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Mackenzie King, London Mediums, Richard Wagner, and Adolf Hitler by Anton Wagner, PhD.

Besides Etta Wriedt in Detroit and Helen Lambert, Eileen Garrett and the Carringtons in New York, London was the major nucleus for King’s “psychic friends.” In his letter to Lambert describing his 1936 European tour, he informed her that “When in London, I met many friends of yours: Miss Lind af Hageby, [the author and psychic researcher] Stanley De Brath, and many others.

The Seven Bodies by Carmen de Sayve & Jocelyn Arellano

The human being is made up of seven bodies, each composed of distinct vibrational frequencies that interpenetrate and interact. The physical body is the only one accessible to the five senses, but there are others, each a different aspect of existence and awareness. The seven bodies can be thought of as energy layers. Everything obeys thought, and the various bodies are emanations of active thought. Each belongs to and acts within a different dimension; thus, we are multidimensional beings, despite our fascination with the physical plane.

Death or Transcendence? by Michael Grosso

This book examines humanity’s attitude toward death – from embracing it, as some mystics have done, to escaping from it, as is so common among the masses today. “Beneath the ceaseless changes of history, death remains a changeless fact of life,” author Michael Grosso, Ph.D., states in the introduction. “The fact is constant; the meaning varies from culture to culture and from age to age. We are at present living through a twilight of worldviews, and nobody quite has the answers, in spite of science to the perennial questions and great mysteries of life and death.”

Where Love Rules by Albert Pauchard

"The I-Spectre" I INSIST on repeating, and I shall never do it sufficiently to my liking, what I have told you previously; i.e. that according to my experience, the moments of purgatory are not continuous. They come and go. Here as on earth, good and bad moments have their tide. With some people these moments follow each other successively, with others there are more or less long intervals. Each case is individual.

Second Sight in Dreams by Brian Inglis

Today, the issue whether extra-sensory communication occurs in dreams - indeed, whether it occurs at all - remains in dispute. Yet both historically and in our own times, there is evidence of its occurrence which cannot be accounted for by chance coincidence. Although chance cannot be ruled out in individual cases, for the accounts as a whole it is an implausible explanation.

Amazing Afterlife Experiments in Paris

Pierre-Emile Cornillier (1862 – 1933) was a French artist who had an interest in psychical research when, in 1912, he realized that Reine, an 18-year-old model (top photo) he had been employing for several months, had psychic abilities of some kind. He soon began some experiments with her and when she was in a “hypnotic sleep” she was able to go out of body and report on things and happenings in other places. Further experimentation involved communication with some apparently low-level spirits, but a “high spirit” named Vettellini (bottom photo, Corniellier’s conception) emerged in the ninth séance and continued on as Reine’s primary guide through 107 seances documented by Cornillier.

The Only Planet of Choice: Visitations

Many people use the word ‘Alien’ to describe a visitor from outer space. Extra terrestrial is another word, which is rather more user friendly. For the sake of the question and answer format, the word used by the questioner has been left, though even Tom questions our use of‘Alien’. Should we wish to foster openess between all beings of the Universe perhaps we should also look at our vocabulary? In a discussion between Andrew and Tom many years earlier, Andrew had asked Tom about UFOs and whether they were created manifestations. Tom had replied: “Many of the flying things that you call UFOs come from our place, but they come from other places also, and they do come in physical form. But many of them are not physical. They are like your movie screen”.

Difficulties in Spirit communication explained by Renowned Physicist

After his death in 1925, Sir William Barrett, a distinguished British physicist, began communicating with his wife, Florence Barrett, a physician and dean of the women’s college of medicine in London (upper right), through several mediums, including trance medium Gladys Osborne Leonard (lower left). He told her that he had to learn how to slow down his vibration in order to communicate with her. “Sometimes I lose my memory of things from coming here,” he continued. “I know in my own state but not here. In dreams you do not know everything, you only get parts in a dream. A sitting is similar; when I go back to the spirit world after a sitting like this I know I have not got everything through that I wanted to say. That is due to my mind separating again.”

World Madness and Nihilism go Hand-in-Hand

The madness, craziness, and turmoil we see in the world today seems to have slowly developed in line with the growth of mass communication during the twentieth century, reaching an unimagined deep crater in recent years. As Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding (Sir Hugh Dowding, 1882 – 1970), put it in his 1960 book, "God’s Magic," “The problem of world chaos is linked very closely with the chaos in the mind of humanity.” Dowding is considered by many as the man most responsible for Great Britain’s victory in the 1940 Battle of Britain during World War II. “Man insists on looking outward for causes instead of looking inward. As with the individual, so with a nation. An individual who has an unquiet spirit will have an unquiet environment.”

Zoroaster: The First Universalist

Once upon a time, before wisdom was confined to books, Shamans of the “Great Spirit’ anticipated an afterlife for their peoples. But the earliest existing expression of the Universalist idea of an afterlife where God saves ALL people can be found in the revelation of Zoroaster, Prophet of the Magi. Truly, it is one of many profound influences that Zoroaster’s new religion had on the subsequent development of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Known as Zoroaster by the Greeks and Zardust by the Arabs, he is properly called Zarathushtra by the followers of the religion he founded. (Since he is best known in the West by the Greek name Zoroaster, that name will be used in this paper; interestingly, the Greek name “Jesus” also became favored over the Hebrew “Yeshua.”)

Ukraine War: A Story of Survival, Sacrifice, and Service

If charitable service to those in need is the ultimate in spirituality here in the physical life, this book most certainly deals with spiritual matters. The author, Amber Poole, an American woman and her husband, Paul, from Scotland but with Polish roots, operated an educational center in Poland when the Russians attacked Ukraine in 2022. As many Ukrainians fled to Poland, they turned their center into a home for as many as 40 refugees. The author kept a very interesting “war diary” over the first 18 months of the war, discussing everything from the cultural adjustments required by both the Polish and the Ukrainians to her own reactions and adjustments, as well as philosophical concerns and conflicts that often surfaced. In spite of the adversity and distress, she embraced the adversity.

Fallen Soldier Convinces His Famous Father of Life After Death

On September 14, 1915, Second Lieutenant Raymond Lodge, the youngest of six sons of Sir Oliver Lodge, a distinguished British physicist and pioneer in electricity and radio, as well as the former president of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, was killed in WWI action in Flanders.

The Barbanell Report: A Journey into the Afterlife Edited by Paul Beard

During the four-year communication with Paul Beard, the then president of the College for Psychic Studies, Maurice Barbanell, the medium for the spirit entity Silver Birch until his passing in 1981, reported back on his life in the spirit world. It’s evident that because of his “knowledge” on the subject of life after death, it was thought he would be prepared for what was to come after death. But he clearly wasn’t and considered himself a novice, and was still finding his way. In this communication, they refer to Silver Birch as the “Old Man and “Old Fellow.”

“Life After Death – The Communicator” by Paul Beard

If the telephone rings, naturally the caller is expected to identify himself. In post-mortem communication, necessitating something far more complex than a telephone, it is not enough to seek the speakers identity. One needs to estimate also as far as is possible his present status and stature. This involves a number of factors, overlapping and hard to keep separate, each bringing its own kind of difficulty. Four such factors can readily be named.

Missing Time by Budd Hopkins

Since World War II, tens of thousands of reports of unidentified flying objects have been gathered, officially and unofficially, by the United States Air Force and myriad other governmental and civilian investigative organizations around the world.1 Like Astronaut McDivitt’s “cylinder with antennas,” these objects are often described as being mechanically structured, metallic, and very frequently as behaving as if they were under intelligent control. The thousands of similar, enigmatic reports from across the world mean that no matter what realities may lie behind it, the UFO phenomenon exists as an undeniable fact of life.

Murder with Roots in the Past by Zofia Weaver and Krzysztof Janoszka

In the winter of 2006 the fire brigade was called out to a fire in a block of flats at a street in the town of Będzin, in southern Poland. The firemen succeeded in putting out the fire and preventing the whole building from being destroyed. One flat was badly damaged by the fire, the one inhabited by the owner of the block. When the firemen and the police examined the damaged flat they made a macabre discovery: in the kitchen there were two charred bodies. The post-mortems showed that in both cases death was caused not by fire but by knife wounds. There was no doubt that the two people were murdered before their bodies were set on fire.

Facing the Final Choice by Michael Grosso

The editor of my first book suggested I call it The Final Choice (1985). I thought the title was overdramatic and a bit grandiose. I did in part write the book in response to what seemed like the growing threat of nuclear war.

Beyond Space and Time: The Unbounded Psyche by Andrew Powell

A good many years back, I was taking part in a group meditation, which began with a guided fantasy. We were asked to imagine ourselves walking in a field in the countryside on a summer day, with birds singing, bees humming and the smell of grass and flowers. Then we were instructed to look around until we saw something of special interest, to go towards it and let the experience take us where it will. This is where it took me:

URI by Andrija Puharich

In late 1970 I read a report written by an Israeli army officer about a young man in Israel named Uri Geller. The letter described Geller's telepathic powers and his ability to make clock hands move without touching the clock. These alleged powers were so extraordinary that I could not believe the report. However, when this officer subsequently sent samples of metal broken by Geller's mental powers, and when the laboratory reports stated that this kind of metal fracture had not been seen before, my interest grew.

Varieties of Experience of Death by Cynthia Pettiward

Before discussing varieties of experience undergone by the earthbound, I should like to take a look at the experience of death itself. My chief authority on this subject is again Dr Robert Crookall, who has treated the matter very thoroughly. Certainly anybody interested should read Wickland and Crookall for themselves, for I have only tried to summarise what are considerable works of reference. In “The Supreme Adventure” alone, Dr Crookall lists a bibliography of one hundred and sixty-four books which he has consulted.

The Nine: Briefing From Deep Space by Stuart Holroyd

Dear Reader: This story began in the late sixties and continues to this day. It could have happened to any one of you. It is the story of three people coming together to follow some apparently cosmic guidance on faith, while they repeatedly asked themselves the question “what if?” I am one of those people. The other two were Andrija Puharich MD from upstate New York, and Sir John Whitmore from England.

Psychology and the Near-Death Experience: A Personal Revelation by Roy Hill, Psy.D

The book you are about to read has foundation in personal revelation. There is a great distinction, I have discovered, between learning facts from a book and learning by experience. This lesson peaked during my clinical training in graduate school. I quickly determined that learning about therapy in a textbook was different than actually doing psychotherapy. Whereas psychology textbooks cover technical procedures, the act of psychotherapy involves the interplay of emotions, personality forces, and personal histories. In my clinical experience, all these relationship dynamics become charged during every session.

Silver Screen Saucers: Sorting Fact from Fantasy in Hollywood’s UFO Movies: Die Die by Robbie Graham

Extraterrestrials seek to conquer our planet and claim it as their own. Their motivation stems either from desperation or despotism: their own planet is dying or its people are suffering due to a lack of essential resources, or else they have reached us as an inevitability in their cold quest for galactic empire. Whatever their justification for invasion, the aliens regard humanity as an obstruction to be smashed, or as a pest to be squashed.

“It’s Life And Death, But Not As You Know It!: Gerard Croiset by Tricia. J. Robertson

It is strange to think that some people seem to have the ability to tap into the consciousness of other people who are still alive, but they can. By this I do not just mean ordinary telepathic experiments with twins or other people or just the feeling of knowing what another person is thinking, but by studying people with very unusual talents. One such person was the Dutch clairvoyant Gerard Croiset. We usually think of the word clairvoyant in relation to a medium contacting a deceased person, but in Croiset’s case he was indeed repeatedly able to tap into the consciousness of other people including those who had passed over and those still alive.

Survival? Death as a Transition: Post-mortem Life-review by David Lorimer

During his lifetime as one of the pioneers of psychical research, F. W. H. Myers wrote the classic "Human Personality and its Survival of Bodily Death." After his death he was ostensibly instrumental in establishing the complex scholarly evidence for survival which came to be known as the cross-correspondences.

The Afterlife Revealed: What Happens After We Die: The Life Review by Michael Tymn

After many years of murdering, raping, plundering, and pillaging with malice and forethought, twin brothers Jed and Ned were finally stopped by the police. Jed was shot and killed instantly, while Ned was apprehended and sent to prison for life. During his confinement, Ned “found” God and repented.

Till Death Don’t Us Part: A True Story of Awakening to Love After Life Karen Frances McCarthy

I was starving when I got back from the army base at Fayetteville, North Carolina. I ordered lunch and called Johann from my motel room. We’d only been engaged four weeks, and I’d spent two of them stuck in the sweltering South, writing a follow-up story about a Colonel I’d met in Iraq. I thought I’d never get back to New York and away from fast food, lousy motels, and the exponential aging that comes with being called ma’am by soldiers half my age. Mainly, I wanted to get back to him. There was no answer. I dialed again. Voicemail. He was probably off with James on their usual weekend bike ride up the Hudson River and out of the city. “Food for his soul” he would have called it had he believed in a soul.

Attempts to Conjure up a Ghost to be Called ‘Philip’ by Robert A. Charman

After a group of experimenters spent a year trying to conjure up a ghost, which they intended to call ‘Philip’, without success, they were ready to admit defeat. Then they tried again, and ‘Philip’ turned up in a way they didn’t expect. What happened questions our present understanding of mind and its relationship to matter.

“Notes on the Craft of Dying” by Michael Grosso

Seeking inspiration from the muse of death is an old trope. Leonardo and Montaigne, for example, both arrived at the view that learning how to live was really learning how to die. The oldest story in human history, the Epic of Gilgamesh, is about an ancient Sumerian king’s journey in quest of the flower of immortality. But what of us moderns in the scientific age? What sorts of craft of dying do we practice? What sorts are available? Not very much, it would seem.

The Case for Possession:The Relationship between Culture and Belief by Cynthia Pettiward

The Case for Possession:The Relationship between Culture and Belief by Cynthia Pettiward Allowances must be made for the fact that paranormal phenomena tend to be linked with the type of culture where they occur. Thus, reincarnation has been most frequently recorded in countries where it is believed in, for instance in India, China, Ceylon, Alaska, and what used to be Tibet. In Brazil, where Spiritism is more popular than any other creed, political organisation or philosophical school, there is more emphasis on the influence of spirits, whether reincarnating or possessing, than there is in European countries.

Friedel’s Conversations with the Dead: Recordings on New Year’s Eve by Anabela Cardoso

On New Year’s Eve of 1959, Friedel could not refrain from sending a New Year’s greeting to his friends on the other side. He had placed the tape recorder in the studio and pulled a cord to the microphone positioned about three meters from the radio in the living room. In Radio Sweden they broadcasted a New Year program that would run over midnight. At the end of that year, Radio Sweden did not broadcast the usual poem “Nyarsklockan.” The tradition ended in 1956 when the Swedish actor Anders de Wahl passed away and was not taken up again until the Swedish Television started a new tradition in 1977.

An Evolutionary Bifurcation: Transcendence or Transhumanism? by David Lorimer

In 2023, the world is a very different place compared with 2010, when I wrote the introduction you can read below, but looking at the contents of this volume, I can’t help feeling that the need for a new renaissance is more significant than ever at a time of rising divisions, intensifying polarities, intolerance of other viewpoints, increasing narrative control and censorship, and the relentless rise of technocracy as social engineering employing behavioural psychology techniques such as ‘nudging’ and fear mongering in order to shape our perception and behaviour.

An Extraordinary Clairvoyant and an Extraordinary Policeman by Zofia Weaver

Jackowski’s name became more prominent because of a case in the mid-1990s. The case in question took place in 1994-95 and involved three men who disappeared while on a business trip to Kaliningrad (Koenigsberg). Their families asked Jackowski for help and using a photograph of one of the men he sensed that the man was dead, as were his companions; their throats had been cut and they had been decapitated. The clairvoyant could hardly believe what he saw but when he tried again he saw three headless bodies in a forest at a specific location.

Twin Telepathy: A Daft Question by Guy Lyon Playfair

Early in the evening of 27 November 1975, the writer and television personality Ross McWhirter was shot in the head and chest by two gunmen on the doorstep of his north London home. He was rushed to hospital, but was declared dead on or shortly after arrival, before his identical twin brother Norris could reach his bedside. The murder made the front pages of the following day’s newspapers, for the McWhirters, editors of the Guinness Book of Records, were probably Britain’s best known pair of twins after the notorious criminal Kray brothers (of whom more later). When I heard the news on the radio that night I found myself wondering if there was any truth in the claim that twins could pick up each other's thoughts and feelings at a distance?

“Gender identity change in a transsexual: an exorcism” by D. Scott Rogo

The strange story began in 1952 when the patient was born. From early childhood John considered himself to be a girl. His gender confusion was probably the result of family problems. His mother and father, who raised their family in Tennessee, were thirty-two and forty-five years old respectively, and they didn’t get along very well. They finally separated when the boy was eight, by which time John’s transsexualism was already fairly ingrained. The couple were already the parents of two other children (a boy and a girl) before John came along, so he was the baby of the family.

The Certainty of Scientism

All that is real can be measured, nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the certainty of Scientism.

Dead Men Talking by Michael Tymn

Background: Second Lieutenant Raymond Lodge, attached to the South Lancashire Regiment of the Regular British Army, was killed near Ypres, France on September 14, 1915 when struck by a shell fragment in the attack on Hooge Hill. The 26-year-old officer was the youngest of six sons born to Sir Oliver Lodge and Lady Mary Lodge. He had been educated at Birmingham University in mechanical engineering and had plans to become a partner with two older brothers in an engineering firm serving the government. Soon after his death, Raymond began communicating with his parents. The story is set forth in “Raymond or Life and Death,” authored by his father and published the following year.

When did you ever become less by dying? by Stafford Betty

When Samantha was just shy of her fifth birthday, an age when her delight in every manner of living creature was well underway, she noticed a slug on the sidewalk. This was the same slug she noticed just a few hours earlier, slowly crawling down the front steps of her home. Only now it was smashed on the sidewalk. "What happened to it?" she asked. "It looks like it got stepped on, Samantha," said her mom. "But why isn't it moving?" Her mom looked at her husband as if handing off the conversation. He said, "Samantha, it's not moving because it died."

Parapsychology and the ESP Controversy by D. Scott Rogo

What is parapsychology and is it a valid science? These two questions are among the first asked when the topic of ESP is brought up. Parapsychology might simply be defined as the study of psychical phenomena, or more distinctly, “behavioral or personal exchanges with the environment which are extrasensorimotor—not dependent on the senses and muscles.” To be a little less obscure, parapsychology deals with cognition such as telepathy or foreseeing the future that is not based on any of the five senses.

Dying Before We Die by Johann Christoph Hampe

It happens at some time or other to everyone who is wide-awake and aware. We are overwhelmed by it on a particularly fine spring day perhaps, and at the latest when we reach middle age. We always knew, but now it’s gunpowder: there in front of us is the big black pit into which all life is ultimately going to disappear. It’s not only all the other people—the people in the ‘deaths’ column. I am going to have to die myself. Who knows when? But because I don’t know, death is already part of the present.

Joan of Arc and Winston Churchill: Charmed Lives and Higher Power

The description of somebody as ‘bearing a charmed life’ has long lost its impact, but it certainly applied to Churchill. He knew it, and he attributed it to a protector. ‘I sometimes have a feeling - in fact I have it very strongly - a feeling of interference, ’ he told a gathering of miners in 1943. ‘I want to stress it. I have a feeling that some guiding hand has interfered. ’

The Orpheus Motif in North America: The Comanche tradition

To give the reader a general idea of the form taken by the Orpheus tradition in North America, I reproduce the version of the Comanche Indians, here published for the first time. It was communicated to me orally by the late Dr Ralph Linton, who noted it down in the course of his field-studies among the Comanche (1933). Particular interest attaches to the Comanche narrative, for it is the first recorded Orpheus tradition from the more easterly Shoshonean groups. No account is given of it in Wallace and Hoebel’s Comanche monograph, which is otherwise a valuable source for the religion and folklore of this tribe.

Coincidence: a Matter of Chance - or Synchronicity? by Brian Inglis

As a schoolboy in Orleans, Emile Deschamps was given a taste of plum pudding - then hardly known in France - by M. de Fontgibu, one of the emigres who had fled to England during the Revolution, and had returned. Some ten years later, walking along the Boulevard Poissoniere in Paris, Deschamps noticed a plum pudding in a restaurant window, and went in to ask if he could have a slice. 'M. de Fontgibu,' the dame du comptoir called out to a customer, 'would you have the goodness to share your plum pudding with this gentleman?' Eventually Deschamps, who by the mid-nineteenth century had achieved fame in France as a romantic poet and librettist, related this coincidence to his young friend the astronomer Camille Flammarion. It had not proved to be the end of the story,

The High Self or Spiritual Centre by Raynor Johnson

The High Self or Spiritual Centre In the opinion of those who have explored most deeply, there is a Spirit beyond the soul. Various terms are used to describe it—the High Self, the Oversoul, the Divine Spark, the true unmanifested "I". I shall quote A. E. again.

In Times of War, ed. by Jonathan Beecher

In 1947, with the world shaken by the death toll of two global wars, a Doomsday Clock was created as a symbol of the likelihood of a global manmade catastrophe such as a nuclear war. The clock was originally set at seven minutes to midnight, midnight being the end of the world, at least, as we know it today. The clock is maintained by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' Science and Security Board, a group of scientists and thinkers who monitor sciences, technology and anything that could be a global threat to humanity. As of January 2018 the clock is set to two minutes to midnight.

The Plane of Illusion: The Third Plane by Geraldine Cummins

BREVITY can be the soul of wit, but it can also be the soul of error. It will be necessary for me to create a small dictionary if I am to give you my views, in a few pages, on that interesting topic, eternal life. I shall first define the multitude of the newly dead, those tumultuous waves of life that break, daily and nightly, like the tides upon our shores. Birth and death are two words which contain the same meaning. How strangely they sound to me now; for I have lived so long in a state in which words are obsolete, in which thoughts reign supreme. Roughly, the newly dead may be divided into three categories: Spirit-man, Soul-man, Animal-man.

Christ in You: Lessons 1-6 by Anon

I AM obliged to use your words and modes of expression, but I must say at the beginning that they are wholly inadequate to convey spiritual truths. I long to help people who seem to be in the same mistaken conditions in which I once was, for man does not know himself.

Passport to Magonia; a Look at UFOs by Jacques Vallee, edited by Brad Steiger and John White

We have now examined several stories of abductions and attempts at kidnappings by the occupants of flying saucers. These episodes are an integral part of the total UFO problem and cannot be solved separately. Historical evidence, gathered by Wentz, moreover, once more points in the same direction. This sort of belief in fairies being able to take people was very common and exists yet in a good many parts of West Ireland. . . .

PSI: The Structure of Revolutions by Madelaine Lawrence, Ph.D.

No phenomenon is without history. Our understanding of transpersonal experiences surrounding near death and dying is no exception. Edmund Burke (1729-1797) once said, “Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it (Bartlett, 2012, p. 323).” Scientists look to those who came before them to attempt to avoid the misadventures of previous researchers.

The Afterlife: What might it be like? by Tricia Robertson

The Afterlife: What might it be like? Before addressing the idea of how one might spend the time in an afterlife – in fact ‘Things we can do when we are dead’ – we should take time to clarify just what an afterlife may (or may not) be like.

One Hundred Cases for Survival After Death: Dreams

Ordinary, normal dreams do not enter into the scope of this chapter; it is only the veridical dream of the supernormal variety which comes within the province of psychical research that we are concerned with.

The Nature of Mediumship by Lord Dowding

The phenomena of mediumship fall into two broad classes: (a) where direct contact is made with the sense recording sections of the medium's brain, those controlling sight, hearing and muscular reactions; and (b) where an artificial and temporary structure of tangible matter is built up from normally intangible ingredients, and communication is effected through that structure.

After Death: Private Dowding in the Wilderness by Wellesley Tudor Pole

In the introduction to "Private Dowding:The personal story of a soldier killed in battle, Wellesley Tudor Pole wrote: On Monday, 12th March 1917, I was walking by the sea when I felt the presence of someone. I looked round, no one was in sight. All that day I felt as if someone were following me, trying to reach my thoughts. Suddenly I said to myself, 'It is a soldier. He has been killed in battle and wants to communicate.'

“Breakthrough” by Konstantin Raudive: An Introduction by Peter Bander

The picture that now emerged was fairly clear: Dr. Raudive (through the work of a Swedish author Friedrich Jurgenson) had encountered the phenomenon of voices which appeared on recording tapes, apparently without human intervention, and could be played back at choice. These voices had certain characteristics but, although twice the speed of normal human speech, could be clearly understood. Further investigation had shown that the voices did not appear at random but seemed to respond to invitation to manifest themselves.

“God” by Meister Eckhart with Simon Parke

True Spiritual Body: by Robert Crookall

When consciousness operates through the "True Spiritual “Body” men have direct awareness of God. Such experiences were cited and discussed by the present writer in "The Interpretation of Cosmic and Mystical Experiences", James Clarke, 1969:

President Roosevelt’s Secretary Communicates from the Afterlife

It had been a nice morning, the President had had gruel just before his lunch (a food which he indeed did not relish) and the dog was a Scotch terrier who was in the habit of rolling over when meeting someone he liked. It was not possible to continue this intriguing investigation since Geraldine had to go into hospital for a serious operation which was followed by a long period of convalescence.

Personality Survives Death: After Death Communication from Sir William Barrett

The reports of sittings with Mrs. Osborne Leonard, in which Sir William Barrett (W.F.B.) purports to be the chief communicator, are given under his initials, and in conversation the sitter assumes the hypothesis that it is W. F. B. who speaks. Readers who do not believe in the possibility of survival after death may find this method annoying, but is not any scientific hypothesis assumed to be true while we are testing its validity? On the other hand, it may be thought that messages purporting to come from the other side of death are of too private a nature to publish. This is true of many, and some of the most convincing scripts have had to be omitted on this account.

What Happens When You Die by Robert Crookall

It is evident that someone who was well known to St. Paul underwent the release of the Soul Body from the physical body, though the details given are meagre. The Apostle (II Cor. xii, 2) mentioned a man who had been “caught up as far as the third ‘heaven’ ”, i.e., as far as Paradise, the Soul Body of the physical world. He heard unrepeatable words spoken.

A Question of Belief by Peter Bander

The question of life after death has occupied man’s mind since first he became consciously aware of his existence.


Proof of Survival by Lord Dowding

I think that "Raymond" is a very important book because its main purpose appears to be to convey to the world proof of human survival after death. This proof is conveyed by the publication of a series of messages from Raymond Lodge, the son of Sir Oliver Lodge, the famous scientist and author of the book.

When Skeptics Attack: Skeptical Organizations and Websites by Craig Weiler

If you really want to get to the heart of skepticism, the best way to do that is to look at the organizations that skeptics create and see how they operate. The behavior of these organizations is the behavior of the individuals, writ large. There are two national organizations worth considering: the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) and the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI).

Premonitions of Aberfan

At approximately 9:15 a.m. on October 21, 1966, a huge coal tip, rendered unstable by underground water, slid down a mountainside in Wales, United Kingdom on to the little mining village of Aberfan.

Life Before Life: How I Did the Research by Helen Wambach

The snow lay three feet deep around the Chicago motel where fifty-four people lay stretched out on blankets and pillows in the darkened banquet room. The great Chicago blizzard of January 1978 had kept some of these subjects from our earlier scheduled hypnosis sessions, but they were all finally able to get here, and now they lay on the floor waiting to explore their reason for being born.

Who is Sliver Birch by Hannen Swaffer

SILVER BIRCH, as we call him, is not a Red Indian (sic). Who he is, we do not know. We assume that he uses the name of the spirit through whose astral body he expresses himself, it being impossible for the high vibration of the spiritual realm to which he belongs to manifest except through some other instrument.

After the Border Has Been Crossed by W. T. Stead

"After the Border Has Been Crossed" Although my communications with Julia have been more or less regular, for the last five years they been chiefly about matters in which I have been personally interested, and for nearly two years abstained from questioning her as to her life on the other side. In one of the last letters that she wrote, she excused herself from writing further at that time. She said she felt that it was almost a presumption for her to describe a country in which she had made so brief a, sojourn.

W. T. Stead: Spiritual Lectures From the Afterlife

SPIRITUAL LECTURES Comprising a SERIES OF TWELVE LECTURES on various subjects from W. T. STEAD

“What You Call Death” by Silver Birch

Another time Silver Birch answered questions put to him by a young American soldier, whose brother had recently passed on. His first point, said the guest, was very simple. Hannen Swaffer had told him that when he first manifested Silver Birch had difficulty speaking English. So what language did the guide originally speak? The guide replied: “You see here a physical body – this that you call a medium, for the word means an intermediary, someone who is the instrument through whom something is sent. Now, there are various strata of life in our world. It is a world which is regulated by the spiritual growth of those who dwell in it. It is a graded life and in each grade – they all merge into one another – there are those who have attained that spiritual growth which enables them to dwell in that sphere or state or being.


By 1940 World War II was raging, and one of the most prominent men in Great Britain was Air Chief Marshal Hugh Caswall Tremenheere Dowding, more widely known as Lord Dowding. Dowding was the commander of RAF Fighter Command during the Battle of Britain and played a crucial role in thwarting Hitler’s plan to defeat Great Britain. In the 1969 film, Battle of Britain, Dowding was played by one of Britain’s much loved actors, Laurence Olivier.

The Hidden Door – Introduction by Peter and Elizabeth Fenwick

Accounts of dreams are as old as human history. People have always been fascinated by their own dreams, and have always looked for significance· in them. From the most ancient civilisations of Assyrians and Babylonians through to Biblical times it was believed that dreams brought messages from the gods in the form of warnings, omens and portents. In ancient Greece they were seen as prophecies, or instructions from Zeus.

Know Thyself: The Existential Senses By Kurt Leland

The first step in becoming a multidimensional human is developing our existential inner senses. These senses ground us in our personal identity. When we know our true identity, we can get closer to the Source through the environmental and kinesthetic inner senses and open up to deeper levels of union with other beings through the relational inner senses.

Where is the Afterlife? By Edward C. Randall

Time in Heaven by Emanuel Swedenborg

162. Although there is a succession and a progression of all things in heaven, as there is in the world, yet angels have no notion or idea of time and space; and this ignorance is so complete that they do not even know what time and space are. Time in heaven will now be considered, and space in its own chapter.

Abduction: The Next Generation by John E. Mack

“If you keep asking them [the beings] questions, they keep reforming the thing in such a way that the questions get more provocative but can’t quite be answered. . . . If you start saying, “Well, they are aliens and they’re from this planet,” you’re lost. . . . I’ve often been in situations where the question has been impossible to live with. You can’t not answer it, and you can’t answer it either. And there you have it.

Poltergeists and daemons by Alan Gauld and A. D. Cornell

In this chapter I have adopted the archaic spelling 'daemon' instead of the more conventional 'demon'. I have done so because in popular thought 'demons' are quintessentially evil, whereas according to older traditions the term 'daemon' may be used of any discarnate non-human intelligence or agency.

Excerpt from A Course in Miracles. IX. The “Hero” of the Dream

74 The body is the central figure in the dreaming of the world. There is no dream without it, nor does it exist without the dream in which it acts as if it were a person, to be seen and be believed.

A Visit to Otherwhere by Kurt Leland

My curiosity about the cave drew me away from the first being and toward the second. As I approached the larger being, I felt that I was coming into the presence of a holy person, a saint, some highly developed soul. I wondered if I should kneel or bow.

After a Suicide by Sylvia Hart Wright

Now Rita's a very spiritual woman, very religious, and this kind of thing has happened to her a lot. She finally decided she's not crazy, she just sees people after they've died. What she does in response is she prays for them. So she was telling me, "Laura, I really think Dave needs our prayers. I think he's stuck." And that word jumped into my head. I'd completely forgotten my nightmare but that word "stuck" jumped in my head and it really disturbed me.

Mediumship: A Preview by Paul Beard

Mediumship is both a simple and a complex happening. To evaluate what is involved, an important balance needs to be sought between objective and subjective sides. Both must necessarily contribute if a long term and developing view is to come about. Since mediumistic material also arises at very different levels of significance, this requires to be assessed by criteria appropriate to each level.

The Hybrid “Project” by John E. Mack

Since the publication of Budd Hopkins’s pioneering Intruders, some investigators have come to see the creation of a race of human/alien hybrid offspring as an important, if not the central purpose or meaning of the abduction phenomenon (Hopkins 1987; Jacobs 1992 and 1998). Although I do not perceive the hybrid “project” as so literally biological as do these researchers, experiences related to some sort of human/alien sexual and reproductive connection are an important aspect of the phenomenon in many, though not all, cases in my work.

THE DOCTRINE OF DEATH: Letters from a Living Dead Man

MANY times during the months in which I have been here have I seen men and women lying in a state of unconsciousness more profound than the deepest sleep, their faces expressionless and uninteresting. At first, before I understood the nature of their sleep, I tried as an experiment to awaken one or two of them, and was not successful. In certain cases, where my curiosity was aroused, I have returned later, day after day, and found them still lying in the same lethargy.


I am standing alone at night on a wooden bridge that cuts over a marsh near the Credit River in Mississauga, Ontario, staring into the sky, looking for signs. The slow drone of cars on the overpass settles into the background buzz of an insect symphony. Toads sing sad love songs and a cacophony of crickets create an aural chaos.


In the first 60 years of looking at UFOs and many thousands of reports, we have not moved any closer to a provable theory of their origin. It appears that the goal of most UFO researchers and advocates at present is to make more people take the subject seriously, or at least consider that UFOs are not just the product of misidentifications, hoaxes, or hysteria.


On November 17, 2012, the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (ASSAP), held a summit in England to determine if ufology was a dead field. It was based on the notion that UFO sightings were in steep decline.


In August 2010, I was contacted by an Aboriginal family who live near the Bruce Peninsula at Cape Croker, Ontario. Some members of their extended family had been invited to visit and camp out in their yard so that they could all attend the community’s annual Pow Wow together. It was late in the evening when the UFO incident occurred.

ANARCHY IN THE UFO! by Red Pill Junkie

Let us start with a somewhat impertinent question: Why are you doing this? I mean, why do you find yourself presently with your hands on this book, reading these words at this particular moment?


UFO discourse exists upon the fringes of mainstream social reality. It has been othered by the mechanisms of popular culture and relegated to the taboo fringe. This is not the result of some government conspiracy, nor some hidden cabalistic agenda; rather, it is the constructs of modern ideological capitalism that have entrenched ufology into the outer limits of contemporary society and culture.


The following transcript is a condensed excerpt from a two-part lecture titled “UFOs and Consciousness: The Fantastic Facts About UFOs, Altered States of Consciousness, and Mind-at-Large.”


The fiasco was indistinguishable from a hoax and couldn’t have been more damaging to ufology if it had been sabotage. Photographs of the body of an extraterrestrial being from the Roswell UFO crash were revealed at the National Auditorium in Mexico City on May 5, 2015. Three days later, the story imploded when international news accounts reported it was a fake, just another in a long series of embarrassments to the UFO field.


The modern UFO era has presented us with a set of problems that we have been unable to deal with in any rational or responsible way for over seventy years.


“Of all the questions the Gallup pollsters have asked the American public, why have UFOs struck such a resonant chord with the average adult American?”


In the late sixteenth century, Tycho Brahe proposed a model of the solar system wherein all the known planets—five at the time—revolved around the Sun, while the Sun itself orbited the Earth.1 Referred to as the Tychonic System, the concept was not altogether new, having precursors in the fourth century B.C.2—nonetheless, this hybrid geoheliocentric model was closer to the truth than contemporary theories, which held the Earth as the fixed point around which the entire cosmos rotated.


It seems to have been with us a long, long time, whatever “it” may be. Researchers such as Jacques Vallée suggest humankind’s dance with the strange, including odd sights in the sky, is virtually inherent to our existence. The unknown and misunderstood apparently manifested in tales of fairies, trolls and, of course, aliens and their flying machines.


There’s a joke about a guy standing out on the street at night looking down at the pavement under a lamp-post. His neighbor walks up and asks what he’s doing, and he says, “I lost my keys.” The neighbor asks if this is where he lost them, and the guy points to a tangle of thorny bushes off in the darkness, and says, “Oh no, I lost them over there, but this is a much easier place to look.”


Of the many different cores around which a cult can form, possibly the most curious is the phenomenon of UFOs. Beyond the ostensibly pragmatic issue of whether or not aliens are indeed responsible for UFO sightings, there is a huge volume of discussion in formal and fan literature (and online in social media forums) regarding the interpretation of UFO reports as personal encounters with alien beings―physical and/or ethereal. In fact, such subjective discourse has almost completely supplanted any rigorous attempts to study the subject with anything resembling scientific methodology.


In early 2017 I sent a short essay, written in the thirteenth century, to my colleague who works for a contractor for NASA and the U.S. Space Program. My colleague is one of the world’s leading experts in aeronautics, and I am a professor of Religious Studies, specializing in Catholic history. My colleague knew nothing about the source, and what it represented.

Entity claiming to be Mary, Queen of Scots communicates with rescue circle in UK.

Mary Queen of Scots (1542-1587): The evening of 20th November 1995 remains so sharp in memory—heart warming—emotionally charged—historic. The visit had been attempted several months earlier, but conditions had been less than favourable and after a few minutes was terminated. No name was given then, but one present had sensed an identity, wrote it down, sealed it in an envelope and handed it to Leslie (the circle leader) for safe keeping. But now, this time the link was strong:

“Daemon” by Brian Inglis

SOCRATES After his judges had found him guilty of corrupting the youth of Athens, Socrates explained why he did not intend to dispute their verdict:

Lucid Dreaming by Brian Inglis

There is one other type of dream about which relatively little is known, as serious exploration has only recently begun. Awareness in the course of a dream that it is 'only a dream' is quite a common experience, and probably always has been (it was mentioned by Aristotle); but 'lucid dreaming', in the sense of deliberately exploiting the capability, appears to have been rare - though apparently it is used by Tibetan Yogi.

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Mackenzie King, London Mediums, Richard Wagner, and Adolf Hitler by Anton Wagner, PhD. – Besides Etta Wriedt in Detroit and Helen Lambert, Eileen Garrett and the Carringtons in New York, London was the major nucleus for King’s “psychic friends.” In his letter to Lambert describing his 1936 European tour, he informed her that “When in London, I met many friends of yours: Miss Lind af Hageby, [the author and psychic researcher] Stanley De Brath, and many others. Read here
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