised
Eliza B. Duffey
Heaven Revised is a narrative of the change we call death. It appears Eliza Duffey was a gifted medium with the ability to connect with spirit and… more
Transcending the Titanic: Beyond Death's Door
Michael Tymn
As the Titanic plunged to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, Colonel Archibald Gracie was sucked down with it. However, he somehow managed to surface… more
The Truth in the Light
Peter Fenwick and Elizabeth Fenwick
Most of us at the very least wonder about our own immortality and many people are convinced that there is something beyond death, beyond the blackness… more
The Imprisoned Splendor
Stafford Betty
A nationally celebrated but self-absorbed philosophy professor finds himself very much alive following a fatal plane crash in an afterlife world he was… more
Afterlife Teaching From Stephen the Martyr
Michael Cocks
There is much verifiable evidence in this book that we are actually hearing from the spirit of Stephen the first Christian Martyr through a trance medium,… more
The Flying Cow: Exploring the Psychic World of Brazil
Guy Lyon Playfair
When The Flying Cow was first published in 1975, it revealed a world of psychic wonders in Brazil hitherto barely explored by outsiders. Author… more
Thirty Years Among the Dead
Carl Wickland
Spirit obsession is a fact – a perversion of a natural law – and is amply demonstrable. This has been proven hundreds of times by causing the supposed… more
After Death: Letters From Julia
W. T. Stead
In 1892, William Stead discovered he had the gift of automatic writing and it was then that a discarnate entity claiming to be Julia Ames began to write… more
This House is Haunted
Guy Lyon Playfair
Now the subject of two major Movies, “The Enfield Haunting” and “The Conjuring 2: The Enfield Poltergeist. The story of the Enfield poltergeist is already… more
The Mystery of Joan of Arc
Leon Denis
In 1911 Leo Denis's book "La Verite sur Jeanne d’Arc" (The Truth about Joan of Arc) was published in France. The book postulated that Joan of Arc was psychically… more
Passport to the Cosmos
John E. Mack
John Mack explored alien encounter experiences deeply, revealing a world of meaning and power that can revolutionize our understanding of who we are and… more
The Edge of the Unknown
Arthur Conan Doyle
Arthur Conan Doyle’s final book continues his investigation into Ghosts, Life after Death, the Paranormal, Spiritualism, and Harry Houdini. more
Frontiers of the Afterlife
Edward C Randall
Edward C.Randall documents information received from 'Spirit' during over 700 sittings with the 'Direct Voice Medium' Emily French. more
The Spirits Book
Allan Kardec
The Spirits book by Allan Kardec is arguably the ‘Bible of Spiritualism’. It contains 1019 questions and answers about the nature of reality, our place… more
War Letters from the Living Dead Man
Elsa Barker
The second in Elsa Barker's trilogy of books, containing letters written under automatic writing. The books are considered to be an essential guide to… more
Letters from a Living Dead Man
Elsa Barker
The first in Elsa Barker's trilogy of books, containing letters written under automatic writing. Fascinating, informative and inspirational, this book… more
DD Home: His Life, His Mission
Madam Home, edited by Arthur Conan Doyle
The life of DD Home, who has been called ‘the greatest physical medium in history', is recounted here by his second wife, revealing a virtual who's who… more
Incidents in My Life
DD Home
This autobiography of DD Home, the famous Scottish spiritualist of the 19th century, documents the amazing psychic events throughout his life and the people… more
Last Letters from the Living Dead Man
Elsa Barker
The final book in Elsa Barker's Living Dead Man trilogy, containing letters written under automatic writing, from a Los Angeles judge who had recently… more
The Vital Message
Arthur Conan Doyle
In this book, Arthur Conan Doyle shares his thoughts on scepticism, religion, psychic phenomena, and Jesus, whom he sees as the highest of spiritual beings. more
The New Revelation
Arthur Conan Doyle
Written just before the outbreak of the First World War, The New Revelation considers death and the after-life, and contact with the spirit world through… more