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THE DAY I DIED: the BBC documentary


THE DAY I DIED is a BBC documentary about near-death-experiences, and the people that have had them. Made in 2002; the programme explores some of the controversial “continuation of consciousness” theories put forward by professors and examines the evidence. It is one of the best, and possibly the most comprehensive documentary on near death experiences, interviewing top scientists that HAVE studied the NDE phenomenon including Dr. Peter Fenwick, Pim Van Lommel, and Bruce Greyson.

There have been many stories in recent years claiming the BBC has not allowed it to go out on DVD or aired it since its first showing. I don’t know if that’s true, but I do know it’s well worth watching for anyone who is interested in the subject.

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A PROPHETIC MESSAGE by Edith K. Harper – In this article Mr. Stead referred to the second example of a warning prophecy mentioned above. It was a species of psychic communication to which he attached special importance, for it absolutely excludes telepathy as an explanatory theory, i.e. the class of messages relating to events unknown to any living person, events still in the future when the messages are received. Read here
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