Jane Katra and Russell Targ
Jane Katra, PhD, has been a practicing spiritual healer for 37 years. She taught public health at the University of Oregon in the 1980s, and continues to take part in remote viewing, psychokinesis, healing, and distant mental influence research.
She is the author, with Russell Targ, of Miracles of Mind. Katra currently teaches classes on psychic abilities, higher consciousness, and the evolution of humanity, and speaks publicly on the transformative effects of near-death experiences and after-death communications.
Russell Targ was a pioneer in the development of the laser and co-founder of the Stanford Research Institute’s investigation into psychic abilities (remote viewing) in the 1970s and 1980s. He has published more than 100 scientific papers on lasers, plasma physics and ESP research, and his books include Mind Reach, The Mind Race, and Limitless Mind.
A retired senior staff scientist for Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space Co., Targ now lives in Palo Alto, California and teaches remote viewing workshops internationally.