Although the near-death experience has been the subject of considerable research since Dr. Raymond Moody coined the term in his 1975 classic, Life After Life, it is only in recent years that researchers have dared to state that the phenomenon strongly suggests that consciousness survives death, validating the words of St. Paul that we have two bodies – physical and spiritual – the spirit body separating from the physical body at the time of death. This anthology examines a number of profound NDEs during the past two centuries.
“The dying experience is almost identical to the experience at birth. It is a birth into a different existence which can be proven quite simply. For thousands of years you were made to ‘believe’ in the things concerning the beyond. But for me, it is no longer a matter of belief, but matter a rather of knowing.”
~ Elisabeth Kűbler-Ross, M.D.
“I have listened to thousands of people tell their stories of ‘going to the other side,’ and I can tell you that I believe what they say, and can tell you that for most of them, nothing stands in the way of their faith that another world awaits them.
~ Raymond Moody, M.D.
“This [near-death] experience gave me a feeling of extreme poverty, but at the same time of great fullness. There was no longer anything I wanted or desired. I existed in an objective form; I was what I had been and lived.
~ C. G. Jung, M.D.
Preface: New and Old Light on the Near-Death Experience
Part I – Examining the Existential, Evidential & Skeptical Aspects
1. Taking your toys with you after death
2. NDE researcher sees life as a paradox
3 Overwhelming evidence for the survival of consciousness
4. Experiencing a pre-death life review
5 . Dealing with “Doubting Thomas Syndrome”
Part II – Historical NDEs
6. Admiral tells of drowning and what happened after
7. The most profound NDE ever?
8. The physician who watched himself die
9. Sort of a cloud but not a cloud
10. The most dynamic NDE you’ll ever read about
11. An intriguing 1911 NDE
Part III – The NDE in Recent Times
12. A science professor sees the light
13. The man who fell off Everest
14. An NDE on the battlefield
15. Retired naval architect tells of his NDE
16. A physician discusses her NDE research
17. From surgeon to Superman
Part IV – Science Examines the NDE
18. Has the NDE been debunked?
19. Researchers offer more light on the NDE
20. Finding Truth in the Light
21. Dr. Peter Fenwick discusses dying, death, and survival
22. Dr. Bruce Greyson updates NDE research
Epilogue: 10 lessons not offered in Sunday School or Science 101
About the Author
About the author
A 1958 graduate of the School of Journalism at San Jose State University, Michael Tymn has contributed more than 2,000 articles to some 50 newspapers, magazines, journals, encyclopedias, and books over the past 70 years. While nearly all of his early writing was in the sports arena, Mike also wrote travel, human interest, and metaphysical features. He won the 1999 Robert H. Ashby Memorial Aware given by The Academy of Religion and Psychical Research for his essay on “Death, Dying, and After Death.” Writing assignments have taken him to such diverse places as Bangkok, Panama, Glastonbury, Jerusalem, Hollywood, St. Paul, and Tombstone.
He has interviewed and written about more than 40 Olympians in his sports writing and more than 30 scientists, researchers, educators, and philosophers in his metaphysical writings. He is the author of seven books, one on long-distance running and six dealing with life after death.
Publisher: White Crow Books
Published Spring 2025
Size: 6 x 9 inches / 229x 152 mm
ISBN 9781786772848 |