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It took the young man 15 seconds to choose the book, buy it and start reading it – and all from his cramped seat on the bus. It is one of 528 books he now has on his e-books reader, which turns the page at the press of button and offers the size of print that suits. He says it’s how he most likes reading, which is just as well, because he’s now his own walking library. "This is the future," he says confidently; and so let’s be grateful that all White Crow books come in this remarkable format.
Conversations with Van Gogh   Conversations with Van Gogh
Vincent Van Gogh with Simon Parke

It is possible Van Gogh sold a painting whilst alive. There is rumour of the dealer Pere Tanguy selling one for a few francs in Paris. But whether he did… more
Surgeon From Another World   Surgeon From Another World
George Chapman with Roy Stemman

George Chapman was a remarkable man. He was an internationally known healer and gifted trance medium. In his entranced state he surrendered his identity… more
Thinking Beyond the Brain: A Wider Science of Consciousness   Thinking Beyond the Brain: A Wider Science of Consciousness
Edited by David Lorimer

BACK IN PRINT! The science of consciousness continues to be a hot topic in academic circles – its precise nature holding huge implications for the future… more
The Unknown Guest: The Mystery of Intuition   The Unknown Guest: The Mystery of Intuition
Brian Inglis and Ruth West

Throughout the ages people have sensed the existence of a benevolent force intervening from time to time in their lives as if to offer them help and protection… more
Another Bloody Retreat: Abbot Peter's desert years   Another Bloody Retreat: Abbot Peter's desert years
Simon parke

‘What was it like in the desert, abbot?’ asks Rosemary. And, in a way, this book is his answer. more
Orthodoxy   Orthodoxy
GK Chesterton

Chesterton charts his journey to faith, and his reasons for it, inviting the reader into 'the thrilling romance of Orthodoxy... there was never anything… more
Operation Redemption   Operation Redemption
George Trevelyan

We are happy to reissue Sir George Trevelyan’s trilogy, A Vision of the Aquarian Age, Operation Redemption, and Exploration into God.… more
The Edge of the Unknown   The Edge of the Unknown
Arthur Conan Doyle

Arthur Conan Doyle’s final book continues his investigation into Ghosts, Life after Death, the Paranormal, Spiritualism, and Harry Houdini. more
Twenty Three Tales   Twenty Three Tales
Leo Tolstoy

In this book, we see Tolstoy’s love of the short story, whether for children or adults; and witness the secret of simplicity and transparency of style,… more
Harmony of the Universe: The Science Behind Healing, Prayer and Spiritual Development   Harmony of the Universe: The Science Behind Healing, Prayer and Spiritual Development
Andrew Glazewski with Paul Kieniewicz

Harmony of the Universe takes us on a journey to the heart of nature where we find music, mathematical proportions, and the fields that organize… more
Conversations on Awakening: Part One   Conversations on Awakening: Part One
Iain McNay and Renate McNay

"Conversations on Awakening" contains 12 unique accounts of Awakening. They are all taken from transcripts of interviews that were made for more
An Inconvenient Convent: An Abbot Peter Mystery   An Inconvenient Convent: An Abbot Peter Mystery
Simon Parke

Is it Stormhaven’s best kept secret? The Community of the Holy Fire is a convent by the sea with a leader who has plans. Abbess Hildegard wishes to turn… more
My Religion   My Religion
Leo Tolstoy

Tolstoy develops his attack on the church he has left in this book. He accuses them of hiding the true meaning of Jesus, which is to be found in the Sermon… more
The Truth in the Light   The Truth in the Light
Peter Fenwick and Elizabeth Fenwick

Most of us at the very least wonder about our own immortality and many people are convinced that there is something beyond death, beyond the blackness… more
The Dark Star   The Dark Star
Lord Dowding

By 1940 World War II was raging, and one of the most prominent men in the UK was Air Chief Marshal Hugh Caswall Tremenheere Dowding - more widely known… more
Other Realities?: The enigma of Franek Kluski’s mediumship   Other Realities?: The enigma of Franek Kluski’s mediumship
Zofia Weaver

Franek Kluski produced what might justifiably be described as the widest and most striking range of phenomena in the history of physical mediumship. A… more
Letters from a Living Dead Man   Letters from a Living Dead Man
Elsa Barker

The first in Elsa Barker's trilogy of books, containing letters written under automatic writing. Fascinating, informative and inspirational, this book… more
URI: A Journal of the Mystery of Uri Geller   URI: A Journal of the Mystery of Uri Geller
Andrija Puharich

“Uri: A journal of the mystery of Uri Geller” is a rollercoaster ride involving paranormal activity, extraterrestrials, the conflict between Israel and… more
The Secret Testament of Julian   The Secret Testament of Julian
Simon Parke

Julian of Norwich was the first woman in the world to write a book in English, and yet had largely disappeared from view until her rediscovery during the… more
Patience Worth: A Psychic Mystery   Patience Worth: A Psychic Mystery
Casper S. Yost

ON a July evening in 1913 two women of St. Louis sat with a Ouija board upon their knees. The result of what was to come has remained one of the biggest… more
I Saw A Light And Came Here: Children's Experiences of Reincarnation   I Saw A Light And Came Here: Children's Experiences of Reincarnation
Erlendur Haraldsson, Ph.D and James G. Matlock, Ph.D

I Saw A Light And Came Here" is the result of decades of scholarly research and investigations into past-life memories, primarily of children. more
God's Magic   God's Magic
Lord Dowding

In "God’s Magic," Lord Dowding, whose name will be forever synonymous with the Battle Of Britain, puts forward a strong case for life after death. more
Silver Screen Saucers: Sorting Fact from Fantasy in Hollywood's UFO Movies   Silver Screen Saucers: Sorting Fact from Fantasy in Hollywood's UFO Movies
Robbie Graham

More so than any other medium, cinema has shaped our expectations of potential alien life and visitation. From "The Day the Earth Stood Still" and "Close… more
The Imprisoned Splendour   The Imprisoned Splendour
Raynor C. Johnson

The title The Imprisoned Splendour derives from the author’s conviction that there is a world of unfolding "spiritual" potentiality interpenetrating… more
Survival? Death as a Transition   Survival? Death as a Transition
David Lorimer

In this searching study David Lorimer examines the development of speculations on the nature of life and death from indigenous tribes to modern neuroscientists… more
The Psychic and the Spiritual: What is the Difference?   The Psychic and the Spiritual: What is the Difference?
John White

An ancient insight about higher human development states very simply: psychic development is not the same as spiritual growth. In the course of one’s spiritual… more
Work While Ye Have the Light   Work While Ye Have the Light
Leo Tolstoy

‘Work while ye have the light,’ is Tolstoys fictional Christian tale, set in the 1st century AD. more
The Only Planet of Choice: Essential Briefings From Deep Space   The Only Planet of Choice: Essential Briefings From Deep Space
Phyllis V. Schlemmer

Since its spectacular launch in 1993, "The Only Planet of Choice" has been widely acknowledged as one of the most significant books in the genre for our… more
The Ministry of Healing   The Ministry of Healing
Ellen G. White

The Ministry of Healing emphasizes the link between diet and spiritual growth. It's a diet book, a self-help book, and a Christian spiritual guide… more
The Science of Mind   The Science of Mind
Ernest Holmes

The Science of Mind is based entirely upon the supposition that we are surrounded by a Universal Mind into which we think; this Mind, in Its original… more
The Blue Island: Experiences of a New Arrival Beyond the Veil   The Blue Island: Experiences of a New Arrival Beyond the Veil
William Thomas Stead with Estelle Stead and Pardoe Woodman

When on April 12, 1912, the British passenger ship, RMS Titanic, famously sank 400 miles off the coast of Canada, Estelle Stead was on a tour in the United… more
A Course in Miracles: The Original Edition   A Course in Miracles: The Original Edition
Helen Schucman

A Course in Miracles is a spiritual guide for life. The book begins: "This is a course in Miracles, it is a required course. Only the time you take… more
Passport to the Cosmos   Passport to the Cosmos
John E. Mack

John Mack explored alien encounter experiences deeply, revealing a world of meaning and power that can revolutionize our understanding of who we are and… more
Other Worlds, Other Universes: Playing the Reality Game   Other Worlds, Other Universes: Playing the Reality Game
Edited by Brad Steiger and John White

BACK IN PRINT! SECOND EDITION. "Other Worlds, Other Universes: Playing The Reality Game" is a stimulating selection of consciousness-expanding… more
The Universe of Silver Birch   The Universe of Silver Birch
Frank Newman

This book is unique as Frank Newman has examined Silver Birch's teachings and measured them side by side with the deductions of modern science. This brings… more
Otherwhere: A Field Guide for Astral Travelers   Otherwhere: A Field Guide for Astral Travelers
Kurt Leland

EXPANDED AND REVISED EDITION I wrote "Otherwhere: A Field Guide to Nonphysical Reality for the Out-of-Body Traveler" in the early 1990s to sum up nearly… more
God is With Us: What Near-Death and Other Spiritually Transformative Experiences Teach Us About God   God is With Us: What Near-Death and Other Spiritually Transformative Experiences Teach Us About God
Ken R. Vincent

Over a century ago, William James in "Varieties of Religious Experience" made the case that, “The founders of every church owed their power originally… more
Gone West: Three Narratives of After-Death Experiences   Gone West: Three Narratives of After-Death Experiences
J. S. M. Ward

John Sebastian Marlow Ward, also known as J. S. M., had a vision early in December 1913 in which he learned of the death of his father-in-law, H. J. L.… more
Conversations on Awakening: Part Two   Conversations on Awakening: Part Two
Iain McNay and Renate McNay

This book contains 12 unique accounts of Awakening. They are all taken from transcripts of interviews that were made for more
The Esoteric Teachings of the Gnostics   The Esoteric Teachings of the Gnostics
Frances Swiney

Though Gnosticism long preceded Christianity, the Gnostics were the first Christians; they accepted Christ in the full realization of the word; his life,… more
In the Light of Death: Experiences on the threshold between life and death   In the Light of Death: Experiences on the threshold between life and death
Ineke Koedam

Death appears to be a process rather than a single event in time and may be heralded by deathbed phenomena such as visions that comfort the dying and help… more
The Flying Cow: Exploring the Psychic World of Brazil   The Flying Cow: Exploring the Psychic World of Brazil
Guy Lyon Playfair

When The Flying Cow was first published in 1975, it revealed a world of psychic wonders in Brazil hitherto barely explored by outsiders. Author… more
Writing on the Ground   Writing on the Ground
Wellesley Tudor Pole

In "Writing on the Ground", Wellesley Tudor Pole continues where he left off in "A Man Seen Afar". more
The Road I Know   The Road I Know
Stewart Edward White

Following an experience with a Ouija board at a party during March 1918, Betty White, wife of the famous America novelist, Stewart Edward White, discovered… more
Claims of Reincarnation: An Empirical Study of Cases in India   Claims of Reincarnation: An Empirical Study of Cases in India
Satwant K. Pasricha, PhD

"Claims of Reincarnation" is one of the foremost works to have been published in India during the latter part of the twentieth century. Dr. Satwant Pasricha… more
The Heyday of Mental Mediumship: 1880s – 1930s: Investigators, Mediums and Communicators   The Heyday of Mental Mediumship: 1880s – 1930s: Investigators, Mediums and Communicators
Alan Gauld

There have been important mediums and researchers throughout the history of psychical research in many parts of the world, but the period from the 1880s… more
A Dog's View of Love, Life, and Death   A Dog's View of Love, Life, and Death
J. R. Archer

In "A Dog's View of Love, Life, and Death," Human beings, thinking they know the answers to many of life’s big questions, continue to make the same mistakes… more
Dead Men Talking: Afterlife Communication from World War I   Dead Men Talking: Afterlife Communication from World War I
Michael Tymn

As science flourished in the years leading up to World War I, religion floundered. Thus, the warring countries were little prepared to deal with the grief… more
On Life   On Life
Leo Tolstoy

Tolstoy wrote this book as a philosophical and religious search for an understanding of life beyond scientific formulae, and as part of his search for… more
Jesus the Son of Man   Jesus the Son of Man
Kahlil Gibran

For Kahlil Gibran, re-telling the story of Jesus had been the ambition of a lifetime. He wanted tell the story as no one had told it before. With Jesus… more
Spiritual World   Spiritual World
Kahlil Gibran

This edition of Kahlil Gibran's works includes The Prophet, The Forerunner, The Madman and Sand and Foam. more
Private Dowding: The personal story of a soldier killed in battle   Private Dowding: The personal story of a soldier killed in battle
Wellesley Tudor Pole

Private Thomas Dowding, a 37-year-old British soldier, was killed on the battlefield in WWI. On March 12, 1917, he began communicating through the mediumship… more
UFOs: Reframing the Debate   UFOs: Reframing the Debate
Robbie Graham

Last Letters from the Living Dead Man   Last Letters from the Living Dead Man
Elsa Barker

The final book in Elsa Barker's Living Dead Man trilogy, containing letters written under automatic writing, from a Los Angeles judge who had recently… more
UFOs and UAP: Are we Really Alone?   UFOs and UAP: Are we Really Alone?
Jeffrey Mishlove

In this anthology titled "UFOs and UAP: Are we Really Alone?" Jeff explores the increasingly compelling subject of Unidentified Flying Objects, or as it’s… more
A Glimpse of Heaven   A Glimpse of Heaven
Carla Wills Brandon, Ph.D

Before answering a ringing telephone, do you already know ho is calling? What about the "sudden" urge to check on your child in another room—only to find… more
The Physical Phenomena of Mysticism   The Physical Phenomena of Mysticism
Herbert Thurston

The Physical Phenomena of Mysticism by Herbert Thurston is the result of the author’s tireless study of a wide range of psychic phenomena, including,… more
The Highest State of Consciousness   The Highest State of Consciousness
John W. White

In this anthology John White brings together a diverse collection of writings by contemporary thinkers such as Aldous Huxley, P.D. Ouspensky, Alan Watts,… more
The Hidden Door: Understanding and Controlling Dreams   The Hidden Door: Understanding and Controlling Dreams
Peter and Elizabeth Fenwick

BACK IN PRINT! In this remarkable exploration of the mysterious world of dreams, Peter and Elizabeth Fenwick gather the latest research to show… more
When Spirits Come Calling: The Open-Minded Skeptic's Guide to After-Death Contacts   When Spirits Come Calling: The Open-Minded Skeptic's Guide to After-Death Contacts
Sylvia Hart Wright

In 1973 Sylvia Hart Wright married Paul Fletcher, a linguist. After he died in 1983, Wright and her son jointly had an experience that suggested that Paul… more
The Next World: Extraordinary Experiences of the Afterlife   The Next World: Extraordinary Experiences of the Afterlife
Gregory Shushan

In “The Next World,” historian of religions Gregory Shushan explores the relationships between extraordinary experiences and beliefs in life after death.… more
The Spirits Book   The Spirits Book
Allan Kardec

The Spirits book by Allan Kardec is arguably the ‘Bible of Spiritualism’. It contains 1019 questions and answers about the nature of reality, our place… more
Etta Wriedt: One of the Greatest American Direct Voice  Mediums of the 20th Century   Etta Wriedt: One of the Greatest American Direct Voice Mediums of the 20th Century
N. Riley Heagerty

In his tenth work, researcher N. Riley Heagerty delves into the life of Etta Wriedt, one of the great American Direct Voice mediums of the “Heyday of Spiritualism”… more
Carry On Talking: How Dead Are the Voices?   Carry On Talking: How Dead Are the Voices?
Peter Bander

BACK IN PRINT! NOTE: Originally published in the US as "Voices from the Tapes." "Carry on Talking: How Dead Are the Voices?" is the story of the advent… more
Poltergeists   Poltergeists
Alan Gauld and A. D. Cornell

"Poltergeists" was first published in 1979 and rapidly established itself as a leading work on the topic. It has been frequently referred to as groundbreaking… more
The Severed Breast: A Novel   The Severed Breast: A Novel
Stafford Betty

The queen of the great Chola Empire has taken the tall, light-skinned saint from the mysterious West for her guru and, as if predestined by some primordial… more
Natural and Supernatural: A History of the Paranormal from the Earliest Times to 1914   Natural and Supernatural: A History of the Paranormal from the Earliest Times to 1914
Brian Inglis

Did Moses turn rods into serpents? Does Uri Geller bend spoons? Did Socrates and Joan of Arc have spirit guides? Did Daniel Home levitate? The 1970’s provided… more
More Spirit Teachings: Further Examples of Remarkable Communication from Beyond   More Spirit Teachings: Further Examples of Remarkable Communication from Beyond
William Stainton Moses aka M. A. Oxon

"More Spirit Teachings", first published in 1892, follows on from Spirit Teachings expounding wisdom and truths from Imperator and his group of discarnate… more
Portraits From Beyond: The Mediumship of the Bangs Sisters   Portraits From Beyond: The Mediumship of the Bangs Sisters
N. Riley Heagerty

Within the little known ‘Century of Wonders’ between 1848 and 1948 in America, the physical phenomena manifesting in the séance rooms of the great psychic… more
The Enfield Poltergeist Tapes: One of the most disturbing cases in history. What really happened?   The Enfield Poltergeist Tapes: One of the most disturbing cases in history. What really happened?
Dr Melvyn J. Willin

Do not buy this book if you want to read a biased account of the famous Enfield Poltergeist case from 1977 through to 1978. more
Psychic Adventures in New York   Psychic Adventures in New York
Neville Whymant

When he and his wife were invited to the New York City Park Avenue home of Judge and Mrs William Cannon for a dinner party during October 1926, Dr Neville… more
Siddhartha   Siddhartha
Herman Hesse

Siddhartha, a story based on the early life of Gautama Buddha, is concerned with the human search for self-knowledge and authentic spirituality. Herman… more
Light From Silver Birch: Teachings From Silver Birch   Light From Silver Birch: Teachings From Silver Birch
Pam Riva

Contains the last ever teachings from Silver Birch after the sudden passing of his medium Maurice Barbanell on July 17, 1981. Also featured is Maurice… more
Forbidden Words   Forbidden Words
Leo Tolstoy, edited by Simon Parke

Seven short works Tolstoy which he was never allowed to publish in his native Russia. Published in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Tolstoy’s death. more
A Vision of the Aquarian Age   A Vision of the Aquarian Age
George Trevelyan

We are happy to reissue Sir George Trevelyan’s trilogy, A Vision of the Aquarian Age, Operation Redemption, and Exploration into God.… more
Greening the Paranormal: Exploring the Ecology of Extraordinary Experience   Greening the Paranormal: Exploring the Ecology of Extraordinary Experience
Jack Hunter

We are at critical moment in the history of humankind's relationship with the Earth, and all the species that co-inhabit with us. This is a time of climate… more
Frontiers of the Afterlife   Frontiers of the Afterlife
Edward C Randall

Edward C.Randall documents information received from 'Spirit' during over 700 sittings with the 'Direct Voice Medium' Emily French. more
At the Hour of Death   At the Hour of Death
Karlis Osis, Ph.D and Erlendur Haraldsson, Ph.D.

We can be certain that the body does not survive death. Once the heart stops circulating blood, the brain is no longer nourished and begins to decay. On… more
Meditations   Meditations
Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius wrote his Meditations around AD 170 to 180, while on a campaign in central Europe, most probably in what is now Serbia, Hungary… more
A Voice in the Wilderness: The Teachings of Silver Birch   A Voice in the Wilderness: The Teachings of Silver Birch
Edited by Tony Ortzen

Most of the material in this book came from handpicked cuttings at the archives of Psychic News, though it also draws upon the out of print "Home… more
When did you ever become less by dying? Evidence for the Afterlife from Philosophy, Religion, and Psychical Research   When did you ever become less by dying? Evidence for the Afterlife from Philosophy, Religion, and Psychical Research
Stafford Betty

In this book Professor Stafford Betty pulls together the best evidences for survival of death. The very best, he maintains, come from psychical research.… more
The Teachings of Silver Birch   The Teachings of Silver Birch
A. W. Austen

First published in 1938, this classic Silver Birch title has been reprinted many times. It contains a fascinating foreword by famous journalist Hannen… more
Deathbed Visions   Deathbed Visions
Sir William Barrett

During his 50 years of psychical research, Sir William Fletcher Barrett (February 10, 1884 – May 26, 1925) observed many types of phenomena. In his reminiscences,… more
God’s Fingerprints: Impressions of Near Death Experiences   God’s Fingerprints: Impressions of Near Death Experiences
Jody Long

The Near Death Experience or N.D.E. is becoming the most talked about phenomenon of the 21st century. All over the world people experience life threatening… more
The Power of Dreams   The Power of Dreams
Brian Inglis

Why do we dream? How have dreams helped inspire creative artists? How useful are they in daily problem solving? What evidence is there for second sight… more
The Case for Possession: Do the Dead Influence the Living?   The Case for Possession: Do the Dead Influence the Living?
Cynthia Pettiward

In "The Case for Possession" Cynthia Pettiward suggests that depressed and psychotic states, both of mind and body, could sometimes be induced by agencies… more
Incidents in My Life   Incidents in My Life
DD Home

This autobiography of DD Home, the famous Scottish spiritualist of the 19th century, documents the amazing psychic events throughout his life and the people… more
The Wisdom of the Gods: Voices of the Dead: Fantasy, Fraud or Fact?   The Wisdom of the Gods: Voices of the Dead: Fantasy, Fraud or Fact?
H. Dennis Bradley with Michael Tymn

Between the world wars, in what is commonly thought to be the heyday of psychical research, H. Dennis Bradley’s séances and experiments with direct voice… more
When They Appeared: Falcon Lake 1967: The inside story of a close encounter   When They Appeared: Falcon Lake 1967: The inside story of a close encounter
Stan Michalak and Chris Rutkowski

What happened in the Whiteshell Forest near Falcon Lake on May 20, 1967? For the first time in 50 years, the many facets of this astonishing tale finally… more
No One Really Dies: 25 Reasons to Believe in an Afterlife   No One Really Dies: 25 Reasons to Believe in an Afterlife
Michael Tymn

When it comes to the subjects of God and life after death, some people demand evidence that extends to absolute certainty. At the other extreme are those… more
Super Joy   Super Joy
Paul Pearsall, Ph.D.

Super Joy goes far beyond happiness or contentment. It is the regular and enduring celebration of the delight of daily living, the savoring of the… more
With Folded Wings   With Folded Wings
Stewart Edward White

Following an experience with a Ouija board at a party during March 1918, Betty White, wife of the famous America novelist, Stewart Edward White, discovered… more
PSI WARS:  TED, Wikipedia and the Battle for the Internet   PSI WARS: TED, Wikipedia and the Battle for the Internet
Craig Weiler

BACK IN PRINT! SECOND EDITION. When TED, the global media platform, took down scientist Rupert Sheldrake’s lecture, “The Science Delusion,” deeming… more
Resurrection   Resurrection
Leo Tolstoy

Published in 1900, Resurrection is Tolstoy’s final large-scale novel. It’s a morally-driven tale of personal redemption, featuring fewer characters… more
The Departed Among the Living: An Investigative Study of Afterlife Encounters   The Departed Among the Living: An Investigative Study of Afterlife Encounters
Erlendur Haraldsson, Ph. D.

From earliest times, people have speculated about what happens when they and their loved ones die. Their views vary from certainty about life after death… more
Till Death Don't Us Part: A True Story of Awakening to Love After Life   Till Death Don't Us Part: A True Story of Awakening to Love After Life
Karen Frances McCarthy

Former political and war correspondent, Karen Frances McCarthy, was on assignment when she received the news that her partner had suddenly died in New… more
Light Changes: Experiences in the Presence of Transforming Light   Light Changes: Experiences in the Presence of Transforming Light
Annekatrin Puhle Ph.D.

Ever since the dawn of recorded history, humans have reported encounters with an exceptional light which appeared to them to be different, more intense,… more
The Afterlife Therapist   The Afterlife Therapist
Stafford Betty

Following his death Aiden Lovejoy finds himself in a strange but wonderful world—a vital, busy, challenging environment with great joy beckoning. There… more
The Upanishads (Revised Edition)   The Upanishads (Revised Edition)
Alistair Shearer and Peter Russell

The Upanishads are key texts of the ageless wisdom known as the Perennial Philosophy. This lucid new translation presents selections from the eleven traditionally… more
The Life Beyond the Veil: The Highlands of Heaven: Volume 2   The Life Beyond the Veil: The Highlands of Heaven: Volume 2
Rev. George Vale Owen

The now famous Vale Owen messages began after the mother of the Vicar of Orford, the Rev. George Vale Owen, passed away in 1909. Shortly afterwards, Vale… more
  Siddhartha     Spirituality     The Edge of the Unknown     The New Revelation     more     Vegetarianism     Philosophy     Non-fiction     The Flying Cow: Exploring the Psychic World of Brazil     On Benefits     Non-violence     Poetry     On Life     Autobiography of a Yogi     Conversations with Leo Tolstoy     Experiences in Spiritualism with DD Home     The Heart of the Mind     Spiritual World     Sand and Foam     War Letters from the Living Dead Man     Is There Life After Death?     Paranormal     Fiction     Glimpses of the Next State     The Spirits Book     Spiritualism     Conversations with Van Gogh     My Religion     Work While Ye Have the Light     Memoir     If This Be Magic: The Forgotten Power of Hypnosis     Christianity     The Prophet     The Imprisoned Splendor     Cosmic Consciousness     Christianity as Mystical Fact     The Truth in the Light     eBooks     Life after death     The Afterlife Revealed: What Happens After We Die  
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