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The Remarkable Music Medium, Mrs. Rosemary Brown!

Posted on 21 October 2020, 16:34

“Neither death, nor life, nor principalities and powers can ever separate us from the love of God.” Underneath are the everlasting arms.” The Prodigal Son on his return will always find the arms of the Father running to meet him. Surrender to Love, should always be our aim.

But “Wait! There is more!” (as TV ads often shout.) In previous blogs we have been exploring the work of the Good Shepherd, seemingly leading us along a precisely timed path. So that we may know for sure that we have been receiving Divine guidance. But forever and ever we can cry again, “Wait! There is more!” And that is because there is nothing in this wide world that does not have its origin in Spirit.

Quantum Mechanics has got to the point of acknowledging that the physical world of see and touch, and all that occurs in this domain might be the product of Spirit, as most religions have acknowledged from ancient times.

This world is a kind of “maya” or illusions created by the realm of Spirit.

Now, if readers are prepared “to have their minds blown” and can devote enough time, I urge them to view the following video, part of a series on the afterlife developed by Dr Keith Parsons. It is about, in my mind, the most extraordinary medium of all time. Her name is Mrs. Rosemary Brown, a London housewife of limited means, and who could play the piano quite well, (But nothing like concert level). What is so extraordinary about her is that several of the greatest deceased European composers such as Franz Liszt (below) dictated compositions in their own style, note for note, which Rosemary painstakingly transcribed on to blank ruled music paper. I myself have bought and played some of these transcriptions, and love them.


But not only musicians. George Bernard Shaw, for instance, dictated two plays, which I understand have been performed on stage.

And not only writers. Vincent can Gogh overshadowed her, as she painted pictures in his style.

All creation comes from Spirit. All creativity comes from Spirit. All deceased composers, artists and writers are in Spirit and can still create. Rosemary Brown shows this to be the case.

But let me allow Dr Keith Parsons to tell the story in his documentary “The Rosemary Brown Mystery”. 

Liszt – Brown : “Jesus walking on the water

Chopin – “Brown Impromptu

Rosemary Brown speaks for herself.

On listening to all this, readers may (or may not, depending on t their personal beliefs) accept that this, and in fact all creativity emanates from the world of Spirit.

In recent blogs I have described how Spirit aka The Good Shepherd lovingly guides us on a path of learning, how Spirit aka The Everlasting Arms, can enfold us with love, and how Spirit aka Inspiration is the source of all creativity.

It is strange how we all, at least at times, block acceptance of all this. Surrender to Spirit can feel like death. I know from experience.

I would value reader’s thoughts.                                                                                                                                                                         

Michael Cocks edits the journal, The Ground of Faith.
Afterlife Teaching From Stephen the Martyr by Michael Cocks is published by White Crow Books and available from Amazon and other bookstores.

Paperback               Kindle


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Underneath are the everlasting arms

Posted on 05 October 2020, 12:09

Since 1953, when I became an Anglican clergyman, I have conducted a great many funeral services. Most times I have read St Paul’s fist letter to the people of Corinth, Chapter 15, verse 43, where he writes about our physical bodies when they are buried, are like seeds, which when sown give rise to something new, in this case, a spiritual body. 

Whether this is true or not, it has been shown by afterlife research and for us in a materialist world, this is very important to know.

In Paul’s words that follow we have a key statement of faith and spirituality:

For I also read, Romans 8:38 “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Here are similar statements of fait: “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” Deuteronomy 33

“Underneath are the everlasting arms” Those words are not the subject of afterlife research. They are a matter of spirituality. How it is between us and Spirit.

Those arms are always there, as the Prodigal Son was amazed to find, when, after having made a complete mess of his life, on coming home, he was amazed to see his father running towards him, with open arms.

It goes without saying, that we are all fallible, and seem regularly to fall from grace. Every time this happens we need to pick ourselves up, and like trustful children, return to those arms.

In his book, “Breathing under Water”, Franciscan monk, Fr.  Richard Rohr calls our character faults, “addictions”. We are addicted to anger, fear, judgmentalism, whatever. And no amount of our personal efforts changes this.

Like alcoholics often report, we need to hit “rock bottom”, confess our powerlessness, and surrender to those “everlasting arms.”  Then there is a possibility of healing.

Jesus attacked the Pharisees for teaching that we please God though obedience not only to the Ten Commandments but 812 other laws. Pass or fail on obedience to all this.  He told the story of the man who boasted to God about his obedience, and the man who stood at the back of the synagogue, saying, “God be merciful to me, a sinner.” Such a man was closer to the Everlasting arms.

Far from being a Pharisee, In Matthew 7:1 Jesus says “Judge not, that ye be not judged”.

2 “For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again”.

3 “And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?”

In spirituality we are always tempted to be judgmental Pharisees, yet we need to be open to the fact that “the Good Shepherd”, aka “Everlasting Arms” is leading on a predestined path designed to purify our souls. We probably know hymns like, “Guide me O thou ‘Great Redeemer’, “Lead ‘kindly Light’”, “’God’ is working his purpose out as year succeeds to year.”

One of the reasons why I have been telling stories of synchronicity, is to demonstrate that guidance along a spiritual path is a reality, and that we should be alert that all of us may be following in the footsteps of the “Good Shepherd. (Another reason is that these events were part and parcel with the teaching of our “St Stephen the Martyr”)

The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous expands on what can follow is surrender to this God of love. Courageous step are often needed. For the alcoholic, he has to hit “rock bottom” and confess his powerlessness to control his drinking. But hitting rock bottom is not death but rather safety.

I am reminded of an experience my father and mother had when they were young.  They were out picking blackberries in gold mining country. The danger was that there were scores of metres deep shafts amongst the blackberries, and to fall into one would mean injury or death. In spite of his being careful my father slipped into a hole. With nothing to grab hold of, he screamed “Goodbye Molly!” and fell one metre.

I tell this story because I vividly remember surrendering at a deep level to God – and it did feel a bit like a death. Instead though, I had a new perception of reality.  Surrendering to those everlasting arms leads us into a reality, a personal reality, that can only be pointed to in the language of poetry and fable. . And thus   they plumb the depths, and reach the heights of spiritual awareness. (Psalm 139 ‘Where shall I go from Spirit … if I go to the depths of the ocean thou are there…) Spirit has produced a predictable material reality, explored by science But Spirit is also very much the realm of imagination and the heart. We humans are thus in the image of God. 
It is said that we live in a holographic universe, with each small part providing a fuzzy image of the whole.

As a footnote: as an openminded Anglican priest, my mind is saturated with the stories and songs of my church, many of which of course are shared by many other Christian denominations.Some readers will have other backgrounds, other traditions. The very name “Islam means “submission” or “Surrender to spirit”

When I was much younger man I belonged to an Indonesian based Islamic group called Subud. It professed to have no dogma, no picture pf Gpd. Instead we were to be open, submissive to whateveer we felt Spirit was leading us to do, laugh, cry, dance, prostrate ourselves, cry out, whatever, we were perhaps pretending to be God’s puppets. At other times we would ask questions of God and “receive” answers. Some others of us would ask the same question and “check receive” answers. These “receiving” were often enlightening..

I found twoyears of membership of this group most helpful, and similar exercises might be helpful who don’t feel at ome in the Christian trtadition.

The Spirit I found therre was the Spirit of Love. Surrender to Love and that is what you find. That is why the Prodigal Son found a loving Father.

Michael Cocks edits the journal, The Ground of Faith.
Afterlife Teaching From Stephen the Martyr and Into the Wider Dream by Michael Cocks are published by White Crow Books and available from Amazon and other bookstores.

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