I LOVE THIS. It is so revealing and informative
MICHAEL BASDEO, Fri 12 Aug, 17:12

That may very well be the case as far as an individual approach to it goes, but it does not mean that those who are unable to maintain that positive state of mind are not subject to low-level influences.
Take a look at Dr. Carl Wickland’s research, as suggested by Jon.
Your comment is appreciated.
Michael Tymn, Fri 12 Aug, 07:40

“Believing Is Seeing.” -B. Lowther
I thought his answer about evil spirits was a matter of personal choice, essentially between taking a positive view or a negative one. Where or with which idea (since no one knows for sure anyway and this type of experience being extremely subjective) would you rather place your awareness, your belief? I assume one with a higher awareness, a positive state of mind, focused with belief in the “good”, and regardless of their circumstances or what is true or not, will be in superior position NOT to attract malevolent beings or forces. Excellent answer! And one that we need to talk about more often. Leave the rest and the lesser as far from your consciousness as possible. They/It will disappear fairly quickly… If it even bothers to come around someone like the author of this book at all!
Brigitte Lowther, Fri 12 Aug, 06:14

I found Dr. McKay’s account of his son’s afterlife both fascinating and persuasive (and encouraging). He should be thanked for relating this.
Yet I was troubled by one remark, that there is no evil “out there”. I fear that this belief is a little naïve and even dangerous.
There seems to be evidence of malevolence from entities. The current Fortean Times has an article by Alan Murdie, “House of Suicides” in which he relates having been influenced, at age 17, to almost jump from a roof, committing suicide.
He regards this influence as supernatural, and from one or more malevolent entities. At 17, he may have been more susceptible to influence. This might more easily happen also when someone is sleepy, tired and otherwise nonattentive. Not to mention alcohol and drugs. (342, August 2016)
And I think that Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts by Joe Fisher should be read. (Joe Fisher later committed suicide.)
Not all malevolence results in suicide, it seems. I suspect that revenge, envy and plain mischief occurs more than we realize. And, I suspect that I and probably many others have been victimized. Bad luck can happen, and even careers hampered or ruined.
We live in a society in which interpersonal connections are frail. Industrial societies are mobile, and relationships are temporary. People are regarded as means to an end rather than as ends in themselves. (Kant’s Categorical Imperative.) The result is that there is little help in these matters available when needed. Even psychics seem to convey a “do it yourself” recommendation. Others are needed for support and that is a basic human need, not a sign of weakness. The frequent recommendation is “envelop yourself in the white light”. What is one supposed to do, stand under a strong LED fixture? Churches and “the helping professions” offer scant help, and are not substitutes for human caritas and connection.
David Moncreif, Thu 28 Jul, 04:58

Gary Mannion like Helen Duncan was probably influenced by demonic forces when he cheated.
Waller Joel, Wed 27 Jul, 20:49

I have often thought that perhaps past-life personalities have some influence on peoples’ behavior and obviously not every past life personality was of a sterling character. Perhaps these past lives are what is seen in multiple personalities, recognizing of course that not every diagnosis of multiple personality is a true multiple personality. I also think that past life personalities play out in mental illnesses even those seeming relatively non-exotic illnesses such as depression and anxiety.
I am aware of at least one person I know who I believe from childhood has housed a spirit who was determined in a vindictive way to dominate another person creating unrelenting dependency and control. She doesn’t seem to be possessed by an evil spirit but that her spirit is just selfish and demanding with a sense of entitlement in a passive-aggressive kind of way, perhaps a carry-over from a past life.- AOD
Amos Oliver Doyle, Tue 26 Jul, 16:19

Michael & Amos,
Have you ever looked at Channeling Erik? I can’t remember if we have communicated about that, Michael. It’s an ongoing dialogue between a mother and her son, Erik, who took his own life in October 2009. They communicate via one or more mediums. Here is a short conversation they had about possession. “Me: is Erik’s mother, Elisa Medhus M.D. Jamie is the medium.
Me: Okay, a lot of people have asked this one, Erik. It’s about possession. Can spirits possess the bodies of humans? I’m talking about demonic or non-demonic spirits.
Erik (chuckling): Is this the part of the book when you need to warn people whether they should read forward or not?
Jamie and I laugh.
Me: Maybe. I guess it all hangs on what you say, Sweetie!
Erik: Yes. Yes they can. Possessions do happen, demonic and non-demonic.
Me: Okay, but are there really evil spirits? I mean—
Erik: Sure. Just as there are evil people, there are evil spirits. After all, there’s still free will. A switch doesn’t get hit that’ll make you all knowing and great ad helpful just because you leave the body.
Me: Ah! Okay. Too bad.
Erik: You still have the free will to use that power to pull people away from Light.
Me: Um hm.
Erik: There are entities who thrive on that. They thrive on separation, on fear, on negative energy.
Me: So what about multiple personalities? Do these have something to do with possessions?
Erik: Yeah, it can and it usually is.
(Long pause as I wait for Erik to expound, but I guess that’s all he knows at the moment.)
Me: Well, what about benevolent possessions? Can spirits possess a human to help out?
Erik: Sure, especially healing spirits who will possess a body that’s in a coma state—
Me: Hm! Wow!
Erik: —or if something really traumatic happens, maybe right before they die. Those are two of the examples I can come up with now.
More on this topic through a different medium:
Me: Okay, let’s see. Next question. Is there any such thing as a demonic possession?
Erik: Yeah, there is. There is.
Me: Okay, can you expand on that a bit?
Erik: From what I understand—and I have my angel standing next to me to step in if I say something that’s not right.
I laugh.
Erik: But it’s my understanding that there’s light and there’s dark, and if someone concentrates or focuses on the dark too much, it can come in and take over. It causes a lot of mental illness. It can cause a lot of pain. I thought about it, you know, and I wondered about it for myself.
Me: Wow, so you thought you were possessed at one point?
Erik: Well, I didn’t really think I was possessed, but I wondered, because I was so… conflicted—all those emotions running around.
Continued at
Jon, Tue 26 Jul, 10:43

I agree with you 100%. When I read Dr. McKay’s response to that question, I was quite surprised and wondered how he came to that conclusion and if his response was based solely on what Jordan had communicated to him. I further wondered if he is aware of Wickland and all the other researchers who have come to a different conclusion. However, as a reporter, I was just relaying his answers to my email questions and wasn’t prepared to get into a lengthy email discussion on the matter with him, especially since I had already exceeded my desired word length.
Michael Tymn, Tue 26 Jul, 07:30

Yes I agree Michael; Nice interview.
I also agree with Jon though that perhaps spirits may influence us in a negative way. I am not that familiar with possession by ‘evil’ spirits but I suppose there are some evidential accounts of such things. Certainly the Bible makes reference to demons and exorcising them. And even in life there are people who think they know what is better for us or may be jealous, envious, or just mean people so I would think that in the spirit those same people would continue to be mean or believe that they know that is best for me and influence or haunt me in a negative way. - AOD
Amos Oliver Doyle, Mon 25 Jul, 20:12

Nice interview, very interesting.
What do you think about Matthew’s statement, “I believe that spirits of the dead can only influence us in positive ways.” Can that really be the case?
There is centuries of evidence and suggestion that certain people can and are influenced negatively by deceased people. Evidence for this has been demonstrated in Spirit Release Therapy, books such as Carl Wickland’s “Thirty Years among the Dead,” people with schizophrenia who are often seemingly influenced by negative influences, etc. The list goes on.
This is not to mention the hundreds of thousands of exorcisms carried out in places such as Italy every year. Is he saying not a single one of these is the result of a negative influence by a discarnate?
Then of course there are all the religious references, biblical and otherwise, that speak about casting out demons. They could of course all be bogus.
We also often read about people with addictions being influenced by low-level entities because their psychological immune system is depleted.
Can it be that there is no truth in any of this? What are your thoughts?
Maybe you could ask Matthew to comment.
Jon, Mon 25 Jul, 09:58

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