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Stories of My Past Experiences of Synchronicity

Posted on 21 May 2020, 14:58


A reader has drawn my attention to a series of valuable meditations on “Synchrodestiny” by Deepak Chopra. (I provide a link to one of them at the end of this blog, so that it can be experienced). He invites us to be open to guidance in the Spirit, in whatever ways they may illuminate our destined paths.

The stories that follow are personal. Other people will experience such gifts of Spirit destined for them. But the stories do point to a wider perspective.
1. Silent Night, Holy Night

The moon is in the heavens illuminating a country vicarage in New Zealand, in a silent landscape.  In a room in that vicarage three men are seated around the hearth, talking. It is no ordinary conversation that they are having.
Peter invites Patrick to tell us about a dream he had.

Says Patrick, “I dreamt I was dancing with Diana, Princess of Wales, and she was dressed in light blue. The curious thing, too, was that the surroundings were missing. There were no walls to where we were dancing, and there was no floor.”

Peter responded: “You were up in the sky, she was dressed in blue, the Virgin Mary’s colour. Doesn’t it sound as if you the son were dancing with the Divine Mother Diana, the Moon-goddess?”

[Historically, the Virgin Mary is often depicted as the Moon goddess.]

That reminds Peter of some lines he had written about the Earth dancing with the moon:
“That fat burgher and his skinny paramour
Who dance a faded oscillation
Across the bottomless floor
.... Is this the way to lunacies?”

The goddess Diana herself, in addition to being associated with Virgin Mary and Artemis in Greek mythology, is the goddess of the woods, she is related to nature in general, and to fertility, and to wild animals. She can become a huntress at night accompanied by dogs. There is more, but we will leave it at that. 

2. Luncheon on the Grass. (Dejeuner sur l”Herbe)

Patrick, Peter and I continued discussing poetry and feeling about Spirit. We talked about the woman I was courting. We saw her as a kind of Diana figure, who was a huntress. Her present surname was Hunter. We noted that she was Swedish. That she had spent her childhood in a village in the woods where she liked to spend her free time. Oh yes, she was a Diana figure. Strange talk indeed!

As we talk, one of us has his eye on the TV. “It’s all happening on the screen!”  he said.

The television programme has changed. It is a French film directed by Jean Renoir, called Luncheon on the Grass.

It was about a candidate for the presidency of Europe lunching with a number of friends on a grassy sward in the middle of the wood. The dialogue was in French and sketchily subtitled, but we gathered that they were saying that they were there in the woods under the protection of the temple of Diana, the goddess of the woods, and of fertility.

3. Who is Mary Rose?

I never met Mary Rose in person, but borrowing an image of the current pandemic, she had plainly been a member of our spiritual “bubble” for ten years. She was a professor of philosophy, Goucher College, Baltimore, Maryland. For many years she was editor of the journal of The Academy of Religion and Psychic Research. She writes: “Michael Cocks and I have never met, although we have been corresponding about synchronicity for over a decade. I believe there was synchronicity in the arrival of Michael’s first letter to me in which he raised the question about possible synchronistic relationships between the situations in which he was involved in New Zealand and the milieu in which I lived in America. I wrote back that I thought this might be so; and that I had several reasons for saying this.  She is shortly to make her presence felt again and again.

4. Who was Steven Rosen?

He, like myself was a member of the Academy, and wrote for its Journal. He is a Philosopher/Psychologist now in Vancouver, who has been part of major synchronicities in the past. I have described them in detail in my previous article. In a letter received at just the right time on the precise day, he shows an astonishing unconscious awareness of what was to happen in our lives. There is an impressive write-up in this Wiki article.

5. Gertrud Svarén and I get engaged

Shortly before we got engaged, I had written to Mary Rose conveying to her the gist of our conversations about Gertrud and Diana
The day came when Gertrud and I decided to tell our families that we were getting engaged. Thomas, a nephew from Sweden, was staying with us at the time.

Then a whole series of synchronicities began to take place.

Gertrud, Thomas and I set out early that morning by car, and after one kilometre we had to slow down because another Mary Rose known to us was crossing our path.

On the same day Gertrud visited a city bookshop, and the first book that she sighted was called “Mona Lisa” and it was by a Mary Rose Story,

Further marking the day as special was the arrival in Gertrud’s letterbox of an annuity, taken out for her as a child by her father, that had now matured; that sum of money was now hers.

6. An extraordinary letter from Stephen Rosen

Towards evening Gertrud and I parted, and I returned to the country vicarage that I was sharing with Peter.

At the gate I felt in the letterbox, and found a letter from Steven Rosen, then a professor in Staten Island, New York. I was surprised to hear from him, and it was with excitement that I opened his letter. (I should emphasize that we had not been in contact for many months and that he knew nothing of Gertrud.)

In this letter, posted some days before, Steven explained that had dreamt of me, and wondered whether some of his recent experiences had anything to do with myself.

He continued:

“...Now something else. I was drafting this letter to you on March 19th. On the morning of the 20th I awoke with a very vivid recollection of the tail end of a dream: I’d received an old book as a gift and on the title page there was a handwritten inscription saying Weird Valentine and signed Mary Land. Thinking about the dream later, I naturally thought of our Mary [Rose] in Maryland. But then I remembered that on the previous Thursday night, March 17th, St Patrick’s Day, a student gave me as a gift an old psychology book from 1913. This student’s name is Leslie (my daughter’s name is Leslie and we have just celebrated her birthday on the 20th).
Thus Peter gets his wanted synchronicity for his Lesley.

To summarize:
In New York, Prof. Steven Rosen has mentioned:

March 17” is the Name Day for people called Gertrud in Sweden

Valentine” needs no explanation.

Weird” (spelled “Wyrd”) is one of the three Scandinavian Norns or fates, (suggesting that my marriage to Scandinavian Gertrud is fated.)

Mary Land”equals Maryland,  and thus suggests “Mary Rose.” Rose.”

And even yet again on that same day Gertrud and I bought a silver ring each as engagement rings. On the following day, I was giving a scripture lesson at Lake Coleridge School, and I opened my 400 page teaching book at the wrong page. Or was it the right page? For it read:

One of the wonders of Ephesus was a great statue of the goddess Diana. It was made of stone and believed to have fallen from the sky (….)
nearly all the pilgrims bought a little silver model of the goddess to put in their own home.

And silver is a metal associated with the moon, with the moon goddess and Mary, Queen of Heaven. Silver is the metal expressing the flow of spirit in which we are; the circle of the ring representing the face of the moon, and eternity.

Such was the synchronicity of our engagement day. The feminine principle, the Great Mother archetype reigning supreme.

A meditation led by Deepak Chopra on what he calls SYNCHRODESTINY


1. The meditation referred to above, led by Deepak Chopra on what he calls
“SYNCHRODESTINY” can be found by clicking on.

2. My article above is based on Part Two Section 7 of Into the Wider Dream

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A PROPHETIC MESSAGE by Edith K. Harper – In this article Mr. Stead referred to the second example of a warning prophecy mentioned above. It was a species of psychic communication to which he attached special importance, for it absolutely excludes telepathy as an explanatory theory, i.e. the class of messages relating to events unknown to any living person, events still in the future when the messages are received. Read here
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