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The Role of Affinities and the Group-Soul by Anabela Cardoso

Chapter 10

The Role of Affinities and the Group-Soul

Affinities seem to play an important role in the next world. We have touched on the subject in a previous chapter and I have discussed it in earlier publications (Cardoso, 2010, 2003). Indeed, the meaning and importance of the Group-Soul described in the mediumistic literature, e.g. the information received purportedly from the deceased Frederic Myers by Geraldine Cummins (Cummins, 2012), have been emphasized in my own contacts.

But as early as 1857, the concept was already proposed. In his ‘Le Livre des Esprits’ Alan Kardec, based upon the information purportedly received from the deceased, stated: “Experience shows us that spirits of the same degree, of the same character, and animated by the same sentiments are united in groups and families; ...”

And: “Let us remark again that spirits are attracted to each other by the similarity of their qualities and that they, thus, form sympathetic groups or families.”

More than one hundred and thirty years later, one of Adolf Homes’ computer messages guaranteed, “When you pass away the trans-entities to which you belong because of your soul will await you”.

Years ago, at the beginning of my ITC work, I received a long and very loud DRV which, among other things, literally says “...and I go down to my group, I go to the soul!” (See ‘Electronic Voices’ CD). Furthermore, I have received replies to my questions on who was speaking, which clearly avow: “Somos nós todos!” [literal translation: It’s we all!] and “It’s your father speaking all together” or “It’s your father, it’s all of us!” Also, on several occasions: “It’s your mother, it’s all of us!” uttered by a masculine voice! Although the characteristics of the voices are not the topic of this work, I would like to remind the reader that, as I wrote earlier, the electronic voices very seldom resemble the physical voice of the individual they are supposed to belong to. The voices are synthesized and, thus, the resemblance must be a trait extremely difficult to achieve (see Locher and Harsch, 1989).

On one occasion, suddenly, in the middle of a DRV conversation, a voice emphasized: (translation) “... they live in communion”. I deduced that “they” were the group in the next world that speaks with me. Interestingly, a few years ago, when I was present at the Bacci Centre in Grosseto during one of his DRV sessions, a voice replied to the questions I had unexpectedly put to the communicators, in Portuguese, with a phrase, also in Portuguese, that recommended the same attitude to us, here on the earth. It said “... Live happily and with great dignity; live it in loyalty and in communion…” (see ITC Journal 25, 2006, pp. 27-28 for a full transcript of the DRV messages).

Hence, it seems that the ability to live in communion is a valuable tool for growth and development, and it should be practised by us, here, in this world, too.

Unexpectedly, some weeks ago, I found the exact expression my communicators use so frequently – “Nós todos” (We all) – in Father François Brune’s book that we have been looking at. This time in French, “Nous tous”, appears several times in the remarkable collection of mediumistic messages obtained by several members of the same family by the middle of the 20th century. One of such messages, received via automatic writing by the mother of the deceased Gérald de Dampierre, says at a certain point (translation):

... go on your trip without fearing and offer all who surround you a serene and joyful face. That will make me still happier. And we all (“nous tous”), also. You do not yet know the entire incredible meeting of all loving hearts, family and others that assembles here and will join me when you will all come and we will finally meet again (Brune, ibid p. 106).

Not only the sentence, one among many in this collection of mediumistic messages saying virtually the same thing, fully supports the concept of the Group-Soul, but the phrase “nous tous” particularly struck me because my Rio do Tempo communicators have uttered exactly the same words in their contacts with me. The family messages Father Brune studied in depth, and offers in this work, were received by people without any connection to, or knowledge of, ITC. Besides, at the time when the majority of such messages were received, the new method of communication with the next dimension had not yet been divulged by Frederich Jürgenson. The amazing French family saga starts before the end of the 1930s and continues until 1980 as we saw previously.

A little further into the book, in a message from 1939, the communicating entity, this time Jean Winter (Gérald de Dampierre’s uncle) describes his plane of existence with these words: (literal translation)

My plane is not a little square board of 5000 or 1000 centimetres, it is a space not closed, but which represents united souls with the same degree of evolution. These souls are known or unknown; they are lights that communicate with me as I communicate with them. They are not little fellows who walk around. All and nothing happens, you cannot compare the prisoner life of the body with the resurrection that releases us from that body. Emptiness here [in our world], Resurrection over there in the infinite beauty. I must say the same thing over and over again. I sail, or I fly, or I float, as you wish.

And Jean Winter continues:

…that is: Head, Body outline, Glowing vapours. Each being is a light, more or less intense, according to its evolution degree. Just imagine glowing worms, large and very brilliant, among which you would evolve incessantly, whose thoughts would be yours and yours theirs. From it derives the exchange of ideas, of work. All this in the middle of harmonious vibrations and you will have a faint idea of the stay of the beings liberated from their bodies in the marvellous dwelling of the liberated ... (Brune, ibid, 160-161).

This extraordinary description fits perfectly what my communicators have told me over and over again: “We are working; “We are all here”; “We are very happy in our world”; “We are in heaven” and so on. The voices rarely speak in the singular and if sometimes a voice, like the one that identifies as my father’s, or Só’s, says “It is your father, João Cardoso” or “it is Só”, this is immediately followed by “It is us, it is all of us, it is the dead”, etc. in the plural. I have also noticed that the communicating entities normally use the expression “here” when they are speaking with us and call their own world “over there” or use similar expressions. And again, this happens in media so distinctly different as ITC or mediumistic messages such as the French ones, as we just saw.

An Explanation

The message above speaks of “united souls” but in no way should this be understood as concerning human souls only. Our communicators’ information is unanimously affirmative in this regard – from the French automatic writing messages to Adolf Homes’ computer texts, to the Luxembourg contacts and my own – everything has a soul.

I believe we should forget the old, limited concept of ‘soul’, introduced by the different religions, and replace it as applying to energy and information. Something we cannot see but allows the physical to function. On the subject, the communicating Gérald de Dampierre on page 105 of Father Brune’s book says:

... About death? What a real dire word indeed, so unsuitable vis-à-vis our life. It should be suppressed from the vocabulary forever. Firstly, it does not mean anything at all because even down here [on the earth] all is alive, even the rocks and grandfather Winter was very right about that….

Recapping, we find that the Group-Soul, the permission to contact us, the permission to discuss certain issues, the existence of hierarchies and strict rules in the next dimension, etc. have all been mentioned at least since the middle of the 19th century and are common to both reputable mediumship communications and ITC ones. In addition, the majority of the operators who received such messages, myself included, had no previous knowledge of the existence of the earlier mediumship reports, which say virtually the same. In my opinion the common, independent pattern thus revealed is a compelling argument in favour of the survival of consciousness to physical death hypothesis.

The Extraordinary Capacities of Next Dimension Beings

The nature of ‘the other world’ seems to account for a great number, maybe all, of the extraordinary possibilities and capacities that our dear communicators enjoy in their new life; for instance, being able to be in several places at the same time, to communicate by telepathy with all other beings – humans, people from other worlds, plants and animals alike – to travel with thought and so on. I once asked my communicators if those, for us, amazing capacities were the result of the death process or of their environment and they responded that they pertain to their world.

This must the reason why Timestream informed the Luxembourg group that a unique language was available to everybody immediately after the transition from our world. This is what the Technician had to say on the issue:

We all speak a language which is comparable to telepathy. When we speak to you we translate it into your Earth language. According to your human terms, our language consists of 27,000 characters. I am not considering the purely acoustical. Our language is immediately usable after bodily death.

Likewise, when I insisted with the communicators at the Bacci Centre in Grosseto, to speak with me in Portuguese instead of the Spanish they were using, I received the following explanation:

Because the world is big, take into consideration that there are so many languages; moreover, I am told that through the radio waves everything arrives; and by listening, I am told it changes into your language. (literal translation from the original DRV, mostly in Portuguese). (ITC Journal 25, April 2006).

The similarity is obvious. The unidentified entity that had been speaking with me in Spanish until then, finally spoke in Portuguese and gave me this fairly reasonable explanation about their difficulties with our earth languages.

I found it particularly interesting that the masculine voice said: “… and by listening, I am told it changes into your language” because this seems to confirm the role of the operators’ linguistic mental patterns in the process.
Rio do Tempo has informed that they are able to communicate with animals, plants and each other through telepathy. Since our dear transpartners avow that we hear their thoughts, I think we can put both explanations together and assume that under certain (unknown to us) circumstances, the radio waves act as a kind of transducer of their thoughts. And by listening, the earth operator – unconsciously tuning into the DRV communicators’ ‘frequencies’ 1 – can understand the message in his or her language. These could explain why some operators, e.g. Friedrich Jürgenson, Dr Raudive and others who speak several languages (I among them) receive, or may well receive, information in several different languages.

In this theory, which I tentatively put forward, we are, however, left with the puzzle of finding out how the tuning may occur. It is possible that the synergy, between communicator/s and recipient, facilitates a kind of manifestation of the communicator’s thoughts thus producing the radio voices. This could be a possibility but we cannot speculate further. Naturally, we are dealing, here, with concepts not yet tested in our world. But who knows if quantum physics will one day open this area of study to humanity? Let’s hope it will happen soon, thus allowing the desirable and highly necessary paradigm shift to come about.

In my theory – I must emphasize that this is just a personal idea – the ‘manifestation’ of thoughts into radio voices happens mainly through love and deep interest acting as a kind of catalyst. But other reasons may concur. I am thinking of patience, affinities, self-sacrifice, persistence, endurance and so on, from both sides – the other dimension communicators and the ITC operators in this world. I have seen that some call it ‘resonance’. Others speak of a ‘field of contact’. Nonetheless, I still believe that the main thrust for these communications to happen is love and unlimited patience. And the latter is a direct consequence of the former. At Homes’ the communicators recommended, “learn please to be patient: we can only do for you what you yourselves desire; and have sufficient energy for it ...”

At my home, a voice from Rio do Tempo station literally said “We speak por amor” (We speak through love).

In addition to the conditions that favour the contact field, or resonance, or tuning in – whatever we would like to call the meaningful connection between the communicators and the experimenter on the earth – there is a requirement which appears to be important, also. I am thinking of the learning process that those who live in the next dimension must go through to be able to speak with us or, at least, to be able to speak well with us; this applies particularly to the DRV. I have recorded voices saying to each other, “You do know; so you must speak!” or “You speak! You know how to!” This might explain the following wonderful episode.

Nisha Speaks

My beloved female Doberman dog, Nisha, about whom I have spoken extensively elsewhere, has communicated with me on a number of occasions, always with a delicate, childlike human voice. On one of those instances, I addressed the communicators and commented “Rio do Tempo, how extraordinary that Nisha can speak so often!” (At the time she used to). A voice from Rio do Tempo replied to my remark with “Nisha learned to speak through the radio and she wants to speak with you!” A straightforward reply that our human prejudices prevent us from accepting at face value. As a matter of fact, the event, as much as it delighted and moved me, also surprised me as I am sure it will surprise many of my readers. And perhaps some will not believe it, although I absolutely guarantee that it is true (pieces of Nisha’s contacts can be listened to in my CD ‘Electronic Voices’). I was particularly astounded by the fact that Nisha always spoke via the DRV, which, as informed by our communicators, is a very complex method. But, as my communicators said, “she learned to speak through the radio”, therefore, she could do it!

It was a truly amazing experience even for me, accustomed as I am to strange occurrences. Thinking about it now, years later, I reckon that my reaction was purely the result of what I blame on others – prejudice! And prejudice is something I am not generally prone to, as anybody who knows me, or even my readers, will recognize. But Nisha spoke with a human voice and it was a little too much for me. Since then, through the study and the continuing contact with the electronic voices and other sources of information, I understood that my Nisha’s marvellous contacts must have been, above all, the result of love, determination and persistence from her side. Nisha was a very intelligent and curious dog. She must have had guidance, too, because during an earlier EVP contact, previous to the DRV, a feminine voice can be heard saying “Nisha, come on Nisha!” and finally a different, soft voice uttered, “Nisha!”

In his work that we have been following, Father Brune comments on a similar case – although this time a highly relevant message received from a dog by the medium Reynald Roussel:

... the second [explanation] is supported by Anne-Marguerite Vexiau’s 2 works on ‘psychophanie’, as follows: The dog’s emotions would have transited through the brain [mind] of a deceased or of Reynald’s, and they would have transformed, through a kind of automatic process, into a very well-constructed sentence (Brune, ibid p. 196).
I must say that I partially agree with this explanation, albeit only to some extent because it contains the seeds of anthropocentrism, which I attempt not to allow in my mindset.

The clear content of the EVP by a voice which seemed to be teaching Nisha how to speak, appears to confirm Vexiau’s suggestion but, in my opinion, only to a certain degree. I mean the voice that says “Va Nisha! (literal translation: Come on Nisha!)” is not necessarily related to a human; it can be a superior being encouraging and teaching Nisha to speak. We know that humans also need this training and help, which is generally provided by superior beings of a different nature, or by highly developed humans or beings of other species and origins. And we can find several pertinent examples in the history of ITC advanced contacts: the Technician in Luxembourg, the high nameless entities at Adolf Homes’, Carlos de Almeida in my own case and Swejen Salter in Luxembourg, among others.

It is my deep conviction that we should set aside the prejudice of attributing all important feats to human intervention. As a high entity told Hans Otto-König, “You [Man] should realize that a plant or an animal can be a much more advanced spiritual being than a human.”

The Problems Caused by Human Language

Later on, when I could deal with Nisha’s contacts in a more liberated manner, I recognized that in order to speak with me, she could only have used human speech since I do not understand any other. And, although I cannot fully explain to my readers how Nisha can speak human language – besides, she spoke in Portuguese and we usually spoke to her in English because she was born in India – the truth is that, as we have already discussed, ITC translates thoughts and emotions into language. Language becomes a mere tool, although indispensable, because we are unable to perceive our communicators’ feelings and thoughts directly; but it is nothing decisive per se.

Furthermore, I think that we should consider the language corruption and mistakes, so often found in ITC communications, under this light. A good example is the corruption of the word “alma” (soul) during one of Carlos de Almeida’s conversations with me. He clearly uttered in the middle of a longer talk: “Este mundo é o do “elme” que aposta noutro lado…” (Literal translation: This world is of the “soul” that bets elsewhere ...) See CD.

He said “elme” but must have wanted to say “alma”, which is the correct word for soul. The word “elme” does not exist in Portuguese but phonetically it resembles “alma”. The two vowels “a” have been replaced by the next vowel, “e”. Since we do not know what process our communicators use for translating their feelings and thoughts into human language, and considering that the rest of the sentence appears to be related to the concept of soul because it is a “world that ‘bets’ elsewhere”, – and ‘bet elsewhere’ is an expression which might be used in the sense of having different values – the language fault could very well be the result of the inadaptability of the communicators’ feelings and thoughts to our language patterns.

While for us language and emotions, or ideas, are naturally linked, for our transpartners, emotions and ideas are predominant and they must search for the adequate word or words in a language mental pattern which no longer belongs to them because they no longer need or use it. Perhaps they search in the linguistic mental patterns of the operator’s brain or in their own memories and this can cause added problems.

This might be a likely explanation, although the modus faciendi still remains open. And it remains open not only in regard to dogs but to humans or anybody who might speak through ITC, as well. Unfortunately, from our side, we have not much of value to offer on this issue. Let us hope that one day we may understand the process a little better.

Speaking of language, I should explain that I have used the term love in a non-personal way. Not love for somebody or something in particular, but all-embracing love; love for the next world, for life, for the communicators in general, for the well-being of all and the universe. Pure, universal love. Perhaps this is what Carlos de Almeida meant when he announced a few years ago, “It is to call upon love without gender; it is for humble people, it is to call upon love, panacea of the world, it would be beautiful, won’t it?” (Translation from the original in Portuguese). I explained in my CD ‘Electronic Voices’ (DRV example 2) that the word ‘gender’ in Portuguese can be employed in a very wide sense. I also suggested that when Carlos de Almeida said “It is for humble people” he was referring to ITC’s goal. But this is my personal interpretation. Other ones could certainly be applicable.

“The Role of Affinities and the Group-Soul” is an extract from Electronic Contact with the Dead: What Do the Voices Tell Us? by Anabela Cardoso

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