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In October 1968, Mrs. Don Owens of Ohio received an urgent call for help from a friend. The time of the call was 10:30 P.M.—the exact time he was pronounced dead at a local hospital.
On a Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. MacConnell of Arizona received a phone call from a long-lost friend who told them she had just been transferred to a nursing home near them. The conversation lasted 30 minutes. However, when they tried to return her call several days later, they were told she had died that previous Sunday morning—hours before their conversation.
After a troubling dream about a childhood friend, a New Jersey woman named Marie D’Alessio decided to call her, and they chatted for some time. When Marie tried to call her again several days later, she was informed that her friend had died a full six months earlier.
Intrigued by such incidents, D. Scott Rogo and Raymond Bayless, two seasoned parapsychologists, delved into this intriguing phenomenon. Their balanced and objective work revealed that such phone calls might be more common than believed. The authors examined various cases, such as messages received through phones, tapes, and other electrical devices, suggesting that the dead may be seeking a reliable method of inter-dimensional communication. Phone Calls from the Dead adds to the growing body of evidence supporting life after death.
About the author
D. Scott Rogo (1950-1990) was an authority on the history of psychical research and authored many books and articles on many aspects of paranormal phenomena. His work has been cited in parapsychology journals including the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, Journal of Religion and Psychical Research and the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research.
He was researcher for the Psychical Research Foundation in Durham, North Carolina, and the Division of Parapsychology at the Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York.
On August 16, 1990 he was found dead at his home in Northridge, Los Angeles, having been fatally stabbed.
Raymond Gordon Bayless (1920-2004) was a landscape painter and field investigator in the subject of survival of death. His books include The Enigma of the Poltergeist (1967), Animal Ghosts (1970), The Other Side of Death (1972), Experiences of a Psychical Researcher (1972), Apparitions and Survival of Death (1973), and Voices from Beyond (1976).
Publisher: White Crow Books
Published Spring 2025
Size: 6 x 9 inches / 229 x 152 mm
ISBN 9781786772732 |