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  The Afterlife Revealed: What Happens After We Die
Michael Tymn

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At the very foundation of religious faith and hope is a belief that consciousness will survive death and that we will live on in another dimension of reality.  But that foundation easily crumbles when scientific minds are unable to wrap their brains around an afterlife, when they are unable to visualize a non-material world.  As the foundation gives way, the philosophy of materialism takes hold and gives rise to moral decadence, egocentricity, hypocrisy, hatred, disorder, flux, strife, chaos, and fear. Such seems to be the state of the world today.

There is so much to be found outside the highly guarded boundaries of mainstream science and orthodox religion for those willing to open their minds to it, for those willing to recognize that the dissemination of Truth did not stop with the good books of organized religion and cannot always be found in the laboratory.

Beginning in 1848, a number of sensitive people began developing as mediums, bringing forth communications from the spirit world.  One of the skeptics investigating the “popular madness” was Professor Robert Hare of the University of Pennsylvania.  Intending to debunk it all, Hare would, after extensive research, become a believer.  When he asked an apparently advanced spirit what it was all about, he was told that it was “a deliberate effort, on the part of the inhabitants of the higher spheres, to break through the partition which has interfered with the attainment, by mortals, of a correct idea of their destiny after death.”  Unfortunately, both orthodox religion and mainstream science, acting out of ego and fear, have rebuked the efforts of those inhabitants of the higher spheres to enlighten us, thus permitting the foundations of both faith and hope to further crumble.

In The Afterlife Revealed, Michael Tymn sets forth some of the most credible messages from the spirits relative to the nature of their world.  Instead of a heaven-hell dichotomy, we are told that there are many levels, or as Jesus is quoted, “many mansions,” and that we cross over to the “other side” based on what might be called a “moral specific gravity.”  We discover a Divine plan – one of attainment and attunement, of gradual spiritual growth, of evolution of spirit through progressively higher planes. We see how we are really souls occupying bodies rather than bodies housing souls and how our souls are progressing in finding their way back to Oneness with the Creator through the challenges, the adversities, the trials and tribulations offered us in a particular lifetime.

About the author

A 1958 graduate of the San Jose State University School of Journalism (B.A. Public Relations), Michael Tymn had two concurrent careers after spending three years as an officer in the U. S. Marine Corps – one as an insurance claims representative, supervisor, and manager, and the other as a freelance journalist.  In his 40-year insurance career, Mike was called upon daily to apply the scientific method by weighing evidence in various types of civil claims and litigation and to make decisions relative to settling the claims or allowing them to go to trial.  He also served as an arbitrator for the Insurance Arbitration Forums, making decisions in certain civil disputes.  He holds the professional designations of Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters (CPCU) and Associate in Claims – Insurance Institute of America (AIC).

As a journalist, Mike has contributed more than 1,600 articles to some 50 publications over the past 50 years. Writing assignments have taken him to such diverse places as Bangkok, Panama, Glastonbury, Jerusalem, Hollywood, St. Paul, and Tombstone.  He currently serves as editor of The Journal for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies and The Searchlight, both quarterly publications of The Academy for Spirituality and Consciousness Studies.  His metaphysical and paranormal articles have appeared in Atlantis Rising, Paranormal Review, Fate, Mysteries, Vital Signs, Venture Inward, Signs of Life,  Nexus, Psychic News, Psychic Times, Christian Parapsychologist, Two Worlds, Dark Lore, Alternatives, Alternate Perceptions, The Summit, The Honolulu Advertiser, The Honolulu Star-Bulletin, and The Honolulu Star-Advertiser.  He has authored seven books, The Articulate Dead, Running on Third Wind, The Afterlife Revealed, Transcending the Titanic, The Afterlife Explorers, Resurrecting Leonora Piper, and Dead Men Talking. the last five published by White Crow Books.
Mike is convinced that the hedonism, turmoil, and chaos we see in the world today are primarily the result of religious and scientific fundamentalism.  While religious leaders have rejected modern revelation and have been unable to offer its faithful anything more than a very humdrum heaven, science has arrogantly dismissed all religion as superstition.  The end result is that people no longer take the survival of consciousness at death seriously and therefore life has lost its meaning.  Consequently, the majority of people selfishly strive to become “one with their toys” in a march toward extinction.

Having devoted much time to the study of psychical research over the past two decades, Mike has found strong evidence for the survival of consciousness and a more intelligent afterlife than that provided by orthodox religion.  He says he is impelled to bring this evidence to the attention of others, especially those in despair.         

A former nationally-ranked distance runner, Mike is a native of Alameda, California and now lives in Kailua, Hawaii with his wife Gina.


Publisher: White Crow Books
Published June 2011
196 pages
Size: 229 x 152 mm
ISBN 978-1-907661-90-7
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