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What qualifies as evidence from a deceased person?

Posted on 28 January 2014, 17:25

In my last blog I spoke about the MIA experiments (Mediumship Information Analysis) which were designed to test the generality of mediums’ statements and that these sets of experiments did not necessarily indicate survival. But they did show that good mediums can retrieve information about deceased persons, information that they could not possibly gain within our understanding of information transfer.

So did the information gained come from:-

1 Some sort of digital or quantum archive

2 A deceased personality- or personalities

3 The recipient

As stated in the first blog it is hard to see that it could come from the recipient as even under triple blind conditions significant results were obtained. So we are left with survival versus archive.

In one of the experimental sessions, which was actually filmed for the BBC, under triple blind conditions the medium looked at me and said this recipient lives at a place called something like Christmas Cottage. I shrugged my shoulders as I knew nothing about who the chosen recipient was and of course, neither did the medium. The medium went on to say that this house had Eastern artefacts in the back garden…like Buddha’s etc. (not what you might expect in the west of Scotland) The medium also said that this person has more than one property.

On subsequent checking the person was connected to Christmas Cottage which did have Eastern artefacts in the back garden. The recipient did own more than one property.

Outwith the MIA experiments we have events such as Murder Most Foul , as described in my book, where neither the medium or the researcher had any knowledge whatsoever of the information that was provided. The information was gained by the medium laying a hand on top of a sealed A5 envelope which contained ‘something’ belonging to the murdered girl. The medium was not told the reason for the psychometry experiment or that it related to a murder.

However, when he put his hand over the envelope the first thing that he said was ‘I have a girl here with medium length brown hair….she was murdered.’ His response was immediate and he looked quite shocked as he told me this. I made no verbal response. He went on to give 29 pieces of specific information that related to this girl. I could not have responded with a yes or no even if I had wanted to as I had no clue as to whether he was right or wrong.

On subsequent checking with the girl’s mother it transpired that 22/29 pieces of information were exactly correct: very specific and unusual information at that. The other 7 statements were not necessarily wrong, but so sensitive that I didn’t feel it was responsible to ask the mother if they were correct. The psychical researcher’s dilemma—-perceived responsibility. I felt that she had lost a daughter under dreadful circumstances and didn’t want to add to her grief.

Maybe I made a mistake with this but nevertheless the odds against chance of getting 22/29 very specific statements correct are still enormous, even if we said that each statement had a 50/50 chance of being correct, which would be ridiculous One of the statements was ‘She is telling me that she misses her four cats’. Take this alone; how many people have four cats?  The information could have been she misses her dog; one cat; two cats; three cats…, but straight away he said without any hesitation ‘She is telling me that she missing her four cats.’

The manner in which the information was delivered appeared as a conversation between the medium and the deceased girl and some of the information provided correctly concerned events that happened after her death.

To me this is less indicative of downloading information from some sort of archive.

A former teacher of mathematics and physics, Tricia Robertson is a long term council member, past Vice President and Immediate Past President of the Scottish Society for Psychical Research.

Her book Things You can do When You’re Dead! Is published by White Crow Books and is available from Amazon and all good online bookstores.

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Introducing Tricia Robertson

Posted on 22 January 2014, 14:54

A former teacher of mathematics and physics, Tricia is a long term council member, past Vice President and immediate past President of the Scottish Society for Psychical Research.

She is a tutor for the Department of Adult and Continuing Education (DACE) at the University of Glasgow. In conjunction with Professor Archie Roy, she provided a session programme of twenty 2 hour lectures per session for DACE in a series entitled, ‘An In Depth Study of Psychical Research’. This course has now been running for six years. The paranormal – what is the evidence?

In addition to 29 years of experience in investigating spontaneous cases, Tricia has appeared on various radio and TV programmes and has been invited, over many of years, to speak to varied organisations throughout the UK.

She has written the foreword to Dr Mark Ireland’s highly successful book Soul Shift, and some of her comments are on the back cover of Trevor Hamilton’s book, Tell my Mother I am not Dead.

She has a wealth of experience in investigating spontaneous cases and has done so for around 30 years. Tricia is known as an interesting speaker on many topics concerning psychical research, which is reflected by the invitations that she receives from varied avenues.


Along with many television appearances, normally in documentaries, since 1990 she has also prepared and presented many papers to the SPR International Conferences, over the past 20 years.

She is the co-author, with Professor Archie Roy, of three published papers on the study of information provided by mediums. These papers follow a five-year study of controlled experiments in conditions up to triple blind. The results of these studies are published in the JSPR April 2001, January 2004 and July 2004.

Tricia was a founding member, and Hon Sec of PRISM, Psychical Research Involving Selected Mediums, 1994-2008.

She has completed a 4-5 year in-depth study of exceptional paranormal healing, started in 2006, and producing some spectacular results. Some of these results would indicate a form of psychic surgery. The final report may be downloaded from this site.

She has completed a report on a 6 year-old boy in Scotland who remembers a previous life.

Apart from three published peer reviewed papers in the JSPR, she has articles published in the journals of the Swedish and Norwegian Societies for Psychical Research.

Tricia is passionate about the evidence gathered in various aspects of Psychical Research, and does not suffer fools gladly who will not address specific evidence in any particular avenue.

While accepting that some people may be deluded in some aspects of experience, it is certain that there are genuine cases in nearly every aspect of paranormal claims.

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About Tricia Robertson

Posted on 22 January 2014, 14:17

A former teacher of mathematics and physics, Tricia is a long term council member, past Vice President and immediate past President of the Scottish Society for Psychical Research.

She is a tutor for the Department of Adult and Continuing Education (DACE) at the University of Glasgow. In conjunction with Professor Archie Roy, she provided a session programme of twenty 2 hour lectures per session for DACE in a series entitled, ‘An In Depth Study of Psychical Research’. This course has now been running for six years. The paranormal – what is the evidence?

In addition to 29 years of experience in investigating spontaneous cases, Tricia has appeared on various radio and TV programmes and has been invited, over many of years, to speak to varied organisations throughout the UK.

She has written the foreword to Dr Mark Ireland’s highly successful book Soul Shift, and some of her comments are on the back cover of Trevor Hamilton’s book, Tell my Mother I am not Dead.

She has a wealth of experience in investigating spontaneous cases and has done so for around 30 years. Tricia is known as an interesting speaker on many topics concerning psychical research, which is reflected by the invitations that she receives from varied avenues.


Along with many television appearances, normally in documentaries, since 1990 she has also prepared and presented many papers to the SPR International Conferences, over the past 20 years.

She is the co-author, with Professor Archie Roy, of three published papers on the study of information provided by mediums. These papers follow a five-year study of controlled experiments in conditions up to triple blind. The results of these studies are published in the JSPR April 2001, January 2004 and July 2004.

Tricia was a founding member, and Hon Sec of PRISM, Psychical Research Involving Selected Mediums, 1994-2008.

She has completed a 4-5 year in-depth study of exceptional paranormal healing, started in 2006, and producing some spectacular results. Some of these results would indicate a form of psychic surgery. The final report may be downloaded from this site.

She has completed a report on a 6 year-old boy in Scotland who remembers a previous life.

Apart from three published peer reviewed papers in the JSPR, she has articles published in the journals of the Swedish and Norwegian Societies for Psychical Research.

Tricia is passionate about the evidence gathered in various aspects of Psychical Research, and does not suffer fools gladly who will not address specific evidence in any particular avenue.

While accepting that some people may be deluded in some aspects of experience, it is certain that there are genuine cases in nearly every aspect of paranormal claims.

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