Books: Memoir
The Spiritualist Prime Minister: Volume 2: Mackenzie King and his Mediums
Anton Wagner, PhD
Volume 2 of "The Spiritualist Prime Minister: Mackenzie King and His Mediums" examines how prominent mediums in Canada, New York, and London such as Etta… more
Russell Targ: Ninety Years of Remote Viewing, ESP, and Timeless Awareness
Jeffrey Mishlove
A childhood magician, raconteur, laser pioneer, physicist, parapsychologist, and psychic spy, Russell Targ has enjoyed an illustrious career spanning more… more
Sunflowers at my Table: War Diaries of a Ukrainian Community
Amber Poole
On February 24, 2022, war broke out in Ukraine when Russia invaded parts of the country. It started with a barrage of bombing of major Ukrainian cities.… more
The Nine: Briefing From Deep Space
Stuart Holroyd
"The Nine: Briefing From Deep Space" (originally titled Briefing For a Landing on Planet Earth) tells the story of a group of inter-dimensional beings… more
The Attraction of Peyote: Native American Psychedelic Spiritualities
Ake Hultkrantz
“Drugs in different forms have served as stimulants for ecstasy in shamanism since archaic times.” "The Attraction of Peyote" is an unrivalled exploration… more
Call me Lucifer: Dialogues with a Noble Stranger
Eileen J. Garrett
"Call me Lucifer: Dialogues with a Noble Stranger," features Garrett’s writings about her encounters with this Noble Stranger, and reflections on her intellectual… more
And Another Thing: Memories of Family Life with a Psychiatrist
Elizabeth Fenwick
In "And Another Thing: Memories of Family Life with a Psychiatrist", Elizabeth Fenwick, wife and co-author of neuropsychologist Peter Fenwick, presents… more
Eternity Revisited: Messages on Life from my Near-Death Experience
Joseph B. Geraci, PhD
In the 21st century, with the advent of the internet, we now have access to thousands of accounts of near-death experiences across many cultures, from… more
Extraordinary Contact: Life Beyond Intruders
Debra Jordan-Kauble
Debra Jordan-Kauble is an “ordinary” woman with a habit of attracting the extraordinary. After reporting a terrifying anomalous experience to Budd Hopkins—pioneering… more
Towards the Unknown: Memoir of a Psychical Researcher
Erlendur Haraldsson
In the world of parapsychology and psychical research Erlendur Haraldsson may well be remembered as one of the great investigators, particularly in field… more
An Extraordinary Journey: The Memoirs of a Physical Medium
Stewart Alexander
REVISED AND UPDATED EDITION In the little known and controversial world of physical mediumship, Stewart Alexander, Britain’s most accomplished living… more
Till Death Don't Us Part: A True Story of Awakening to Love After Life
Karen Frances McCarthy
Former political and war correspondent, Karen Frances McCarthy, was on assignment when she received the news that her partner had suddenly died in New… more
Personality Survives Death: After-Death Communication from Sir William Barrett
Florence Barrett and William Barrett
BACK IN PRINT! VINTAGE EDITION. During the 11 years that followed Sir William’s death, Florence, initially very skeptical, sat with renowned trance… more
The Blue Island: Experiences of a New Arrival Beyond the Veil
William Thomas Stead with Estelle Stead and Pardoe Woodman
BACK IN PRINT! VINTAGE EDITION. When on April 12, 1912, the British passenger ship, RMS Titanic, famously sank 400 miles off the coast of Canada,… more
Shining Light on Transcendence: The unconventional journey of a Neuroscientist
Peter Fenwick
What is consciousness? How does it relate to the brain, to the mind? Does it even extend beyond them? And if so, might those experiences — telepathy, extrasensory… more
When Spirits Come Calling: The Open-Minded Skeptic's Guide to After-Death Contacts
Sylvia Hart Wright
In 1973 Sylvia Hart Wright married Paul Fletcher, a linguist. After he died in 1983, Wright and her son jointly had an experience that suggested that Paul… more
What You Will: An Inner Journey with Shakespeare
Braham Murray
“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players …” more
In the Light of the Self: Adi Shankara and the Yoga of Non-dualism
Alistair Shearer
Adi Shankara was a South Indian sage and the foremost teacher of Advaita Vedanta, the perennial philosophy that lies at the heart of all religions. Such… more
Surgeon From Another World
George Chapman with Roy Stemman
George Chapman was a remarkable man. He was an internationally known healer and gifted trance medium. In his entranced state he surrendered his identity… more
If Morning Never Comes: A Soldier's Near-Death Experience on the Battlefield
Bill Vandenbush
A tragedy of war nearly destroyed my life, but a force intervened and has guided me on an incredible lifelong journey. My Near-Death Experience took me… more
Faith and the Placebo Effect: An Argument for Self-Healing
Lolette Kuby, Ph.D
In this groundbreaking book, author Lolette Kuby—poet, cultural critic, and activist—raises a prophetic voice against the madness of conventional medicine,… more
Geraldine Cummins: An Appreciation
Charles Fryer
GERALDINE CUMMINS was Ireland’s most celebrated psychic. Her particular mediumship manifested as 'automatic writing' where, controlled by discarnate beings… more
Light of All Life
Raynor C. Johnson
Light of all Life: Thoughts towards a philosophy of life is the last book written by Raynor C. Johnson. Originally published in 1984, just three… more
Exploration into God
George Trevelyan
“AN ELDER statesman of the New Age movement, Sir George Trevelyan saw the mission of his later years as an 'exploration into God'. From the moment when… more
The Voices
William Usborne Moore
Over the years, I have read at least 500 books dealing with various aspects of life after death – books on mediumship, near-death experiences, reincarnation,… more
Afterlife Teaching From Stephen the Martyr
Michael Cocks
This book records seven years of conversations with the spirit of St. Stephen the Martyr, between 1974-80, Thomas Ashman, being the channel. The experience… more
Autobiography of a Yogi
Paramahansa Yogananda
Autobiography of a Yogi is one of the best-loved spiritual classics. It details the life of Paramahansa Yogananda — one of India's Spiritual guru's, who… more
Revelations of Divine Love: A 2011 Edition
Julian of Norwich with Simon Parke
Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich is the first book written in English by a woman. But the work is read now not for historical interest… more
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius wrote his "Meditations" around AD 170 to 180, while on a campaign in central Europe, most probably in what is now Serbia, Hungary and Austria.… more
Conversations with Mozart
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart with Simon Parke
‘Conversations with Mozart’ is an imagined conversation with the man behind the music who died largely unnoticed at the age of 35. But while the questions… more
Conversations with Arthur Conan Doyle
Arthur Conan Doyle with Simon Parke
An imagined conversation in which Arthur Conan Doyle's words are entirely his own, speaking about his commitment to spiritualism, which amazed people in… more
Conversations with Leo Tolstoy
Leo Tolstoy with Simon Parke
This is Tolstoy is his own words, drawn from his extensive books, essays and letters. Vegetarianism, marriage, non-violence, the military, death, God and… more
Forbidden Words
Leo Tolstoy, edited by Simon Parke
Seven short works Tolstoy which he was never allowed to publish in his native Russia. Published in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Tolstoy’s death. more
DD Home: His Life, His Mission
Madam Home, edited by Arthur Conan Doyle
The life of DD Home, who has been called ‘the greatest physical medium in history', is recounted here by his second wife, revealing a virtual who's who… more
Incidents in My Life
DD Home
This autobiography of DD Home, the famous Scottish spiritualist of the 19th century, documents the amazing psychic events throughout his life and the people… more
The Vital Message
Arthur Conan Doyle
In this book, Arthur Conan Doyle shares his thoughts on scepticism, religion, psychic phenomena, and Jesus, whom he sees as the highest of spiritual beings. more
The New Revelation
Arthur Conan Doyle
Written just before the outbreak of the First World War, The New Revelation considers death and the after-life, and contact with the spirit world through… more