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Faith and the Placebo Effect: An Argument for Self-Healing   Faith and the Placebo Effect: An Argument for Self-Healing
Lolette Kuby, Ph.D

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In this groundbreaking book, author Lolette Kuby—poet, cultural critic, and activist—raises a prophetic voice against the madness of conventional medicine, offering a radical and passionate argument for self-healing through faith, based on the unacknowledged power of the placebo effect.

Previous to the unusual events that led up to the writing of this book, Lolette Kuby, Ph.D., was a widely-published poet and critic, as well as political activist and advocate for the arts. She has been a university English teacher and professional editor and writer. Uncertain in her beliefs, there was little in her previous way of life that prepared her for the healing epiphany and spiritual revelation that led her to develop the radical argument presented in Faith and the Placebo Effect.

“A Brilliant Guide” to Self-Healing

“Dr. Lolette Kuby writes with masterful, incisive clarity…
This book is a brilliant and important guide to encourage us
to accept full responsibility for our thoughts.”

—Barbara Marx Hubbard, author of Conscious Evolution

“...clear, compelling, and insightful.”
—Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Reinventing Medicine

“I am convinced that the mind has capacities only glimpsed by
our dominant worldview…I found the manuscript inspirational.”

—Marilyn Schlitz, Ph.D., Director of Research, Institute of Noetic Sciences

“A brilliant book which will alter forever the way you look at illness and wellness, indeed life itself… Our world needs Faith and the Placebo Effect.”

—David S. Alexander, author of Spiritual Abundance

“The magnitude and passion of Dr. Lolette Kuby’s story of
profound healing from cancer has long filled me with gratitude
and awe. May her gripping message and deep wisdom touch
your soul and facilitate your own healing.”

—Joan Gattuso, author of A Course in Love, A Course in Life

About the author

Lolette is an expat from the United States. Before her move to Canada she taught in the English Department of The Cleveland State University. She holds a doctorate from The Case Western Reserve University. She lives in Thornhill, Ontario, just outside of Toronto.” To learn more about the author, visit her website

Publisher: White Crow Books
Published Aprril 2013
342 pages
Size: 5.5 x 8.5" 140 x 216 mm
ISBN 978-1-908733-79-5
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