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Introducing Tricia Robertson

Posted on 22 January 2014, 14:54

A former teacher of mathematics and physics, Tricia is a long term council member, past Vice President and immediate past President of the Scottish Society for Psychical Research.

She is a tutor for the Department of Adult and Continuing Education (DACE) at the University of Glasgow. In conjunction with Professor Archie Roy, she provided a session programme of twenty 2 hour lectures per session for DACE in a series entitled, ‘An In Depth Study of Psychical Research’. This course has now been running for six years. The paranormal – what is the evidence?

In addition to 29 years of experience in investigating spontaneous cases, Tricia has appeared on various radio and TV programmes and has been invited, over many of years, to speak to varied organisations throughout the UK.

She has written the foreword to Dr Mark Ireland’s highly successful book Soul Shift, and some of her comments are on the back cover of Trevor Hamilton’s book, Tell my Mother I am not Dead.

She has a wealth of experience in investigating spontaneous cases and has done so for around 30 years. Tricia is known as an interesting speaker on many topics concerning psychical research, which is reflected by the invitations that she receives from varied avenues.


Along with many television appearances, normally in documentaries, since 1990 she has also prepared and presented many papers to the SPR International Conferences, over the past 20 years.

She is the co-author, with Professor Archie Roy, of three published papers on the study of information provided by mediums. These papers follow a five-year study of controlled experiments in conditions up to triple blind. The results of these studies are published in the JSPR April 2001, January 2004 and July 2004.

Tricia was a founding member, and Hon Sec of PRISM, Psychical Research Involving Selected Mediums, 1994-2008.

She has completed a 4-5 year in-depth study of exceptional paranormal healing, started in 2006, and producing some spectacular results. Some of these results would indicate a form of psychic surgery. The final report may be downloaded from this site.

She has completed a report on a 6 year-old boy in Scotland who remembers a previous life.

Apart from three published peer reviewed papers in the JSPR, she has articles published in the journals of the Swedish and Norwegian Societies for Psychical Research.

Tricia is passionate about the evidence gathered in various aspects of Psychical Research, and does not suffer fools gladly who will not address specific evidence in any particular avenue.

While accepting that some people may be deluded in some aspects of experience, it is certain that there are genuine cases in nearly every aspect of paranormal claims.

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