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It’s good to be in touch with the living

Posted on 15 April 2010, 23:18

Welcome to my first blog for Whitecrow books, and it’s good to be in touch with the living, after so much time spent with the dead. Yes, I’ve recently finished five conversations with the deceased, four of which are up on this site – Leo Tolstoy, Vincent Van Gogh, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Meister Eckhart. (If you’ve heard of them all, and can place them in history, consider yourself a true renaissance figure.) Mozart, the eternal child, is my fifth conversation and he’ll be available shortly.

Though, of course, the dead are living too. As you may or may not know, I work only with their authentic words, and so for me, there is a very strong sense of meeting with them as I work with them. They might as well be sitting across from me, and this is exhausting. Jesus said that power went out of him when he healed someone, and I find it’s the same in any meeting – power goes out of me, I am drained by the encounter and whether they are living or dead makes little difference. They are someone other, and demand the energy of empathy and listening.

In the coming weeks, I’ll be reflecting on these conversations, because in many ways, I know these figures better than I know myself. It’s not that I know everything about them; it’s a different sort of knowledge, in that I know the spirit that drove them, and the wounds that hurt them and the walls they erected to protect themselves. It’s a different quality of knowing. I suspect the next blog might be about their parents, because in a way, Vincent Van Gogh was the only one not to lie about how he experienced his parents.

We’ll see. But mainly, welcome to this blog. The adventure has begun. Good, eh?!

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