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“Varieties of Religious Experience”

Posted on 01 December 2020, 11:37

That is the title of an important book by the American philosopher, William James published in 1907, and which is a psychological study of a great variety of individual experiences of the Divine.

In a humble way I am exploring such experiences here.

If we are seeking guidance…

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The Remarkable Music Medium, Mrs. Rosemary Brown!

Posted on 21 October 2020, 16:34

“Neither death, nor life, nor principalities and powers can ever separate us from the love of God.” Underneath are the everlasting arms.” The Prodigal Son on his return will always find the arms of the Father running to meet him. Surrender to Love, should always be our aim.

But “Wait! There…

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Underneath are the everlasting arms

Posted on 05 October 2020, 12:09

Since 1953, when I became an Anglican clergyman, I have conducted a great many funeral services. Most times I have read St Paul’s fist letter to the people of Corinth, Chapter 15, verse 43, where he writes about our physical bodies when they are buried, are like seeds, which when sown give rise to…

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“Kindertotenlieder” or “Songs on the deaths of children”.

Posted on 19 August 2020, 19:58

I love Stephen’s prayer about the Good Shepherd who leads us along our personal paths. The following story recounts how that Shepherd appeared to guide me as I drove over a mountain pass on a stormy night.

Many years ago, I was friendly with a music aficionado of the music of Gustav Mahler.…

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Two Priests, Three Dreams, Two Continents by Michael Cocks

Posted on 14 July 2020, 17:44

This blog is about three very interesting dreams of the Rev. Joakim Thoreson, a priest of the Church of Sweden in Gothenburg, a friend of long standing. As Joakim is a priest, let me abandon any “academic” pose and speak as the priest that I actually am. In my

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Two worlds plainly interacting: Synchronicity and saucepan lids

Posted on 21 June 2020, 13:55

Two worlds plainly interacting

September 1, 1975: I had lunch with Celia Bobby, a friend with whom I shared most interesting synchronicities. She lived in a replica Canadian log cabin in the Christchurch suburb of New Brighton. At lunch she remarked that the previous evening, three stainless…

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How Spirit led us to find Schrödinger’s Cat.

Posted on 02 June 2020, 13:16

Spirit has created a physical reliably predictable world in all the ways that science discovers. But that same Spirit is very personal, and Spirit can suddenly suspend these laws to walk us through a teaching experience.  In the stories that follow, Spirit leads us through a series of incidents…

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Stories of My Past Experiences of Synchronicity

Posted on 21 May 2020, 14:58


A reader has drawn my attention to a series of valuable meditations on “Synchrodestiny” by Deepak Chopra. (I provide a link to one of them at the end of this blog, so that it can be experienced). He invites us to be open to guidance in the Spirit, in whatever ways…

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Are We Fated? Mr. Ormorod Gave Me Sixpence

Posted on 22 April 2020, 9:46

Predestination… taken in its widest meaning, is every Divine decree by which God, owing to His infallible prescience of the future, has appointed and ordained from eternity all events occurring in time, especially those which directly proceed from, or at least are influenced by, man’s free will.…

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Thank You Michael Tymn, Victor and Wendy Zammit and Many Others

Posted on 16 March 2020, 12:20

Michael Tymn, Victor and Wendy Zammit have been very important indeed in providing evidence for the reality of the dimension of spirit, for an afterlife.  A host of reports of near-death experiences give us clear impressions of how it might be for us when we leave our earthly bodies.  And…

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Mackenzie King, London Mediums, Richard Wagner, and Adolf Hitler by Anton Wagner, PhD. – Besides Etta Wriedt in Detroit and Helen Lambert, Eileen Garrett and the Carringtons in New York, London was the major nucleus for King’s “psychic friends.” In his letter to Lambert describing his 1936 European tour, he informed her that “When in London, I met many friends of yours: Miss Lind af Hageby, [the author and psychic researcher] Stanley De Brath, and many others. Read here
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