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  More Spirit Teachings: Further Examples of Remarkable Communication from Beyond
William Stainton Moses aka M. A. Oxon

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More Spirit Teachings, first published in 1892, follows on from Spirit Teachings expounding wisdom and truths from Imperator and his group of discarnate communicators.

Subjects discussed include Christ’s purpose for incarnating on Earth, spirit influence, reincarnation, capital punishment, the hierarchy of communication, the nature of God, truth and fallacy in the Bible, divine judgement versus self judgement and much more.

During one communication on capital punishment they explained:

“Under no circumstances should it be allowed. The soul, suddenly severed from the body is thrown back and becomes grievously dangerous to humanity. The guardians cannot draw near and great difficulties are set in the way of its progress. It is only those who have passed away that know what evils follow from this rude and barbarous punishment.

“To punish by the withdrawal of what you call life is an act of senseless folly. … Reform or seclude the criminal but never kill the body, as you sever from a body a spirit that has not fulfilled its time in your sphere of being.”

*            *            *          *          *

Your Bible contains within it many gems of truth but if man is to benefit from it, he must learn discrimination.
~ Imperator

In the Man Christ Jesus the spiritual principle was most fully evoked, and fitly was He called the ‘Son of God’ in the language of Eastern hyperbole. The Son of God He was in the sense of being the most godlike of any who have walked this earth.
~ Imperator

About the author

William Stainton Moses (1839-1892) was an Anglican priest and teacher who described his experiences with mediumship in a private circle. The phenomena were witnessed by few, as Moses gave seances only for close friends, and did not submit to scientific investigation. But the strength and variety of the phenomena, together with his reputation for complete integrity, led him to be regarded by some as one of the most significant mediums of the period.

Moses was born in Lincolnshire, England. He went to Exeter College, Oxford, in 1858, but became seriously ill before completing his undergraduate studies, and spent a year convalescing in Europe.  He returned to Oxford and gained his Master’s degree in 1863, before being ordained as a clergyman in the Church of England.  He then served as a curate first at Maughold and Douglas, Isle of Man, then at Dorsetshire and Salisbury.  Afflicted with throat problems that prevented him from preaching, he returned to London in 1870 to convalesce.  While there, he tutored Charlton Templeman Speer, the son of Dr and Mrs Stanhope Speer.  In 1871, he was appointed English tutor at University College, London, a position he held until 1889. 

According to Frederic Myers, in 1875 Serjeant Cox founded a ‘Psychological Society’, with both Myers and Moses as members; however, it never got off the ground and was abandoned at Cox’s death in 1879.  When the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) was founded three years later, Moses was part of the organizing group and was made a vice-president. However, he took little interest in the purely scientific objectives of the SPR and resigned in 1886 in protest at what he considered unreasonable and inappropriate controls in the SPR’s study of the medium William Eglinton. Continued ...                                                         

Source: The Psi Encyclopedia

Publisher: White Crow Books
Published August 2018
116 pages
Size: 229 x 152 mm
ISBN 978-1-78677-077-6
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