How Unlikely is our Birth?
Posted on 20 February 2014, 19:42
Following on from the Rev Michael Cocks’ blog I too make no claim to know or understand everything related to the survival issue. In fact I sometimes wonder if I actually know anything at all. What I can say is that I can relate to hard evidence that a particular phenomenon has occurred. If…
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What qualifies as evidence from a deceased person?
Posted on 28 January 2014, 17:25
In my last blog I spoke about the MIA experiments (Mediumship Information Analysis) which were designed to test the generality of mediums’ statements and that these sets of experiments did not necessarily indicate survival. But they did show that good mediums can retrieve information about deceased…
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Introducing Tricia Robertson
Posted on 22 January 2014, 14:54
A former teacher of mathematics and physics, Tricia is a long term council member, past Vice President and immediate past President of the Scottish Society for Psychical Research. She is a tutor for the Department of Adult and Continuing Education (DACE) at the University of Glasgow. In…
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