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The Divine Plan by Silver Birch

Q: Can you explain something of the plan that is behind spirit communications?

OUR work is to give that which has a purpose, significance, so that, while it demonstrates the existence of law, it also enables comfort to be given and knowledge to be spread. Our work is not only to reveal the existence of laws beyond the physical, but to reveal truths of the spirit.

Q: Do you consider the maintenance of the British Commonwealth to be advantageous to the world?

YES, because all that which binds people in unity is to be prized.
The world must learn to draw closer together, seeking to find those factors of unity on which it can stand together. That is why we are opposed to those who strive for separation. When the soul is liberated it desires to draw together in harmony all the others in the world.

Q: Why is it that we hear so much about a spirit plan, and yet see such little apparent result of it?

YOU do not see the results of a plan because you look at these things with the eyes of matter. You judge progress in relation to your own short span of life, but we see progress because we look at things from another plane. We see the spread of knowledge, a greater understanding of spiritual things, a rise of tolerance, an increase of goodwill, a breaking down of barriers of ignorance and superstition and fear and spiritual slavery. It is not as if there were to be a sudden revolution. That could never happen, because all spiritual growth must be slow and progressive. Do not think that there is need for despair. There is on one hand – when you see the growing masses of materialistic forces – but on the other hand there is growing hope as the light of spiritual truth penetrates the fog of materialistic selfishness. And, as long as knowledge spreads, truth will be victorious. We strive to serve you, because we love you. We are not evil spirits, seeking to lure you on to paths of destruction. We do not seek to make you debase yourselves, to practise cruelty or sin. Rather do we strive to make you realize the divinity that is yours, the powers of the Great Spirit that you
possess, how you can practise the law of service and help the plan
of the Great Spirit.

Extract from The Silver Birch Book of Questions & Answers


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