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How the Eiffel Tower is Like the Spirit World

Posted on 16 September 2019, 9:48

“Why can’t a medium find out what happened to Flight 370?”  That was the question asked not long ago by a reader of one of my books. He was referring to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which disappeared somewhere over the Indian Ocean on March 8, 2014 with 227 passengers and 12 crew members presumed dead.  To this day, the final resting place of Flight 370 remains one of the greatest air mysteries of all time.

The reader was suggesting that someone should be able to go to a good medium and make contact with one of the pilots or passengers to find out what happened to them.  I inferred from our discussion that the reader assumed that spirits are omniscient, or all-knowing, which psychical research reveals, is clearly not the case. Some spirits, we are told, don’t know any more than they did when in the material world.  Nor are they sitting on some heavenly perch able to peer down and see all events taking place in the physical realm.  Quite a few don’t even know they are “dead.”  As I understand it, the spirit world is shaped something like the Eiffel Tower, (below) having a broad base and gradually narrowing to the top. As spirits advance toward the top, it becomes more and more difficult for them to communicate with the physical world.  This is because such communication is a matter of vibrational frequency.  To put it another way, the less-advanced, or less-evolved, spirits are closer in vibration to those of us in the physical world and therefore can communicate more effectively with us than advanced spirits.


If the Eiffel Tower is a valid simile, most spirits, or souls, it seems, are hovering, not far above the esplanade at ground level.  Earthbound souls are in something of a stupor, struggling to keep their feet on the ground, while slightly more developed souls are striving to make it to the first-floor observation deck at 187 feet. Those who are have reached the first deck have a better view of things than those below them, but it is mostly a local view and certainly does not extend to the Indian Ocean. They are within shouting distance of those still on the esplanade, but it requires a loud voice and harmonious wind conditions for those on the ground to hear them.  Only a few of them have voices strong enough to be distinctly heard by those on the ground and often those on the ground catch only a few words and just get the gist of the message. 

The more evolved souls – those who have reached the second observation deck at 377 feet – have an even better view of things but it is still far short of the Indian Ocean, and they are well beyond shouting distance from those on the esplanade.  Indications are, however, that they are sometimes able to communicate with humans on the esplanade by using souls on the lower deck as intermediaries, i.e., having the lower-level souls relay the messages to humans. It often happens that the soul on the first deck does not completely grasp the message from above and the person on the ground receives a distorted message or even a completely different one.

“All should remember the parlor game in which a few words are whispered into the ear of the one near you and from him to a third and a fourth person and so on, to find at the end that there is no resemblance to what was started,” explained Professor James Hyslop, one of the foremost psychical researchers of the last century, referring to the game charades.  “The same is likely to take place in spirit messages. The control (spirit intermediary) must put the message through and it will take the color of his or her mind.  Then it is doubly colored by the subconscious, sometimes by the normal consciousness of the medium as well. The fact that the incidents prove the personal identity of a deceased person and are not known by the medium suffices to justify the spiritistic hypothesis, though this origin does not prove the purity of the message, or that it came from the communicator directly.  It may have been subjected to all sorts of modifications, phonetic, visual, or interpretative.”  Hyslop (below) further explained that much communication between spirits and as received by human mediums is by means of thought-transference, or “pictographic” in form, not in language as we know it.  Such pictographic communication is subject to frequent misinterpretation.


The lessons of psychical research suggest that the very advanced, or high spirits – those metaphorically on the highest deck of the Eiffel Tower, at 907 feet – see much more of what is going on in the physical world than those on the lower decks.  They have easy access to the antennae above them and can tune in to pretty much anywhere. Their focus, however, is no longer on individuals, as may be the case with lower-level spirits, but on humanity as a whole.  While they apparently try to influence humanity in a positive direction, they are not permitted to interfere with our free-will challenges and lessons, fully recognizing that overcoming adversity is the best way to learn and spiritually evolve. 

“It is necessary that afflictions come,” said the obviously advanced spirit with the name Imperator, who communicated through the mediumship of William Stainton Moses, an Anglican priest, during the latter part of the nineteenth century.  “Jesus knew and taught that. It is necessary for the training of the soul.  It is as necessary as physical discipline for the body.  No deep knowledge is to be had without it.  None is permitted to scale the glorious heights but after discipline of sorrow.  The key of knowledge is in spirit hands, and none may wrest it to himself but the earnest soul which is disciplined by trial.”

Moses was told that Imperator headed up a “band of 49 spirits” – apparently a “group soul” – and that his messages were actually relayed through lower-level spirits making up the group soul.  We might infer that Imperator was on the top deck of the Eiffel Tower, while others in his band, elevated but not so advanced, were on the middle deck, perhaps some on the lower deck in order to facilitate communication with those still on the esplanade.  It may also be that Moses was able to raise his vibration rate to something approaching the lower deck of the Eiffel Tower, thereby receiving communication directly from the middle-level spirits.  The messages handed down through the Imperator group were not bits and pieces of information coming from a recently departed loved one to a human, as is more common in today’s clairvoyant-type mediumship; they were teachings aimed at helping humans better understand the meaning of life and see the bigger picture.

The group soul called “Silver Birch,” which communicated through the mediumship of Englishman Maurice Barbanell, said much the same thing as Imperator:  “You do not develop the spirit when everything is easy and smooth, but when you have difficulties.  But there are times when we feel justified in interfering with your judgment.  I would interfere if a very vital principle were involved.  If it meant that my work through my medium would be interrupted, then I would interfere so that the channel would still be free.  But when the problems only involve my medium’s own evolution, then they are his responsibility and he must work them out for himself.”
The afterlife hierarchy described above does not suggest that the lower-level spirit is earthbound or evil in any way, only that he or she is not all that spiritually evolved. On the other hand, there are indications that advanced spirits can temporarily come down to a lower vibration to do missionary work with those who those who have “spiritual ears” and to assist in communication. It has been recorded that a spirit coming down from a higher level is much like a human trying to hold his/her breath under water.  The spirit can hold on to the lower vibration for only a short period. 

Back to Flight 370, the research indicates that even a gifted medium cannot simply dial up a deceased person. There must be a sympathetic link of some kind – a living loved one or some person with a special connection to the spirit present with the medium in order to make contact.  However, if such a link were made between a victim of Flight 370 and a living person, there is no reason to assume that the communicating spirit, especially if just a passenger, would know where the plane went down.  Why would we expect the communicating spirit to know the coordinates of the final resting place of the plane or how the plane went astray?  If a pictograph message were to come to a medium (or to a psychic) showing a body of water, it would be meaningless.  It is not nearly as simple as the skeptics think it should be.

To again quote Imperator:  “We are not permitted to interfere in the chain of cause and effect; to save man from the consequences of his sin; to pander to idle curiosity; to change the world from a state of probation.”

Michael Tymn is the author of The Afterlife Revealed: What Happens After We Die, Resurrecting Leonora Piper: How Science Discovered the Afterlife, and Dead Men Talking: Afterlife Communication from World War I.

Next blog post:  Sept. 30


im just learning about all of this , but from the bottom of my heart thank you , this put things together in a sense , a lot makes sense now

Paola Sierra, Mon 21 Mar, 04:53

John Joseph, this God business is hopelessly out dated. My granddaughter is at university, she has never come across any of her generation who has fallen under the spell of priestcraft.
In 2019 we now know that everything in the universe is natural and normal. Our ancestors who knew nothing about the cosmos did not know that 95% of the universe is missing. They understandably thought that when “dead” people made contact with us that they had witnessed something that was supernatural or paranormal. Hence all this rubbish about dead physical bodies coming out of graves on a far off Judgement Day.

Michael Roll, Tue 8 Oct, 09:01

To Anthony’s point:

“If God exists, why are children crying?”
-Ivan Karamozov in Brothers Karamozov, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
The more we think we know,’the more puzzled we become.  Children in cages at our borders does make you wring your hands and plead: “Where are you,’Captain?!”
But I suppose “God” may rightly reply: “Where are YOU???”

John Joseph, Mon 7 Oct, 18:51

Patience Worth’s statement “Heart that astoppeth beating, ne’er astoppeth loving” seems quite accurate to me, Amos.

Over here we just finished watching Ken Burns’ monumental series on the history of country music.  George Jones’ famous song “He Stopped Loving Her Today” was featured. In the song, a man loves a woman till the day he dies, the “today” of the title.  It was a huge hit, but it doesn’t ring true to me at all!  Dying does not mean in the least that one stops loving.

Sadly for the poor guy in the song, unrequited, painful love isn’t going to stop with death either.  But we can hope for a broader perspective about it at least, I think.

Elene, Thu 26 Sep, 09:35

Yes Paul, you are right. It was an etheric person who asked me if there was any person who has died that I would like to meet again. The materialisation medium that I worked with was just a passive instrument in the corner of the room. She did not have a clue what was going on. The full story is on my website. My Rita Goold reports that made Professor Archie Roy, the head of astronomy at Glasgow University,come to see me in Bristol. He also witnessed the Rita Goold experiment a few days later in Leicester:

Michael Roll, Wed 25 Sep, 10:19

Michael (Tymn) I hope you don’t think that I am being critical. I think you are doing splendid work. I am just trying to make the point about the difference between mental mediums and, in my experience, materialisation mediums.
When I met the “dead” Helen Duncan in 1983, after she had been checked out by her daughter. I asked Helen why her etheric team did not warn her that the police were planning to raid her during a demonstration? Helen replied that her etheric team advised her not to give a demonstration on the night she was killed by the police raid. Helen told me that “Like a fool I did not take their advise because of all the people that had paid me money. I did not want to let them down.”
This is the reason why the materialisation medium that I worked with, Rita Goold, was not allowed to take one penny. Not even for the food she provided.

Michael Roll, Tue 24 Sep, 09:37


Many thanks for your comments, but I think you misread or misinterpreted what I said about mediums, or psychics, doing detective work.  I am well aware that there are many cases in which psychics or psychic mediums have assisted in solving crimes.  Generally, I think they need something belonging to the missing or deceased person to divine (not sure if psychometricize is a real word). However, most I have read about result in clairvoyant visions, such as a billboard being near the body or a pond of some kind, thereby narrowing the search. My comment about Flight 370 was that the psychic might see a body of water, but that would be meaningless unless the map coordinates were given, which seems highly unlikely.

Michael Tymn, Sun 22 Sep, 08:57

Very interesting Michael but that’s an example of the ostensible communicator offering to bring someone not the medium calling someone up isn’t it?

Paul, Sat 21 Sep, 18:20

Patience Worth said “Heart that astoppeth beating, ne’er astoppeth loving.” - AOD

Amos Oliver Doyle, Sat 21 Sep, 12:50

Yes, I saw the contradiction but I was too lazy to do a work-around. - AOD

Amos Oliver Doyle, Sat 21 Sep, 12:47

The bit about calling up spirits.

In 1983 I witnessed a demonstration of full materialisation phenomena. Six recently deceased people were materialising at every experiment. One etheric person said to me, “You are coming back next week Mike with your mother, is there anybody over here that you would like us to get.” I asked if they would be kind enough to get my father who passed over in 1967. The next week I was reunited with my father.

Michael Roll, Sat 21 Sep, 10:53

Hm. I can think of one good reason at least for seeing mediums once one had proof of survival - maintaining contact with someone we love.

I immediately thought of the medium George Chapman and his ostensible communicator and healer, William Lang. If I recall correctly, Lang’s daughter maintained regular contact with her father which was kept secret until after her own death, at her request. I understand a number of Mr Lang’s medical colleagues did too.

Paul, Sat 21 Sep, 09:26


I’m glad someone here knows all the secrets of the afterlife. Sorry to learn that Mike Tymn, who is as knowledgeable as anyone in the world about the long history of recorded communications via mediumship, has it all wrong. Perhaps you’d give us the dish on how it really is, if possible without us having to bother dying immediately to understand.

Rick Darby, Sat 21 Sep, 04:35

Amos asks why the Flint group did not call up Shakespeare to ask about the authorship of his plays, calling this a missed opportunity.  Then he mentions that John Edward says he can’t get in touch with a specific spirit and never knows who is going to come through. See the contradiction?

Leslie Flint did not call up specific people, and did not have control over the communicators, as Paul pointed out.  A group of spirits collaborated on the project of communicating through him, and seem to have had their own group agenda as well as individual concerns and in some cases relationships with the sitters (such as Chopin’s with Rose Creet).

The question of whether spirits can, should, or are allowed to “save” us is a fascinating one.  As I said, I was told firmly that the climate crisis is our responsibility, not that of the folks in the spirit world.  However, it is very clear that various nonphysical entities do their best to help us with our lives on a regular basis. I have experienced a lot of that myself. (There have been references to some on the spiritual planes also trying to interfere in ways that are less than helpful.)  So my impression is that they are muddling along as best they can and doing as they see fit, more or less the same as we are.

Amos wrote, “What I am suggesting is that there is no need for departed spirits to linger around someone they knew intimately on earth.  There is no need for them to watch over or interfere with the life plan of others. From their perspective there really is no need for them to communicate at all.”  Perhaps no need, but often great desire.  Emotional connections do not diminish across the veil.  People still love and care for each other. 

I’ll have to check on that Kardec film.  And I would be most interested to know something about Lisa’s experiences, if she ever wants to tell about them.  I wish her well in what sounds like a difficult journey.

Elene, Fri 20 Sep, 09:08

Mike (Tymn) Please refer to Victor Zammit’s book ‘A lawyer argues for the Afterlife’In it he lists no end of cases where mediums have helped detectives solve crimes.
When I attended an experiment with a materialisation medium. I did ask about solving crimes.I was told by one of the etheric contacts that a good materialisation medium is for only proving survival not solving crimes as the underworld would soon kill the medium.

Michael Roll, Fri 20 Sep, 08:58

Thanks to Elene for her report on Liszt, Chopin, and Mozart.  For more on this, see Elene’s blog, “Elene Explores” at

Michael Tymn, Fri 20 Sep, 08:26

Michael - long time reader.  You cannot be any more wrong in this hypothesis - absolutely wrong.  Cannot explain until you are dead.  Been there, headed back soon d/t disease process.  NOT EVEN CLOSE in this assumption. Not even close to how it works. Sounds nice and pat.  Layers, etc. But does not work that way in this world.  Bluntly put, you are dead wrong.

Lisa, Fri 20 Sep, 02:52

Mike (Tymn) I think you are talking about mental mediums. The experience that I have had with a full materialisation experiment is a bit different. There is the example to the “dead” sailor from HMS Barham materialising during a demonstration in Portsmouth where he told his mother in the audience that he would not be coming home as his ship has just blown up. It was this incident that led to Helen Duncan being convicted under the Witchcraft Act and being sent to prison.
The admiralty wanted to keep the sinking of the Barham a secret. It was all to do with keeping the date and place of D-Day a secret. The government were so frightened that Helen Duncan may let slip the D-Day plans. As she was so right about the sinking of the Barham when nobody else knew.

Michael Roll, Thu 19 Sep, 10:52

Many thanks to Jane and Steve for the remote viewing link. I watched it before and found it very interesting. It demonstrates the problems in interpreting what is coming through, whether it be from spirit or from some other cosmic source.

Thanks also to those who pointed out that I confused charades with Chinese Whispers or whatever else it is called.

Michael Tymn, Wed 18 Sep, 22:12

Anthony wrote:  “I am concerned with Imperator’s words about not being permitted to “save man from the consequence of his sin.”

Anthony, I think it is all part of free will.  Where do we draw the line between simple malfeasance and widespread terrorism or war?  They all add adversity and it is dealing with this adversity that seems to provide the lessons for spiritual evolution. I believe we have to get over the idea of some God in the skies pulling strings and being able to prevent such adversity out of love for mankind.

As the spirits told Kardec: “God has not created beings to let them remain for ever a prey to evil; He created them only in a state of simplicity and ignorance, and all of them must progress, in a longer or shorter time, according to the action of their will.

Michael Tymn, Wed 18 Sep, 22:06

Ian wrote:“There was a time when these descriptions of the spiritual world made sense to me, but as I’ve gotten older, they sound more and more like the power structures that have existed throughout all of human history: A few gain power and isolate themselves from everyone else, while simultaneously making everyone else toil and work themselves to the bone to support those higher up the totem pole. I would think that the spiritual world would be above such human structures; it makes me wonder if the Gnostic view of the Demiurge and its servants pretending to be angels, ascended masters, and disembodied humans so they can order human spirits around, take our energy, and then send us back to Earth for another life of pain and misery might have some basis in fact.”

Ian, you seem to assume that the more advanced spirits have the power or ability to change the Divine Plan in the same way that those with power in the material world can change things. I don’t see it that way.  If they did have such power, then there would be no reason for them not to help every person by eliminating all adversity and pulling everyone up to their level. If that were the case, there would be no point in spiritual evolution and the Divine Plan would be pointless. The Advanced Souls “did their time” and dealt with adversity in a long struggle to reach their position in the spiritual hierarchy. I don’t think we should be applying terrestrial standards of love, care and help to celestial matters. 

To again quote Imperator: “The busy world is ever averse from the things of spirit life. Men become so absorbed in the material, that which they can see and grasp, and hoard up, and they forget that there is a future and spirit life. They become so earthly that they are impervious to our influence; so material that we cannot come near them; so full of earthly interests that there is no room for that which shall endure when they have passed away.  More than this, the constant preoccupation leaves no time for contemplation, and the spirit is wasted for lack of sustenance. The spiritual state is weak; the body is worn and weary with weight of work and anxious care, and the spirit is well-nigh inaccessible.  The whole air, moreover, is heavy with conflicting passions, with heart-burnings, and jealousies, and contentions, and all that is inimical to us.” 

So much of it is beyond human comprehension, but that is the way I see it. Thanks for your thought-provoking comment.

Michael Tymn, Wed 18 Sep, 20:59

Amos wrote: “What I am suggesting is that there is no need for departed spirits to linger around someone they knew intimately on earth.  There is no need for them to watch over or interfere with the life plan of others. From their perspective there really is no need for them to communicate at all.”

To some extent, I agree with you, Amos. My interest in mediumship pretty much stops with the early psychical research. Indications are that the spirit world had a plan to counter the loss of faith brought about by materialism and the decline of religion. They provided evidence of their existence beyond a reasonable doubt and then backed off.  The current clairvoyant type mediumship helps those who are not familiar with the old evidence and need something more than blind faith.  What I agree with you on is that once you have that evidence, there should be no need for continuing sittings with mediums.

Michael Tymn, Wed 18 Sep, 20:31

Amos mentioned the languages and subtitles available for Kardec. You have to fiddle with the Netflix menu to make a selection, and everyone will have their own preference.

I started watching it dubbed in English, but what sounded like a New York-inflected accent of the actor voicing Kardec was jarring. I almost always prefer foreign movies in their original language, and switched to Portuguese with subtitles.

Netflix labels Kardec as its own production. It would be interesting to know what role the streaming company played in making it. The movie looks like it had a decent budget, which might be down to Netflix. Does the company have a Spiritist on its board who inspired this exception to the usual lineup of action, teenage romance, and serial killer flicks?

Rick Darby, Wed 18 Sep, 18:26

I don’t think mediums say they can “call up” communicators like some sort of interdimensional telephone do they? It seems to be more led by the ostensible communicators’ desire to get in touch. Flint never offered specific communicators as far as I recall, it was down to whoever turned up to communicate.

As for Shakespeare - even if he did communicate, who would be able to confirm his identity? Anyone who knew him personally is long gone. I guess such a communicator might offer to give information only Shakespeare would know but who would be able to validate it?

After four hundred years I’d hope Shakespeare was beyond being bothered about communicating with us.

As far as locating the crashed plane, perhaps only the pilots would know assuming they were alive at the point it crashed. I’d have thought there’d be more chance of psychometry finding it, or remore viewing. You’d think someone would know in the spirit world wouldn’t you?

Paul, Wed 18 Sep, 12:33

Thank you for your good article,Michael Tymn.
Your explanations fit in nicely with what my own ‘higher communicators’have been channelling through me by dictating their books( now published).
I like your analogy of the Eiffel Tower…which makes me smile, as I am French-born, but now I live in England.
As already noted by other readers, your comments about Flight 370 are most logical. Indeed, one cannot see the bigger picture when deeply immersed in the centre of the drama.  Also: worth noting that Near Death Experiencers often have a very distorted view of the Other Side, especially if scary or painful events forced them out of their flesh bodies: their frightened minds then often influence what they imagine as their surroundings, due to the automatic creative ability of our Thought Power!(Fear can manifest itself symbolically!). Thanks again for your useful & interesting work x. Brigitte RIX (in York-UK)

BRIGITTE RIX, Wed 18 Sep, 11:50

Of modest relevance is the partial success of Remote viewers of the Farsight Institute- Certainly thought provoking

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: July 2018 Time Cross - Farsight

SteveTrueblue, Wed 18 Sep, 09:39

So many comments to respond to here, but it is bedtime in Hawaii, and I will get to them tomorrow. I will just say now that I agree with both Rick and Amos about the Kardec movie.  I enjoyed it, although I also wondered if the producers exaggerated the negative reaction of the Catholic Church.

Michael Tymn, Wed 18 Sep, 09:39

Great article, Mike! However, I am concerned with Imperator’s words about not being permitted to “save man from the consequence of his sin.” Sometimes I wonder how that squares with folks (children especially) who have no responsibility for the destruction of the environment and our planet or the innocent victims of a drone strike or war. The list could go on. Are we little people to simply give up then? And go down with the ship whether it’s our making or not? I do wonder ... curious what others here think.

Anthony, Wed 18 Sep, 05:23

Great Example!

Yvonne Limoges, Tue 17 Sep, 20:59

I know this isn’t your intention, Mr. Tymn, but it just struck me that this article, with just a few word changes, could be describing an organized crime ring: The few with all the power and privileges stay at the very top, and the masses at the bottom are not allowed to see or interact with them. If they want to, they have to do hard, painful, dangerous work for years, if not decades, with those at the top doing next to nothing to help them.

There was a time when these descriptions of the spiritual world made sense to me, but as I’ve gotten older, they sound more and more like the power structures that have existed throughout all of human history: A few gain power and isolate themselves from everyone else, while simultaneously making everyone else toil and work themselves to the bone to support those higher up the totem pole. I would think that the spiritual world would be above such human structures; it makes me wonder if the Gnostic view of the Demiurge and its servants pretending to be angels, ascended masters, and disembodied humans so they can order human spirits around, take our energy, and then send us back to Earth for another life of pain and misery might have some basis in fact.

Ian, Tue 17 Sep, 20:50

I echo Rick Darby’s comment about the Netflix feature film “Kardec”. This 2019 Portuguese film has English subtitles and is dubbed in English, Spanish and one or two other languages.  The lighting and sets were beautiful and I could imagine a past life in Paris during the 1800s while watching the film.  The actors playing Kardec and his wife were very believable. The writing was simplistic at times but that may be due to the translation. That can be overlooked if one views the film as entertainment. I know nothing about the role of the Catholic prelates in harassing ‘Kardec’ but it made for an interesting story.  How much is factual I could not say.  I recommend this film for those who want to get a feel for those times and Kardec’s development in spiritualism.  -AOD

Amos Oliver Doyle, Tue 17 Sep, 17:22

Great job per usual Mike.  Thanks so much!
and I enjoyed everyone’s comments.  Blessings Karen

Karen E. Herrick, Tue 17 Sep, 16:15


This brings up a lot of worthwhile points, and your explanation of why mediums may not be able to see specific pieces of information is enlightening. 

The Eiffel Tower model is useful and helps us to visualize things that are difficult to comprehend, but we should remember that things are not really so linear.  For one thing, any given spirit personality is only one aspect of a larger being, and various parts of that being may exist on “higher” or “lower” planes “at the same time.”  Not that I can claim to understand this!

(By the way, the game you referred to is not charades but “telephone” or “Chinese telephone.”)

I had an interaction with Chopin last week that sheds a little light on the subjects of this post.  Here is some of what I wrote about it:

‘After reading through some short Mozart pieces that I hadn’t been familiar with, I got to wondering if Fryderyk has any kind of relationship with his idol, or ever sees him.  I was pleasantly surprised to find myself easily getting in touch with him and able to ask.

It seems that nobody really has a relationship with Mozart or gets to talk with him these days, from what he told me.  He is something of a recluse now (we both struggled to find the best word).  I was surprised, since I think of Mozart as a pretty gregarious person.  He is secluded in a kind of chamber in which he is in meditation and in communication directly with the Divine Source.  The image of a huge column of light streaming down, cascading into him, was strong, but I can’t say I really understood this whole concept.  It had almost a science fiction movie flavor.

I wondered if Mozart had become almost a sort of deity himself.  I’ve thought of him as something like that, but at the same time, the original earth-based Wolfgang seems so down to earth.  It’s interesting to contemplate.

I was trying to ask about what they do all “day,” something I am endlessly curious about, especially since it is more or less what we all will be doing eventually.

I wondered if they have any involvement with trying to help our dire situation on our dying planet.  He said, firmly, that this is the responsibility of those who live on the planet at present, that we wanted and intended to be here and deal with this, that it is “your burden.” 

But obviously he is involved heavily with the earth plane.

I asked about his relationship with Liszt, having recently heard a 1955 Leslie Flint track in which he spoke of his friendships with Liszt and Mendelssohn.  What is Liszt getting himself up to lately?  Is he still involved with us groundlings too?

He showed me Liszt reaching toward us, like a hand reaching down into the atmosphere to tweak things here below.  

How is that different from what he does?  He works by entering directly into the human heart, from the inside, instead of imposing something from the outside. 

But seriously: things are not looking good around here.  I asked if he had any advice for those of us tasked with getting through the next few decades.  He said, “Your love of life must become greater than your love of death.”’

Elene, Tue 17 Sep, 08:20

That is an Interesting question Michael, one that might be asked not only about ‘Flight 370’ but also about other unanswered questions that a departed spirit might answer.  A current discussion on Michael Prescott’s blog concerns who wrote the plays and poems of “William Shakespeare”? One would like a good medium to call up Shakespeare and ask him.  Leslie Flint apparently was successful in calling up famous people so one wonders why he did not conjure-up Shakespeare and ask the pressing question about who wrote his plays, especially since many of Flint’s contacts were involved with the English theater.  Alas, that was a missed opportunity.

I think you summed up the problem very well when you wrote:
“Back to Flight 370, the research indicates that even a gifted medium cannot simply dial up a deceased person. There must be a sympathetic link of some kind – a living loved one or some person with a special connection to the spirit present with the medium in order to make contact. [Didn’t always seem necessary with the Flint direct voices.] However, if such a link were made between a victim of Flight 370 and a living person, there is no reason to assume that the communicating spirit, especially if just a passenger, would know where the plane went down.  Why would we expect the communicating spirit to know the coordinates of the final resting place of the plane or how the plane went astray?  If a pictograph message were to come to a medium (or to a psychic) showing a body of water, it would be meaningless.  It is not nearly as simple as the skeptics think it should be.”

Even when there is a sympathetic link with another person, calling up a specific spirit seems to rarely occur. In watching medium John Edward in his videos in which he transmits information to people in a studio audience, he claims he can not call up a specific person and he never knows who will ‘come through’.  There seems to be a previous rather close relationship, good or bad, between the communicator and the audience member in most cases of good communication however, a “sympathetic link of some kind’ as you put it.

I think that in most cases a departed spirit enters into another reality continuum where time either doesn’t not exist or it exists in a way very dissimilar to the way time works on earth.  Some near-death experiencers say that they are not concerned with those they left behind, knowing that they will be all right and things will work out as they should without their interference either physically or spiritually; they don’t look back, they just go on. There is some thought that departed spirits return to ‘yesteryear’ and lose memory of what they left behind at the time of their death.  This was the view presented by Patience Worth in one of her poems and one that is comforting for me when I think about my relatives who have gone on.

Most spirits probably do not hover over those left on earth. I think that earthly relationships are seen very differently from a perspective of a spiritual existence.  What may have been viewed as a loving relationship on earth may from a higher perspective be seen as a domineering, overprotective or a smothering relationship and that relationship would not continue as such in spiritual life.  And if one will consider reincarnation and the fact that one may have lived many lives and have many varying relationships with one or more spirits, then the bond of one earth relationship assuredly would not continue as it was in the last incarnation.

What I am suggesting is that there is no need for departed spirits to linger around someone they knew intimately on earth.  There is no need for them to watch over or interfere with the life plan of others. From their perspective there really is no need for them to communicate at all.  - AOD

Amos Oliver Doyle, Tue 17 Sep, 02:29

Hi Mike, I enjoyed your comparison of the spirit world to the Eiffel Tower. It explained volumes clearly and simply. I also found myself thinking I must a pedant for wanting to say that the whispering game you referred to is known in England not as charades but as ‘Chinese Whispers’. I haven’t played that for over 60 years !

Keith P in England., Mon 16 Sep, 20:36

Off-topic but of interest here: You could have knocked me sideways with a feather when I saw that the Netflix streaming service has added a movie titled Kardec. No kidding, a film based on the life of Hyppolite Léon Denizard Rivail, better known (when he is known at all) as Allan Kardec, the scribe who transmitted to the world teachings of elevated spirits that form the basis of the Spiritist religion. I wasted no time before watching it.

Kardec is a feature film, not a documentary, and completely sympathetic to the man and his mission. It follows him from his early skepticism about the spiritualist fad in mid-19th century Paris to his awakening interest and eventual belief in the messages from the spirits, culminating in the publication of his The Spirits’ Book and The Book on Mediums.

Director Wagner de Assis was in charge of </i>Nosso Lar</i> (Our Home, 2010), based on the writings of Brazilian medium Chico Xavier and set in the afterlife, with sophisticated visual design. In Kardec, the scene setting is impressive as well, authentically evoking the look of old Paris including realistic computer-created exteriors. (One blooper, though. The Paris Opéra building shown in a street scene hadn’t yet been constructed in Kardec’s lifetime.)

The two principal actors are fine: Leonardo Medeiros as Kardec, and even more, Sandra Corveloni as Amelie-Gabrielle, his pianist wife.

To gin up some drama, the movie does seem to wildly exaggerate the persecution Kardec faced from the Catholic church. The church was no longer very influential in post-Revolution France, and it’s hard to believe Kardec could have been in fear for his life or that his mediums would have abandoned him.

Nevertheless, Kardec is absorbing and a refreshing alternative to so many movies that portray the paranormal as threatening.

Rick Darby, Mon 16 Sep, 19:55

This is a great explanation, Mike! Thanks! I will use it and credit you in the classes I will soon be sharing, regarding Esoteric Healing for Humanity, Raising Our Communal Vibration and Expanding Our Awareness, True Empathy: Waking Up to Experiencing the Energy That Connects Us, and more. Also,
There is a video on YouTube of Courtney Brown’s Farsight Institute showing highly skilled remote viewers viewing the pilot and plane
of Flight 370. If anyone reading this would like to see how skilled remote viewing manifests when applied to incidents of interest to humanity, I recommend Farsight Institute’s videos.
Best wishes,

Jane Katra, Mon 16 Sep, 18:59

The metaphor of the Eiffel Tower beautifully sums up complicated teachings about how things work in the afterlife. It’s always helpful when those of us trying to understand them have a picture, as well as abstract words, we can refer to.

You write, “Those who are have reached the first deck have a better view of things than those below them, but it is mostly a local view and certainly does not extend to the Indian Ocean.”

Is physical distance actually the limiting factor, rather than post-mortem confusion or other factors related to the state of spiritual development of the victims? Distance doesn’t seem to make much difference on the higher planes; we are often told spirits can go wherever they like by thinking of a destination.

Anyway your point about Flight 370 is well taken. Passengers and cabin crew might have been unconscious because of rapid decompression and, as you say, would hardly be in a position to understand what was going on. As for the pilots, who knows? In an extreme emergency they themselves might not have been able to make sense of it.

Rick Darby, Mon 16 Sep, 17:04

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